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Membership Ideas/Issues?


I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?


I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?
- Value wise, I think it's par with other clubs

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?
- booklet wasn't too bad.

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?
- rubbish, the hat is disgraceful. It can't be worth $70

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
- all the above

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?
- nope. I wouldn't know half the things we get with it

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?
- voucher. At least I can purchase what I want instead of getting some of the items we get

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
- key ring and hat/scarf?

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?
- yes, especially babies

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
- knowing that I'm contributing to the club that I support financially

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
- the lack of events for members

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
- if financially we need to move a few more, then yep

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
- The store lacks design and uncomfortable when you walk in. It's missing the feel that your definately in an Eels shop

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
- it's ok but can be improved

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
- BGA web site is terrible and lacks confidence in me purchasing anything on line

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
- challanges against the bays like Bay 47 vs Bay 44 in a kicking game between a few members? goal kicking? torpedo machine? relay


Staff member
I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you? Had it since 1986. Nuff said.

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet? Didn't read it

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack? Would rather tick a box that said "no thanks"
4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum? Don't care

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program? Huh ?

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select? Rather tick a box "no thanks" and pay less.

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack? None.

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly? I think it caters to the brain dead

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member? Winning the comp. Oh hold on ...

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member? See above <sigh>

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough? If it improves the bottom line, move every game there.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience? No.

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership? I sent a cheque.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels? OK More vox pop on Eels Reels.

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges? Food prices and quality is shameful. That's why we eat elsewhere.


Nice idea J :thumn.

I'm sure there will be a range of opinions/answers, mine are below.

- - - - -

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?
Probably a little less than was charged this year... say maximum $300 for a seat in the stand?

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?
Didn't really look at it, but from first glance it seemed ok.

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?
Was not really impressed by any of it. From memory the key ring was ok, but I think we got one of those the year before?

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
Definitely fan forums. The others are all good to have as well. If there's only one of each held through the year then the club has the problem of setting a sensible timing for the event. Hence having several fan forums per year will serve the membership better.

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?
Not yet. The book looked interesting, but I don't carry it around it's hard to remember where the discounts apply.

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?
Voucher, hands down.

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
None, other than the ticket. Keep it simple (and cheaper).

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?
No, if a BGA shop voucher is issued instead, people can sort that stuff out for themselves at the shop.

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
Getting a seat at the home games.

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
For all the bandying about of the term member, the club doesn't officially reach out to make members feel part of the club, doesn't consult widely or often enough. Doesn't appear to invite or want our feedback. They have all of our email addresses, but we get a whole lot of marketing emails (some from third parties) rather than the club using the emails to enhance member involvement and opinions in the footy side of things.... Also having to listen to Maxie Boyden and now Mark Warren on game day is frustrating.

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
I understand the financial incentive to do so, but I'm not a fan of games at ANZ. I voted for a board that promised to bring all home games back to Parra Stadium, and they haven't done so.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
Not yet.

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
I'd rate it as business as usual. However I'm concerned to hear stories of fellow members being told their seats from last season would not be available to them, without any consultation or negotiation.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
Since the Eels website became part of the Telstra branded generic layout style of websites, I think it has gone downhill. I hardly bother looking at it - we get so many emails I don't feel I'm missing any news. I don't check the BGA or the Leagues Club sites often, if at all.

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
Home games don't need to be "events". At the end of the day it's just footy, and people will come if we are performing well and competing on the field.
a) Have much less talking on the mic during and between games.
b) The only time it is appropriate to have a guy on the ground with a mic is for 10 mins before 1st grade kick off, and during half time entertainment.
c) Half time should just be cheerleaders doing a song (4mins), a presentation if relevant (4mins), or quick competition with fans - not always kids (4mins). Whatever is done at half time and before the first game should be done more quietly.
d) Turn the volumes for talking and music down, and just make more use of footage on the video screen (without some paid spruiker needing to loudly introduce it every single time).
e) At all other times, have any necessary announcements (try scorers, interchange) coming from someone located in the grandstand booth, with a calm, smooth voice. Refer to David Collins circa 1986 if the club needs to remember how it worked.



First Grade
1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?

$220 AUD incl. GST

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?

Almost as good as last months Big W catalogue

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?

Lemon Hat - 10/10
Shoe Bag - 7/10
Bumper Sticker 5.2/10
Key Ring - 4/10
Member Scarf - 3/10
Member Lanyard - 7/10

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?

Just win some games, I dont want to be friends with the team.

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?

Yes, I got 11 cents off a goon-bag from BWS

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?

Membership items, the hat was great for Mardigras night

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?

Lemon Hat and giant inflatable hand

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?

No, only adult males should be allowed to attend football games.

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?

You can book in overseas holidays in September

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?

The coach should consult me on tem selection

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ
Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?

Move all the games there, Parra Stadium needs an upgrade, I got wet on Friday night and I was worried the lemon would run from my hat.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?

Yes, 4/10.

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?

2/10 - They didn't remeber me from the year before.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites?
Leagues Club? -500/10
BGA? 2/10
Parra Eels? 4/10

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?

Price rises on beer in line with the CPI.
Field goal competition at half time, those kids are sh*t at football.


I have these discussions with fellow members that sit in my bay. I'm just curious as to what other fellow eels members think about our club.


I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?
As much as it is now

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?
Didn't really look at it

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?
The scarf and sticker are probably the only things that will get used but i see the pack as a bonus anyway

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
Would love to do a stadium tour

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?
Yeah user the car hire discount a few times

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
Beanie and or scarf(we play a heap of friday night games), sticker(i'm sick of only ever seeing bunnies on cars everywhere)

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?
Wouldn't be a bad idea

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
Being a Parra member

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
Being a Parra Supporter

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
I would prefer to have all games at Parra Stadium but whatever helps keep the club afloat.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
Not as much as i'd expect in there. Online store is pretty ordinary for us that live out of the area

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
They were great. I upgraded from Family tickets on the North Hill to Cronin Grandstand, They called me up and told me what the options were location wise and made sure i was happy with the allocated seats before proceding

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
Would prefer it not be just a template copy of every other club but all the info is there. BGAHQ is ordinary

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
Win a few more games there would be nice. Being serious though i go there to watch the games so i'm not really fussed about the other stuff. It's good seeing the little kids running around before the game and at half time though

Parra Guru

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?
Not too bad

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?
Like: Bumper sticker, Key ring, Scarf, Lanyard
Hate: Bag, Hat (both sh*t quality)

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
Stadium Tour, Fan Forum, Trivia Night

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?
Membership Items because the BGA store is somewhat over-priced and the vouchers raised too much confusion (I found it particularly irritating that I couldn't use both vouchers at once last year as they are both my memberships)

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
Bumper Sticker, Hat/Scarf (something to wear)

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
Guaranteed seating at each game and priority purchase windows.

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
The service at the football club leaves a lot to be desired.

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
No. Until the ticketed membership increases dramatically we should remain at our spiritual ground as much as possible. However I do enjoy the couple of games taken to ANZ but that is enough.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
Yes - I like the layout however it is very squashy on game day.

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
Not very good - the customer service all round needs a lot of work.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
Don't care about the leagues club site, the BGA site is messy, the Parra eels site is good (although the Wenty page needs an update to keep fans updated - info on there is 2 years old!)

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
The food is terrible, more draws etc for ticketed Members, more videos before the game etc.
1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you? Blue blood member it's worth $50max paid $70

2. How do you rate this season&#8217;s membership booklet? Average

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack? Cap is crap, Scarf is very good, bag is too small and not useful, keyring is good, sticker is good, lanyard is good but i have no use for it.

4. What member&#8217;s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum? living away from sydney so no benefit

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program? No, but not thru lack of trying.

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select? Items, can't get to BGA Shop.

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack? a Good Cap and keyring.

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly? Jnr pack is ok but there is nothing for babies or elderly really.

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member? Showing your full support for your team.

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member? Lack of imformation

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough? If it helps cash flow and gets bigger crowds then i'd be happy to take upto 6 games but in saying that i don't get to games so it doesn't bother me in that way.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience? no

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership? did it all online.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels? Club- Average, BGA- crap, Parraeels- good

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges? N/A to me.

The Omen

. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?
- Around the $300 is acceptable and on par with other clubs

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?

- nothing to complain about

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?

- Bit too much Yellow. Would have preferred the new P.E hat instead, bag/key ring are good

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?

- All of the above

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?

- not yet but read through the book and could in the near future

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?
- Voucher, would be nice if it was to the so called value of the Supporters Pack (the hat value in particular)

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?

- scarf and keyring (those are the ones I get most out of)

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?

- definitely

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
- knowing i have a set seat each home game and am contributing towards the club I support

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member

- the losses , some of the best performances have been away and worst at home

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?

- I understand that money makes the world turn but there is more of a FAN atmosphere and passion when you are at a home game at Parra Stadium.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?

- yes. Was ok

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?

- has been pretty streamlined and easy. Especially 2yrs back when we requested a change of seating (for a better view and no railing obstruction)

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?

- The BGA one is terrible, seems like it is rarely updated and most things are always out of stock. Parra Eels site isn’t bad and easy to navigate

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?

- vary the half time entertainment from week to week
-Improve the food aswell of the wait time to get something to eat or drink.
- the PA system needs to be used on a less frequent basis – only at the team intros, half time, Parra cheers. No running commentary during the game
- larger video screen/s

Captain BF

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you? I'm more than happy with the price. It would cost more if i bought a ticket each time i went, which is every home game and a few away games.

2. How do you rate this season&#8217;s membership booklet? Very reasonable.

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack? I consider all the extra stuff such as hat & booklet as a bonus to my season ticket. So i'm happy with the free stuff.

4. What member&#8217;s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum? I can't say how big a thrill it was to walk onto Parra Stadium and tour the facilities a couple of years ago when they last did it. The trivia night was also enjoyable. All events are great to keep the club connected to the fans.

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program? I have on something, can't remember what is was though..

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select? Again, not overly fussed. But, we did get both last season yes? 2010?

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly? Yes. Which reminds me, i haven't registered my new little girl as a Sparky Jnr Eel yet. She's already a month old. Boy am i slack!

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member? Knowing i'm contributing financially to the club + i get a permanent spot at the Stadium + first dibs on finals & Origin tix.

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member? No Preimership since 86. Nah, that's got nothing to do with being a member. Lack of events, even though i think that they are a bonus as well.

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough? 2 is more than enough. I personally dislike the place. Parra Stadium is our home.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience? Better by a country mile than what we had before. A bit pricey, but so are most other places.

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership? I haven't had any problems with them ever. They have always fixed any issue i have had. When i upgraded from 2 tickets to 3, they checked if the extra seat i wanted was available.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels? Leagues, ok but don't really use, BGA: ok, Parra Eels: ok, as PG said Wenty page seriously needs updating.

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges? More members draws. They really need to try again to get a carpark put into the Leagues club as parking around Parra is bad!

p.s. This site frustrates me at times. I sometimes take a long time to post replies when i'm at work due to distractions and getting kicked off the site, losing posts and having to re-type them is annoying.


I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?
I think that it is worth the 300 or so I paid for a stand undercover seat that is mine without having to stuff around with ticketek week to week

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?
All I want is an annual report each year.

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?
Needs changing. It may be alright to have a kids pack with bits and pieces, but as a member over 30 I just want one item of value instead of a sunny boy showbag.

My mate wore his Souths members hat last week which was an ISC brand and it looked great. Our canary yellow option is woeful. If the total sum of money for the packs can be used for a single high quality hat or training shirt etc, then the membership value would be excellent.

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
Fan forum

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?
No, but there are some things I intend using.

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?
Same as question 3..... Give me one high quality item!

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
A quality.... good looking cap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?
Kids only

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
Doing your bit for the club.

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
Historically our merchandise has been lacking in terms of current style.... other clubs and codes clothing just looks better. (although some of it has improved slightly)

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
I can cop us taking any game with souths, bulldogs, tigers or dragons there as these will draw 20000 plus at anz.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
Yes, two days ago. Didn't buy anything...see Q10

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
Very good

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
BGA is not good..... Went on about 2 weeks ago and anything that was half decent was sold out. Also how about having new range of 2012 out before xmas 2011..........

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
Food- expensive and lacking quality.
Beer- expensive
Entertainment- Huge AMF bowling ball challenge is pathetic. If we dont have money or talent for hire, then junior league games.

Those 'fat pizza' comedians the other night must go. To attract new members and spectators, less bogan is required.

1 Eyed TEZZA

I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you? Fairly important

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet? Didnt read it

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack? I like the membership key ring and didnt mind the scarf, but the hat was not a good yellow. I would also like to see a more even amount of Blue and Gold on the items instead of predominately gold or blue.

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
I probably wouldn't attend to be honest. If I had to make a choice I would like to see what the clubs long term plans are finance and player wise.

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program? No

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
Membership sticker and keyring. (not including membership card)

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?
Women and babies yes.

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
Having my seat at the stadium and ensuring that I will have a seat come finals time

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
The lack of finals time and food prices.

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
If the club is making money off it then Im ok with it. Id like for it to stay at two, but if the point comes where the club can make more money by taking bigger matches to ANZ, then im all for it.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
Iv been there and I like it. Staff are friendly and the variety of items is quite good.

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
Well, while it was efficient and the person who renewed my membership did offer me better seats, it could have been friendlier.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
Im not a fan of the BigPond model that the club uses for its website. I prefer the previous one. The information on it is good and links are useful. But not a fan of the lay out.

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
Stadium? Lower the prices of food. Move the screen from behind the advertising signs. Change the halftime games up a bit. Some more lighting at night time outside the stadium.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Just an idea for the membership booklet, I think it would be cool if we had members names in the booklet. (as in list of members names).

Of course members would need to ok it which they can do when they sign the form, there can be a little box that reads "do you approve for the club to publish your name in the membership booklet at the end of the year?"


I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?
I think that it is worth the 300 or so I paid for a stand undercover seat that is mine without having to stuff around with ticketek week to week

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?
All I want is an annual report each year.

3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?
Needs changing. It may be alright to have a kids pack with bits and pieces, but as a member over 30 I just want one item of value instead of a sunny boy showbag.

My mate wore his Souths members hat last week which was an ISC brand and it looked great. Our canary yellow option is woeful. If the total sum of money for the packs can be used for a single high quality hat or training shirt etc, then the membership value would be excellent.

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
Fan forum

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?
No, but there are some things I intend using.

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?
Same as question 3..... Give me one high quality item!

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
A quality.... good looking cap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?
Kids only

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
Doing your bit for the club.

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
Historically our merchandise has been lacking in terms of current style.... other clubs and codes clothing just looks better. (although some of it has improved slightly)

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
I can cop us taking any game with souths, bulldogs, tigers or dragons there as these will draw 20000 plus at anz.

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
Yes, two days ago. Didn't buy anything...see Q10

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
Very good

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
BGA is not good..... Went on about 2 weeks ago and anything that was half decent was sold out. Also how about having new range of 2012 out before xmas 2011..........

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
Food- expensive and lacking quality.
Beer- expensive
Entertainment- Huge AMF bowling ball challenge is pathetic. If we dont have money or talent for hire, then junior league games.

Those 'fat pizza' comedians the other night must go. To attract new members and spectators, less bogan is required.

your number 3 point is a very good one. A few years back, we got an ISC cap and I remember rocking up to our first home game and a lot of people were wearing them. I didn't see many wearing the bright yellow one, that's probably it was pouring.

Parra Guru

your number 3 point is a very good one. A few years back, we got an ISC cap and I remember rocking up to our first home game and a lot of people were wearing them. I didn't see many wearing the bright yellow one, that's probably it was pouring.

Yeah I still wear that cap - great quality. Also had the velcro adjusters (I hate those fiddly clips on the current ones).

born an eel

I mentioned in the Brett Kenny thread that I will post up 15 questions regarding our current Membership packages plus other issues that the club currently has.

Just wondering how we all feel about this

1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?
the current price is acceptable
2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?
isn't it "last seasons booklet, needs to be proof read better
3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?
4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?
don't care, will become more important when kids are older
5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?
6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?
voucher, or quality cap in the right colours
7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?
game tickets & refer Q6
8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?
if they have to go done that track make it selectable, I would have preferred to get something for the kids rather than adult pack with adult ticket
9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?
my seat at parra stadium
10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?
my seat location at ANZ
11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?
would not be a ticketed member and would use other memberships for access to ANZ
12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?
yes, reasonable. lack of change room
13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?
mostly done on line but expected a call to indicate additional seats not available.
14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?
rarely access them
15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?
food and drink access and quality


Yeah I still wear that cap - great quality. Also had the velcro adjusters (I hate those fiddly clips on the current ones).

I dont understand why ISC couldn't make the caps in our pack?

If the value of the pack is $70, surely that could provide that item


1. How much is your season membership/seat worth to you?

Good value for me

2. How do you rate this season’s membership booklet?


3. How do you rate the membership items in the pack?

Cap sucks, keyring good, bag a bit weird but ok

4. What member’s only events would you like to experience? Coach & Staff Night? Stadium Tour? Trivia Night? Fan Forum?

Trivia night would be good

5. Have you used the Ambassador Card benefits program?

Not yet, but will

6. If you had a choice between this seasons membership items or a voucher at the BGA Shop, which would you select?

Items probably, but it would be a close call

7. What 2 items would you consider essential in your annual membership pack?

None. I'd prefer a rotating system too for the main items (cap one year, scarf the next etc)

8. Do you feel we should have specific member packs to cater females, babies, and the elderly?

If cost effective, definitely yes

9. What's the best thing about being a Parra member?

Knowing I contribute to the financial well being of the club I love

10. What is the most frustrating thing about being a Parra member?

25 years between drinks

11. How do you feel about the club taking more games to ANZ Stadium? Should we take more? Is 2 enough?

No, unless it is a matter of financial life and death

12. Have you visited the BGA Store? If so how do you rate the experience?

Yes, it's not bad

13. How do you rate your experience with club staff or club correspondence during the purchase or renewal of your membership?

Easy, no problems whatsoever. They were very helpful in getting me closer to the 50m line.

14. How do you rate the Clubs web sites? Leagues Club? BGA? Parra Eels?

Don't like the site, but I guess it's a template by the NRL/Telstra

15. How can the club improve your satisfaction at Parra Stadium? Entertainment? Competitions? Challenges?

Win more games ;-)

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