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Mergers and Premiership Tallies

How Many GF's have they won

  • Total voters


statsitically speaking, you're an idiot..

Seems to me you cant handle the truth and have no credible comeback what so ever, you never address anything, you just dance around it like a ballerina with one leg. It is clear you have got nothing in terms of debate, no knowledge of anything factual apart from cheap comments and pretty pictures.


I just find it amusing that you's are happy to take a premiership thats not beating the storm in the GF while Manly and Parramatta turned their noses up at it.

After 12 years and zero premierships I guess you were desperate.

And who is to say they would have even got there?
RL is a funny old game that way,
Even if they had, in light of the cheating that became obvious, would they even have deserved to be there?
As someone else said, Brisbane don't seem to have any quarrels about their 2006 title despite not beating Saints to take it, and in retrospect (and considering which team stopped Saints getting to the 2006 GF) Brisbane probably would have needed to beat Saints to get it, the same Saints side which had beaten them 3 times that year, the same one which had beaten them pretty well no more than 3 weeks earlier.
However, do I begrudge Brisbane their title? - No.
I would have liked a rewind button in April to turn the tape back and see what happens at the apex of season 2006 without the storm there to stop Saints from getting to the GF, but it can't happen - and even if they got there is no guarantee they would have beaten Brisbane in the GF, just like the storm this year, they needed to get to the GF to start with.

As stated before, Manly and Parra did not beat them on the day, they were not offered the premiership rings in any way, shape or form.
Personally I think they are entitled to them given the magnitude of the cheating, but that is an issue for those clubs and the melbourne players, made difficult by the fact that not all of them took money under the table.
The storm were ineligible to even get near the GF, as they should have been for the previous 5 years.
Marion Jones beat quiet a few people in the 2000 Olympics, upon the stripping of her medals these were (for the most part) handed on to those who finished behind her, those that finished behind a filthy, lying f**king drug cheat.
Now are you saying that the people that came in behind her should have had to have not only beat HER on the day, but also BALCO's performance enhancing drugs to feel entitled to their medals?
I hope not, if so you are dumber than I though.

What the storm did is no different, they can sit on the sidelines and snipe if they want to, and by the looks of it you'll be happy to join them, but the fact is that they were excluded from the competition in April due to their cheating and were thus ineligible to compete in anything after the final round.
We saw how good they were in a GF when a few hundred thousand was shaved off their team (2008).
If they were to have shed players immediately after being found guilty (and remember all those increases to the cap and third party payments weren't in effect yet) they would have needed to ditch a sh*tload of player(s), they probably would not have made the GF due to being:
a) Without some of their best (Inglis would not have been there along with a host of others including White)
b) Absolutely f**king disjointed due to shedding 6 or so players and having to bring in the kids to make up the numbers

Exactly why you seem to think they represent the "yard stick" is beyond me.
They are cheats, plain and simple.
They are lower than low, not be emulated, looked up to, cited as an example or called "champions" in any way shape or form.
In fact I don't know what was more of a highlight in 2010, Saints winning it OR those cheating pieces of sh*t getting everything they'd "won" in the last 5 years taken away from them.
You mean like someone who claims to be arguing for reasons of morality?

When in fact, you are just hurting over Saints winning the premiership, and celebrating it.

Don't lie, it's abundantly clear you're having a hard time dealing with it.

The real funny thing is watching the haters now getting more uptight and attempting to 'prove' their point, whatever it is. lol

I've seen sore losers before, but this takes the cake.

Willow I am simply here because its the decent and right thing to do.



You keep telling yourself that Softy.

And you now have it in your sig file too. lol. It really has rattled your cage.

FTR softy, lots of people know the NRL's current stance on this. To you, I can see it's a revelation.

This is the same NRL that was established in 1998 as a joint venture of SL and ARL, and yet they were able to adopt all the NSWRL records going back to 1908. So Super League, the ARL and the NSWRL and the records all continue as part of the NRL competition. I have no isues with this. But you are the self proclaimed lover of the 'statistical aspects of sport', so by rights this contradiction must drive you to distraction.

And this just one of the many contradictions that exist in a world full of contradictions. But people still get on with their lives and enjoy themselves where they can.

Free tip Softy, if you let it upset you, you'll go nuts (moreso). Just relax and allow people to have their views, and I am sure you'll be able to enjoy the ride just that little bit better.

Good luck.

I like it when you call me softy it makes me feel sexy :hg:, What can I say this thread is fun lets keep it going till the trials start next year.


oh please Baron, how many times are you going to speel that crap? how the f**k is it the decent and right thing to do? It affects no one negatively and your crusade on this topic does nothing particularly positive, once again...you are a clown of the highest order...


Village Idiot
Staff member
Seems to me you cant handle the truth and have no credible comeback what so ever, you never address anything, you just dance around it like a ballerina with one leg. It is clear you have got nothing in terms of debate, no knowledge of anything factual apart from cheap comments and pretty pictures.

because this thread is full of truth and credibility??

i save my debates and efforts for where they are needed... this thread, and all other permiership count related ones, are nothing but a joke, and therefore treated like one...

so, i stand by my claim as the truth, as yes, statistically speaking you are an idiot... 99% of all people on this forum who have a derogatory reference to another club in their signature fall into this category..

oh yeah, nearly forgot...



Ok, lets comment on the "16 or 1" argument, and by association whether merging means starting again or continuing on as per normal.

Personally, I think it is a matter of opinion for most.
However, if we are going to cite an example of this you can look outside the game to companies.
BHP merged with Billiton in 2001 to become BHP Billiton.
BHP Billiton still classes itself as a company started in Australia, Broken Hill to be exact, in about 1885 or thereabouts and has this entire history in its chronology - they didn't reset it to "a company kicked off in Melbourne and Luxembourg in 2001".
They did not wipe the books when the new company was created.
Billiton also kept its history, although its presence reduced because its history wasn't overly notable.
Coal and Allied count their history as dating back to 1844, despite being originally known as J and A Brown, then JABAS ( J and A Brown Abermain Seaham), then Coal and Allied - they have also had more owners then I can count, from John Brown till his death in 1930, on to Stephen Brown and a collective of companies, then RW Miller, then Howard Smith shipping, then CRA, then Rio Tinto - through all of this they have maintained their history and a name they have had for 40+ years.
Many other companies have been taken over and kept the name and the history, many have had the name changed and abandoned their history as some of it was scary.

Personally, I don't get too hung up over the whole argument as I can't be f**ked looking to far behind me to find the past.
However, the amount of confusion between the governing body of the game, many merkins in this thread and the price of f**king cheese in Denmark lead me to one statement, and I will relate it back to what is written above with those companies:

The clubs themselves own their history, it is up to them to decide how it is represented, displayed and clarified.
It is then up to the supporters of those relevant clubs to interpret this history in a way that fits their beliefs.

Basically, and I have to ask, if you don't support Saints, or the previously stand alone Illawarra, why does it even matter to you?
This is a matter for the supporters of the club and the club itself to a degree.
Perhaps throwing an eye over and appreciating the history of your own clubs would serve some of you a bit better than to try an interpret the history of another club in your own ways, a club you do not support in any way, shape or form.
The bitterness of some people in relation to the recent GF result is astounding, but you can't hold on to hate forever, you can not try build a life around it.
Move on, you'll be mentally better off for it.


First Grade
oh please Baron, how many times are you going to speel that crap? how the f**k is it the decent and right thing to do? It affects no one negatively and your crusade on this topic does nothing particularly positive, once again...you are a clown of the highest order...

It is the decent and right thing to do.

He is saving the deluded mergesters from public ridicule by claiming they have won 16 comps.

Bravo Baron, a knight in shining armour amongst a small army of mathematical spastics.


Willow I am simply here because its the decent and right thing to do.

If you want to do something decent then go help a homeless person or donate money to Medicine Sans Frontiers or something along those lines.
What you are doing in here is not helpful and serves only to make you look like a prize c**k head.


Village Idiot
Staff member
Bravo Baron, a knight in shining armour amongst a small army of mathematical spastics.

hmmm.. has a good movie ring to it...

baron and his army of spastics, taking on the dragons fans...


First Grade
Ok, lets comment on the "16 or 1" argument, and by association whether merging means starting again or continuing on as per normal.

Personally, I think it is a matter of opinion for most.
However, if we are going to cite an example of this you can look outside the game to companies.
BHP merged with Billiton in 2001 to become BHP Billiton.
BHP Billiton still classes itself as a company started in Australia, Broken Hill to be exact, in about 1885 or thereabouts and has this entire history in its chronology - they didn't reset it to "a company kicked off in Melbourne and Luxembourg in 2001".
They did not wipe the books when the new company was created.
Billiton also kept its history, although its presence reduced because its history wasn't overly notable.
Coal and Allied count their history as dating back to 1844, despite being originally known as J and A Brown, then JABAS ( J and A Brown Abermain Seaham), then Coal and Allied - they have also had more owners then I can count, from John Brown till his death in 1930, on to Stephen Brown and a collective of companies, then RW Miller, then Howard Smith shipping, then CRA, then Rio Tinto - through all of this they have maintained their history and a name they have had for 40+ years.
Many other companies have been taken over and kept the name and the history, many have had the name changed and abandoned their history as some of it was scary.

Personally, I don't get too hung up over the whole argument as I can't be f**ked looking to far behind me to find the past.
However, the amount of confusion between the governing body of the game, many merkins in this thread and the price of f**king cheese in Denmark lead me to one statement, and I will relate it back to what is written above with those companies:

The clubs themselves own their history, it is up to them to decide how it is represented, displayed and clarified.
It is then up to the supporters of those relevant clubs to interpret this history in a way that fits their beliefs.

Basically, and I have to ask, if you don't support Saints, or the previously stand alone Illawarra, why does it even matter to you?
This is a matter for the supporters of the club and the club itself to a degree.
Perhaps throwing an eye over and appreciating the history of your own clubs would serve some of you a bit better than to try an interpret the history of another club in your own ways, a club you do not support in any way, shape or form.
The bitterness of some people in relation to the recent GF result is astounding, but you can't hold on to hate forever, you can not try build a life around it.
Move on, you'll be mentally better off for it.



It is the decent and right thing to do.

On your f**ked up moral compass, raping and killing a family of 5 so they don't starve would be a "brave and noble" thing to do.

Don't try justify his, and by virtue your own, stupidity.


because this thread is full of truth and credibility??

i save my debates and efforts for where they are needed... this thread, and all other permiership count related ones, are nothing but a joke, and therefore treated like one...

so, i stand by my claim as the truth, as yes, statistically speaking you are an idiot... 99% of all people on this forum who have a derogatory reference to another club in their signature fall into this category..

oh yeah, nearly forgot...

Not a bad pic lol
The signature reference is factual not derogatory and sometimes the truth hurts but it needs to said...

ps....... you got nothing
because this thread is full of truth and credibility??

i save my debates and efforts for where they are needed... this thread, and all other permiership count related ones, are nothing but a joke, and therefore treated like one...

so, i stand by my claim as the truth, as yes, statistically speaking you are an idiot... 99% of all people on this forum who have a derogatory reference to another club in their signature fall into this category..

oh yeah, nearly forgot...

:lol: Quite the statistician aren't you Bumzy... You should apply for a job at fumbleball HQ, they would cherish somebody like you... Quick, run along and make another primary school level graph in Excel. Quickly now

Btw which Victorianian College did you graduate from?