If they appeal he will get off, Dunley spat at Marsh, yes he spat, no if's or buts, however he got off because the appeals commity is a true court and they have to PROVE that Fui made contact with the head......as there is only one angle, they cannot prove he hit him in the head, we can assume but we cannot say for sure without proper evidence, they do not have it therefore he has to get off!!!!
They crapped on in the Dunley appeal that there were were insufficient camera angles
and they had like 4, Fui is a shoe in to get off if they let him appeal.
Good to see Fitzy fire up about the right things for once!!! Fui is a MASSIVE loss, he strikes fear into other players and he has changed many games with his prescence, we can win without him but i would prefer to do it with him.........