His is still the most punchoutable bloke on earth...no matter how good or bad his drumming is.
Drummers should stand at the back of the band when making acceptance speaches.
That is their place in life.
he has always been at about the same level in regards to drumming, i think they've taken a good option by not having them so prominent on the album, it's helped them make possibly one of their best albums yet.He has improved on the sound but his drumming itself hasn't improved at all
he has always been at about the same level in regards to drumming, i think they've taken a good option by not having them so prominent on the album, it's helped them make possibly one of their best albums yet.
I rate it up there as a close second behind Puppets
I guess I should download the album and actually have a listen.
It's taken me a while because St Anger was so terrible that I've been reluctant to listen to any more Metallica, but it seems this must be a massive improvement.
Standby for my appraisal.
first few listens for me weren't real exciting, but it's grown on me real quick, now I have all the new songs stuck in my head.I am not sure i can rank it in the list yet.. AJFA will always be number 1 for me, not sure where this one fits after that.. See how long the "listenability" lasts first.. I get the feeling it will rank highly though.
my early observation, does anyone else reckong the worst thing about this album is Kirks guitar solo's??
They seem to be so pointless, adding nothing, there is no structure or relevance to the song, just random fast scales. Doesnt seem to be lifting the songs, looks like a sign that says 'insert guitar solo here'.
I prefer it when a solo is enhancing the song not just there for the sake of it.
Is this actually a good Metallica album or is it made to sound good because St Anger was such a steaming pile of turd?