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Mergers and Premiership Tallies

How Many GF's have they won

  • Total voters


Assistant Moderator
Its all in the past Willow.
What's all in the past?

Are you admitting that you have a history of bullsh*tting on these forums? Dragging things out for weeks on end? Digging your heels in? Insisting you have some moral reason for continuing? Only to finally fess up in the open forum that you were talking rubbish?

Yes or no.


Village Idiot
Staff member
the example is a good one but what you dont WANT to get is that its two males! you cant turn an orange into a pear to suit you. Your saying an NRL team is a male then the other has to be as well its as simple as that, now make it work! lol you cant can you

you really are a fool & don't get concepts..

let me help you.. the gender of the parent in the relationship is arbitrary... it could be a man or a woman, the part of the equation that matters is that it is an entity in itself that has joined a similar entity..


First Grade
you really are a fool & don't get concepts..

let me help you.. the gender of the parent in the relationship is arbitrary... it could be a man or a woman, the part of the equation that matters is that it is an entity in itself that has joined a similar entity..

Muzby - titles are not children. They are no way analogous to persons. Can a title spawn another title? No. Clubs win premierships - they do not create them.

A company (like any NRL club) is analogous to a person as they have the legal identity of a person. That is a concept. Companies when they merge cease to exist as the legal person they were before, and a new identity is created or if you like analogies, a NEW man is born, and the two OLD MEN CONCEPTUALLY DIE. That is they cease to legally exist.

A bit of conceptual clairification for you Muzby. A premiership title is an award not an asset. It cannot be inherited as it won by a person. Its not a landed title as it must be won thus it is not inheritable. Sir Richard Hadlee's or Sir Ian Botham's sons are not automatically made knights.
So a CLUB has two titles:

Now for your anaology:

Man merges:

He HAD TWO TITLES and no longer exists as he is dead.

Muzby: you are being emotional. There is no way you can apply law or conceptual logic to viewpoint. It does not hold.
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Assistant Moderator
Relying on semantics now. lol

Antilube, you were caught out making assumptions. Don't worry, I'll let you off the hook.

But to help you out, here are some wise words which I hope you'll recognise.

Ah... you *assumed*. My dear, you should never *assume*. You see, when you *assume*, you make an *ass*... out of *you*... and *me*.


First Grade
Relying on semantics now. lol

Antilube, you were caught out making assumptions. Don't worry, I'll let you off the hook.

But to help you out, here are some wise words which I hope you'll recognise.

Ah... you *assumed*. My dear, you should never *assume*. You see, when you *assume*, you make an *ass*... out of *you*... and *me*.

Semantics? No, I am generous and argue substance over form Willow.

Did not assume sweetheart...

Refer to my post above...

I have not seen the Steelers since the 90's.

What would Steelers fan do, if they did exist, do on game day if they to exist? Bust out a widgie board?
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you really are a fool & don't get concepts..

let me help you.. the gender of the parent in the relationship is arbitrary... it could be a man or a woman, the part of the equation that matters is that it is an entity in itself that has joined a similar entity..

The gender is 110% not arbitrary


First Grade
Muz - I cannot work out whether you're sophisticated (in the archiac literal sense) or an idiot.

But your sophistry or foolishness will not escape my analysis ;)


Village Idiot
Staff member
Muzby - titles are not children. They are no way analogous to persons. Can a title spawn another title? No. Clubs win premierships - they do not create them.

the prupose (or end goal) of people being here is to create children.
the purpose (or end goal) of a club competing is to win a premierships.

therefore they can be classified as the same..

A company (like any NRL club) is analogous to a person as they have the legal identity of a person. That is a concept. Companies when they merge cease to exist as the legal person they were before, and a new identity is created or if you like analogies, a NEW man is born, and the two OLD MEN CONCEPTUALLY DIE. That is they cease to legally exist.

that is as per company law my friend.. if i apply your logic that when a new man is born, the old one dies, then i had better start handing out guns to all the doctors who work in maternity wards...

as per my analogy, the person (club) has the goal to have children (win a comp). once this has occurred, they can claim it as theirs, and then move on and try to start it again..

using your company law logic, any club who wins the comp must then be expelled the next year... (i guess it's like the ultimate salary cap)

OLD MEN CONCEPTUALLY DIE. That is they cease to legally exist.

So a CLUB has two titles:

He merges:

He HAD TWO TITLES and no longer exists as he is dead.

Muzby: you are being emotional.

the man using lots of capitals is calling me emotional...

sorry champ, keeping the same logical viewpoint the whole way through..

There is no way you can apply law or conceptual logic to viewpoint. It does not hold.

where have i tried to apply law? that's your angle...

and yes, you can apply concepts to viewpoint.. that's why they are called concepts... see below.. especially point 3....

con·cept (k
n. 1. A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences.
2. Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion.

3. An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
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Village Idiot
Staff member
So who was the mother of the Dragons first 15 children?

a lady called sue..

who was the parents of the dragons then?

who were their parents?

where did they live?

once again, it's a concept.. but hey, don't expect half of you guys to get it..
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Village Idiot
Staff member
bugger.. gotta go till monday..

keep your replies short & sharp lads.. i'm sure i'll have a few to get thru by the time i get back...

love to you all :kiss:
please doofus, explain how i dug a hole..

let me spell out my analogy for you..

man = dragons.
man's 15 children = 15 premerships
man's marriage = joint venture with illawarra
man's 16th child = 16th premiership.

explain how the hell an adoption comes into the equation you imbicile...

The scary thing is Forrest is that you typed this with a straight face!


First Grade
the prupose (or end goal) of people being here is to create children.
the purpose (or end goal) of a club competing is to win a premierships.

therefore they can be classified as the same..

I am classifying them as the same;

This is your really big problem you cannot overcome - a man's child is another man. A company's child (through merger) is therefore another company. Those titles of the parent company remain awarded to the deceased parent company. Ian Botham's son cannot inherit his dad's knighthood. Get it? Even more simply - If my father won the 100 metre dash at his old school in 1967 before I was born - when he dies I cannot claim I won the hundred metre dash in 1967.

that is as per company law my friend.. if i apply your logic that when a new man is born, the old one dies, then i had better start handing out guns to all the doctors who work in maternity wards...

No - company law kills the previous company off automatically thus the doctors would not need guns - the parent dies automatically after birth. Happens in nature to all sorts of creatures. Spawn and die - like salmon ;)

Served again.

as per my analogy, the person (club) has the goal to have children (win a comp). once this has occurred, they can claim it as theirs, and then move on and try to start it again..

using your company law logic, any club who wins the comp must then be expelled the next year... (i guess it's like the ultimate salary cap)
Not at all. They are still the same person (club).... Not my logic at all. You are confusing the concepts. If the person (club) dies (merges) their child (merged club) does not inherit the previous titles like Sir Ian Botham's son does not become a knight upon Sir Ian's death.

the man using lots of capitals is calling me emotional...
That was to make it clear for you where you had muddled the concepts.

sorry champ, keeping the same logical viewpoint the whole waythrough..

and yes, you can apply concepts to viewpoint.. that's why they are called concepts... see below.. especially point 3....

con·cept (k
n. 1. A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences.
2. Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion.

3. An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances

You are confusing the titles and children via saying they are the ultimate goal but ignoring the fact that the legal concept that when you merged the old club ceases to exist applies. Now unless you're living as an outlaw - then the same law that applies to me, NRL clubs, and the rest of society then St George Illawarra have won ONE premiership. The dead and defunct (St George Dragons) club won 15 before terminating but the current company St George Illawarra has only one.

The law always applies conceptually sweetheart ;)

I blame the NRL in part for your concpetual confusion. The team should have been named Illawarra Dragons or St George Steelers, then Dragons fans, like Wests Tigers fans, would have a less of a hard time understanding the merger concept.
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