The fact that Ravalawa was signed half way through 2018, whilst McDonald was still contracted, sort of goes unnoticed. Periera at that time was the back-up. They signed Pearson for his NRL experience and speed and extended Saab for 4 years (that point also goes unnoticed) as well as Rava. McDonalds "request" for release under "compassionate grounds" came after the seasons end.
My understanding was that McDonald, until he pulled the pin, was one wing and Pearson (as Nighty's replacement) earmarked for the other. Rava and Periera werd to bide time in CC.
Millward did comment at that time they were on the lookout for another outside back.
As if turned out, McDonald left, Periera moved into his spot. Then Pearson had some family issue, which activatwd Rava to 1st grade.