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Michael Tyler resigns

Big Tim

First Grade
My big problem here as that the whole thing seemed to be a coup and very underhanded.

I would much prefer that my club's board are all voted by its members.

"Our team, Our town" as if..... NRL's team, NRL's town.

I dont feel that the fans that make this club are being given a fair go. If Tyler isnt the right man for the job, prove it!!! Let us vote him out, as given the chance to vote on wether those 5 guys should stay, I say no!!!!!!!!!

If they are voted out, they brought it on themselves, as they are yet to prove why Tyler had to go. Considering the clubs financial position 24 months ago, and where we stand now, I dont see any reason why Tyler had to go.



Big Tim said:
My big problem here as that the whole thing seemed to be a coup and very underhanded.

Going from what has been said in the paper, Tyler had been warned some time ago by the NRL board members that he needed to pick up his game or face the consequences. They also apparently went to him before the meeting and gave him a chance to step down from his position without it going to a vote of no confidence.

It may not have been in the club's best interests to have Tyler ousted, but the showdown between the two factions had been brewing for some time.

Big Tim

First Grade
Burwood said:
Going from what has been said in the paper, Tyler had been warned some time ago by the NRL board members that he needed to pick up his game or face the consequences. They also apparently went to him before the meeting and gave him a chance to step down from his position without it going to a vote of no confidence.

It may not have been in the club's best interests to have Tyler ousted, but the showdown between the two factions had been brewing for some time.

Thats my point.... warned by the NRL board members. What about the other members?? Was it just these NRL guys that had a problem, or did it go deeper??

The simple point I am making is that because of the way it went down I beleive my club is being run by people who do not have the interests of the Newcastle fans at heart. They may have done the right thing, but until they start explaining themselves, they will turn alot of members against them and towards the Chief as he has seemed more pro-active in getting the members involved.

Gave him a chance to stand down???? Get a vote of no confidence or stand down.... great choices :roll: :roll: :roll:

Fight for your club.... thats what I would do. I have the highest respect for what Tyler has done and the way he has conducted himself during this whole coup.


Big Tim said:
Thats my point.... warned by the NRL board members. What about the other members?? Was it just these NRL guys that had a problem, or did it go deeper??

The simple point I am making is that because of the way it went down I beleive my club is being run by people who do not have the interests of the Newcastle fans at heart. They may have done the right thing, but until they start explaining themselves, they will turn alot of members against them and towards the Chief as he has seemed more pro-active in getting the members involved.

Gave him a chance to stand down???? Get a vote of no confidence or stand down.... great choices :roll: :roll: :roll:

Fight for your club.... thats what I would do. I have the highest respect for what Tyler has done and the way he has conducted himself during this whole coup.

Chief and his faction actually warned Tyler also....

from my information there are actually some pretty good reasons for getting rid of Tyler as chair - however it has been done in a very bad way.

be interesting to see how it pans out - however I think we can now be sure Tyler is goneskies, and the NRL will lose some seats at the AGM (April) or before.

Corcoran has been confirmed as chair today.


First Grade
I received this by email today


Monday February 5, 2007.

The Newcastle Knights Board of Directors has unanimously agreed to appoint Peter Corcoran OAM as Chairman of the club and Allan McKeown as Deputy Chairman.

The Board has also agreed to prepare a special resolution to give the members a choice as to whether they reduce the number of Newcastle Rugby League representatives from four to two, or whether they wish to retain the status quo.

The option will be put to members at a Special General Meeting to be held immediately after the AGM on Wednesday 4 April, 2007.

The Board also resolved to appoint solicitor, Nicholas Dan, to fill the casual vacancy on the Newcastle Knights Board.

- Peter Corcoran OAM, FAICD
- Allan McKeown


astrogirl said:
I received this by email today


Monday February 5, 2007.

The Newcastle Knights Board of Directors has unanimously agreed to appoint Peter Corcoran OAM as Chairman of the club and Allan McKeown as Deputy Chairman.

The Board has also agreed to prepare a special resolution to give the members a choice as to whether they reduce the number of Newcastle Rugby League representatives from four to two, or whether they wish to retain the status quo.

The option will be put to members at a Special General Meeting to be held immediately after the AGM on Wednesday 4 April, 2007.

The Board also resolved to appoint solicitor, Nicholas Dan, to fill the casual vacancy on the Newcastle Knights Board.

- Peter Corcoran OAM, FAICD
- Allan McKeown

very interesting.

Nick Dan is a decent operator, a partner at Bilbie Dan in Market St.

Wonder how they came across him though...

excellent move on the special resolution - they must read my posts... :lol:

Big Tim

First Grade
macavity said:
Chief and his faction actually warned Tyler also....

from my information there are actually some pretty good reasons for getting rid of Tyler as chair - however it has been done in a very bad way.

be interesting to see how it pans out - however I think we can now be sure Tyler is goneskies, and the NRL will lose some seats at the AGM (April) or before.

Corcoran has been confirmed as chair today.

Thats not my problem.... He may have been not doing a great job all around. My problem is that the members did not get a say.

I will have my say on April 4 it seems. If they cant prove to me that the NRL board members did what they did to improve my club, I will be voting for a reduction.


Big Tim said:
Thats not my problem.... He may have been not doing a great job all around. My problem is that the members did not get a say.

I will have my say on April 4 it seems. If they cant prove to me that the NRL board members did what they did to improve my club, I will be voting for a reduction.

oh I will be voting for a reduction no two ways about it.

what we have though, we must realise, is the best of a bad situation.

the fact the nrl guys have gone this path indicates their motivation is 100% spot on - so im willing to back them for now.


Staff member
macavity said:
very interesting.

Nick Dan is a decent operator, a partner at Bilbie Dan in Market St.

Wonder how they came across him though...

excellent move on the special resolution - they must read my posts... :lol:
Here's your answer...
Meanwhile, the internal battles within the Knights boardroom are set to drag on for the remainder of the season after directors yesterday appointed Newcastle Rugby League solicitor Nicholas Dan to fill the vacancy created by last week's ousting of chairman Mike Tyler.

The board also confirmed that Knights members would be asked to vote on whether the number of Newcastle RL directors should be reduced from four to two at the April 4 AGM.

But the appointment of Dan ensures the Newcastle RL-aligned faction that also includes new chairman Peter Corcoran would retain the balance of power on a reduced seven-man board as there is no directors election until 2008 under new arrangements for the board members to serve two-year terms.


not happy on the 2 year terms ... i voted against it, and warned anyone that would listen of the potential for this.... hmm....


Very clever how they've hosed this down isn't it, as Fred points out the NRL guys are the big winners, they've got rid of Tyler, Corcoran has the job he's coveted for years, the new board member is an NRL man so they've stitched it all up nicely, as pointed out even if they number of NRL guys is reduced they still have a majority now. I'm still p!ssed off at the whole thing, weather Tyler had to go or not, we still have a group running the thing that thinks along the line of chook raffles to raise money. They have effectively shored up what they carried out last week in the interim period between the coup and the board meeting run by the perpitrators of that coup.


Gee its great to be back and to see the club once again up to its old tricks.

Its ironic that the more the playing side of the club improves from a professional point of view, the more ramshackle the off field aspects become.

I'm not surprised that Tyler was pushed, the PR surrounding his supposed saving of the club had become ridiculous.

We are yet to see exactly what the West deal entails and how it actually benefits the club and I think its fair to say that there was more than a share of good timing for Tyler in the sponsor front.

Please don't post that I'm an idiot and Wests are tipping in a mill a year............... its not the case.

Having said that, its a farce that the real NRL guys can play politics, they are not representative of the members in any way, shape or form.

By my reckoning there are only 3 members reps on the board. Chief, Corcoran and Mckeown. The NRL blokes aren't and neither the NIB bloke nor the new bloke represent the members, they are more insiders parachuted into the board to play favourites.

If Chief wants a special meeting to punt the NRL blokes then let the board be absolutely upfront with the members and have a complete spill of board positions and let the members vote for ALL BOARD POSITIONS.

So far we've had 2 blokes safely positioned into the board, if we lose 2 NRL positions then guess what, there will be another 2 unelected board seats taken up.

The club should be run for the members and the board should reflect the wishes of the members, its difficult to see how the board appointing their own replacements is beneficial in anyway other than shoring up powerbases.

It beggars belief that in the aftermath of a board issue regarding the influence or otherwise of the real NRL, that they would then appoint a lawyer who does work for the real NRL, if thats a correct assumption.

The board needs new blood, not more insiders and that should be part of the special resolution.

Theres no point in half fixing a problem.


Nuffy said:
The club should be run for the members and the board should reflect the wishes of the members, its difficult to see how the board appointing their own replacements is beneficial in anyway other than shoring up powerbases.

exactly my thoughts also. i find it somewhat strange that i keep hearing things like "keep the club for the people of newcastle" yet it appears the people of newcastle have zero say in anything of importance.

It beggars belief that in the aftermath of a board issue regarding the influence or otherwise of the real NRL, that they would then appoint a lawyer who does work for the real NRL, if thats a correct assumption.

From all reports ive read he is the Knights solicitor (or one of) and 'honourary' solicitor for the NRL. i cant believe that the board, with a majority of NRL alligned guys, vote Dan in and he now has his spot for 2 years.

The biggest thing worrying me at present is the apparent factions within the club at this level. Its a disgrace that we have an 'us v them' thing happening here..