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More bad RLWC press coming...


Buzz Rothfield is going to dedicate his column and blog tomorrow to panning he RLWC. Regardless of this guys credibility, people believe this stuff, and will get the impression the RLWC sucks.

The reality has come again to the fact that Australia need to lose the tournament for International RL to have credibility.

When Australia win,the sport loses.

Perhaps Smith, Thurston and co. should throw a few tournaments so that future generations can have something worthwhile to play for


Ummmm Nz won the last world cup.

So we gotta lose to make merkins happy lol ?
This world cup has been f**king good. Who gives a f**k about what some old delusional round ball loving crawling f**kwit drunken merkin dribblers in the papers.
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Perhaps Smith, Thurston and co. should throw a few tournaments so that future generations can have something worthwhile to play for

Yeah, but nah.

NZ or England don't need Aussie to throw the tournament. Just keep being cocky and over confident, that'll do the trick nicely.


Staff member
Maybe we should go down the rugby route?

Extra points for kicking, a position for fat f**ks who can't really play, and an extra two guys on the field. Seems to even things out nicely.


Staff member
I tried writing an article entitled 62 Reasons Why Phil Rothfield Should Slit His Wrists in a Hot Bath, but I gave myself carpal tunnel at reason #357.


Who cares?

Doesn't change the fact that 100000s have attended games and millions have watched on TV. The RLWC doesn't need his approval to be successful.


Staff member
On a more constructive note, some of these blow-out quarter finals could be easily eliminated.

Do away with quarter finals and instead just do semi finals. A1 v B2 and B1 v A2.

Let the 'weaker' nations from C and D have their own play-offs with third from A and B to crown an emerging nation's champion that qualifies for the next Four or Five Nations tournament.


Staff member
Dumbmerkin said:
INTERNATIONAL sport is Australia v England in the Ashes at the Gabba, Wimbledon, a golf major, world championship athletics and swimming, a Bledisloe Cup, boxing in Las Vegas or the Tour de France. Some sports are not meant for the international stage - and the rugby league World Cup is one of them.
Australia's 62-nil quarter-final win over USA on Sunday was a farce, a game played in front of 5726 fans on a pitch that still had lines marked out for the local soccer team.
That team and individual records were broken is an insult to our champions of the past who once earned their milestones and greatness against genuine opposition in the days when Tests and World Cups were restricted to countries that could actually play the game.

The scoreline against USA should have been 70-plus but for Johnathan Thurston's rare day off with the boot.
At one stage of the first half four tries were scored in seven minutes against a team of brave but totally outclassed players.
For more than 20 years I've been listening to the same old lines from rugby league officials about having patience with the international game and developing countries.
From Kevin Humphreys to Ken Arthurson to Dave Smith … blah, blah, blah, blah.
When Australia beat Russia 110-4 in England in 2000, we were told to give them time.
The same when we beat France 74-nil in 1994 and PNG 82-nil in Townsville in 2000.
Seriously, no one cares.
Outside of Australia, New Zealand and England, it's a tournament of manufactured teams filled with NRL players, many of whom have never even visited the countries they are representing.
Distant relatives, grandmothers and great aunties, somehow allow them to qualify.

Players who quite frankly are flat out making NRL squads each week, let alone play at an international level.
It's all shown on 7mate - a channel a lot of people can't even get - at either one or six in the morning.
If there was any real interest in the tournament, Channel Nine and Fox Sports would be showing it.
This rubbish is not fair on the NRL clubs who fork out millions of dollars of wages to the elite players.
They should be resting and recuperating in the off-season, not spending eight weeks in England on what's become not much more than a boozy holiday, with a couple of serious games against the Poms and Kiwis.
Half of them are likely to struggle next year or suffer form lapses and burnout because they missed a proper off-season.

Cronulla have already lost Luke Lewis for half of 2014 and Storm could have similar problems with Billy Slater's knee.
There is one simple solution to fix this debacle.
In future World Cups should be played over three weeks and only include Australia, New Zealand, England and a country that wins a qualifying tournament.
Even a Rest of the World side could be thrown in as the fourth team.
Anything that gives us competitive football.
Anything that makes it worthwhile to suffer sleep deprivation from sitting up in the early hours of the morning.
No doubt the final in two weeks will be a blockbuster, almost certainly the Kangaroos v Kiwis.
Foran v Thurston, Sonny Bill v Gallen, Luke v Smith.
It's just a joke we've had to wait eight weeks and watch so many meaningless floggings to get to it.

SOURCE: http://www.news.com.au/sport/nrl/ph...p-is-just-a-joke/story-fndujljl-1226761977962


Staff member
And how the f**k does he talk about international sport and exclude the World Cup? Yet finds room for a cup between two teams (the Bloodyslow).


This guy should take the award for biggest douchebag. Only takes one match into account, talks about how so many records have been broken at this World Cup. He knows that little about the World Cup that he just makes assumptions. Of course Australia and New Zealand are gong to have blowouts, they have the quality players to do so. But the fact that he ignored quality matches like every group C match, shows how much this clown knows. And this crap about the World Cup should be Australia England and NZ plus one qualifier does nothing for the global development of the game. Union is virtually a four nation game, so wtf is he on about. The most farcical thing about his article was that he suggested a rest of world team in the World Cup next tithe big three. Does nothing for the game globally, and doesn't have that nationalism and probably doesn't have the pride that goes along with representing your country. Phil Rothfield, hang yourself, or open your bloody eyes.


More bad RLWC press coming.

Then I see who wrote the article.


He is a complete fkwit.

Has nothing better to do than to dis Rugby League with every opportunity and then gets credit for breaking such a huge story.

Who Cares he says? Tell that to the massive support in England.

1 Eyed TEZZA

His liver will give out on him soon enough. His legacy will be of being a f**kwit. That will be his only legacy.

deluded pom?

The groundsman at Allianz must have done a fantastic job of deleting the RL markings when beetroot cheeks did his noise test (!) at the soccer the other week. If the socceroos qualify for the FIFA WC when it's played in Europe is it a waste of time because they kick off at silly times in Australia and it involves nations who have a snowball in Hell's chance of winning the tournament? Maybe the A League players should be at home resting from all that noise instead of playing in a competition they aren't good enough to win. Just play a four team tournament between Brazil, Italy, Germany and a rest of the world team. Patronising wanker who should fleck off and take Rebecca Wilson with him.


How would having a shorter tournament have prevented Luke Lewis from getting injured, when he did it in Australia's second game??? Just one of the many things wrong with that article...


Because if it's not on 9 or Foxtel it's not worth watching.


I don't think C9 would be dropping their morning show to show the footy. They would be showing it on Gem.

If you can't get 7mate you can't get Gem