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Moses immediate release to Eels.


First Grade
If the NRL had any balls Moses would be now facing a lengthy suspension for deliberately tanking. Let's face it if he was a race horse the authorities would be all over. Just a really bad look for the game when a player who is under contract [ and a big fat one] can basically force a club to release him by tanking.

Sadly Parra did not help the situation by offering him a position on their roster if he could secure a release, but I guess the NRL is a dog eat dog environment.

Anyway young Moses has now put himself in the spot light big time with everyone except Parra supporters wanting him to fail big time,so I hope he can handle the pressure because he was a total failure in the pressure department at the Tigers
My biggest problem with Moses is the tanking. The way Backdoor Benny has been waffling on this past week it wouldn't surprise me if good old uncle Benny gave him that sage advice.

It's a pity that Corey Payne wasn't still here to do a Ben Te'o on him.

The problem I see with Moses is at his best, he'll win Parra a couple of games. At his worst he'll drag the whole joint down with him.

Good luck with him. We wont miss him.
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Vic Mackey

But apparently to the article you could have put a cut out of Farrah out there and it would have played better... So if he was so bad why did he keep getting picked...

I am no fan but for someone that won't be missed is getting some salty responses...

He kept getting picked because at his best he is a better player then Littlejohn or Rankin. The whole reason for the supposed saltiness is purely based on how he acted and handled his leaving.

FFS there are Eels fans who still abuse Jamie Lyon 12 years after he left.


First Grade
He kept getting picked because at his best he is a better player then Littlejohn or Rankin. The whole reason for the supposed saltiness is purely based on how he acted and handled his leaving.

FFS there are Eels fans who still abuse Jamie Lyon 12 years after he left.

He kept getting picked because up and till Cleary walked in the joint he was viewed as being the next JT or Joey Johns. Of course there was bugger all evidence in what he had produced on the field to support he was within a million miles of these two players. So in walks Cleary and basically said you have some promise but thats all at present, you have had a contract in front of you for months that is way over the odds, we are pulling now and going to try and sign the other two egos and of course he has a dummy spit.

Who knows he could take massive steps at the Eels, Brad Arthurs strikes me as a pretty hard man who will not take any crap, but is he a person you want in a football club...I say a big fat NO


Bestbonusbets lol

You might as well have copied and pasted any of the sandy vag posts in the tigpies forum, would have made more sense and less errors

Apparently they're over him lololol

He lost us football games and flat out tanked it last week against Souffs. Now I don't normally condone violence but I wouldn't mind seeing his jaw broken into 3 pieces by papali on the weekend. I'd probably laugh

2141 fella

Surely we are entitled to a little saltiness ?
And as was pointed out, parra fans and Jamie Lyon all those years????? !!!!!
I saw the Tim Mannah article on how well Mitchy is fitting in. That's just super.
The worrying part for all you parra fans was where he said Mitch was taking charge of the team and leading them around.
You guys don't know it yet, and naively see that as a positive, but right there is the first red flag.
In the final wash-up, parra got mitchy, his dog manager, his lowlife uncle benny, wittyfan and razor Ramon, and WT got nothing in return.
That's a huge win for WT !!!

Jason Maher

Wow the supposed big 4 have been confirmed as massive dickheads over last few weeks. You'd find better blokes on a sex offender register.

Genuinely curious. What have Tedesco, Woods, and Brooks done to deserve being chucked into the same dickhead category as Moses?


Surely we are entitled to a little saltiness ?
And as was pointed out, parra fans and Jamie Lyon all those years????? !!!!!
I saw the Tim Mannah article on how well Mitchy is fitting in. That's just super.
The worrying part for all you parra fans was where he said Mitch was taking charge of the team and leading them around.
You guys don't know it yet, and naively see that as a positive, but right there is the first red flag.
In the final wash-up, parra got mitchy, his dog manager, his lowlife uncle benny, wittyfan and razor Ramon, and WT got nothing in return.
That's a huge win for WT !!!


Genuinely curious. What have Tedesco, Woods, and Brooks done to deserve being chucked into the same dickhead category as Moses?

Woods: Club Captain. Complains about media intrustion while sitting his fat arse on NRL360 every week, not saying a single positive word in defence of the Tigers while every man and his dog lines up for a go. Drags out a contract saga when he should be the first bloke on board. Blames his teammates for not being up to his level. Takes no responsibility for the mess he plays a large part in.

Tedesco: Throws a tantrum about giving a deadline after having offers on the table for well over 6 months.


Does anyone categorically know when Moses was offered his contract?

The other merkin said last night he would have signed the 3 year contract for less money, but it was taken off the table. I would be pretty sure he was at least offered the same time as Brooks and Brooks signed, so why couldn't he sign then also? Because we all know he had already signed with the slimeys and then had the contract withdrawn when Wests got wind. Pack of liars and wouldn't trust either of them.


Is this parra deal up in the air now?
The CBA sounds like the players are now going to get their fair share of the money the nrl makes!
I think Moses wants $1.5m per year!!
He's that good!

Vic Mackey

Genuinely curious. What have Tedesco, Woods, and Brooks done to deserve being chucked into the same dickhead category as Moses?

woods is only a small step down from moses

teddy isnt nearly as bad as those 2 imo, apart from 1 puzzling interview on a local radio show and a horrible pea hearted performance last friday night (which ill give him the benefit of the doubt for) i think he has handled the departure a lot better.


First Grade
Does anyone categorically know when Moses was offered his contract?

The other merkin said last night he would have signed the 3 year contract for less money, but it was taken off the table. I would be pretty sure he was at least offered the same time as Brooks and Brooks signed, so why couldn't he sign then also? Because we all know he had already signed with the slimeys and then had the contract withdrawn when Wests got wind. Pack of liars and wouldn't trust either of them.

The other merkin was trying to justify the appalling behavior of his family member, nothing more, nothing less.

Benny, imo, has zero credibility.

If he wanted to stay, he would have stayed.

Glad he didn't come to my club, and think the Tigers will be better off without him.

no name

f**king Benny Elias trying to tell everyone that he wasn't wanted. With Ikin and merkin nodding on in agreeance.
He was offered a contract well over his worth and ummmed and ahhhed about it for months trying to get more $.
Cleary came in, saw that he is dickhead and advised the club to pull the contract.
Poor old Mitch couldn't hack being told he is a germ and gets his uncles to say Clear/the Tigers are big meanies.
The Tigers are quite obviously not the best run organisation, but Cleary played the whole 'big 4' saga out perfectly.
Moses and his cronies couldn't hack having the power taken away from them.


f**king Benny Elias trying to tell everyone that he wasn't wanted. With Ikin and merkin nodding on in agreeance.
He was offered a contract well over his worth and ummmed and ahhhed about it for months trying to get more $.
Cleary came in, saw that he is dickhead and advised the club to pull the contract.
Poor old Mitch couldn't hack being told he is a germ and gets his uncles to say Clear/the Tigers are big meanies.
The Tigers are quite obviously not the best run organisation, but Cleary played the whole 'big 4' saga out perfectly.
Moses and his cronies couldn't hack having the power taken away from them.

by signing the duddest of the lot and losing the rest. lol

yeah that'll learn em.

here's the thing, if tigpies fans didn't rate them to begin with, get rid of them 12 months before getting taylor backed into a corner.

it's ALL the clubs doing.


what exactly defines a dud. Becaus over watching the 4 play for my team over the past 3 seasons I definitely rate Brooks over Moses

And there's no better eyes than a tigers supporter

Yeah it's all the clubs doing. You're right, and I think we've made the right decisions all over the board

no name

by signing the duddest of the lot and losing the rest. lol

yeah that'll learn em.

here's the thing, if tigpies fans didn't rate them to begin with, get rid of them 12 months before getting taylor backed into a corner.

it's ALL the clubs doing.
The fans don't really get much of a say on who stays and goes.....

If you mean the club, the club obviously did rate them, which is why they offered them contracts.
Cleary saw the danger of prolonged contract negotiations, so he cut ties to move on and sign replacements, which he has done.

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