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Natural men scolded into timidity

El Diablo

Post Whore

Natural men scolded into timidity
Miranda Devine
May 21, 2009

As the mother of two junior rugby forwards, the wife of a former prop and daughter of a one-time flanker, it is time for me to come to the defence of violent sports and the men who play them.

The attacks on former Footy Show star Matthew Johns, rugby league and men in general - branding them as dangerous predatory brutes who need to be chained, scolded and nagged into submission - have gone too far.

The initial criticism of Johns was warranted, after revelations last week that he and his Cronulla Sharks teammates, during a 2002 tour of New Zealand, engaged in a gang bang with a naive 19-year-old woman, who in the ensuing years became so distressed about her degradation she tried to kill herself.

But since then, Johns has been crucified, with demands he name his teammates, sponsors threatening to pull out of rugby league, a school principal banning NRL players from visiting classes and mothers stopping their sons playing the game.

You always know when zealotry creeps into a story there is another agenda at work - and that is that the Johns case is a beachhead in the war against masculinity, waged by those who think the only difference between men and women is cultural.

This notion of a socially constructed "gender" has been the central idea of the women's studies movement since it began in the 1960s, with its aim to produce an androgynous utopia. But the culture has changed and there are still men who refuse to act like women - damn them - even if they do have smooth, hairless chests.

Among the last bastions of traditional maleness, rugby league and other violent contact sports were always going to be in the line of fire. Sex scandals are their weakest points.

In the past week, with the Johns story the latest in a long string of such scandals, rugby league has been held up as an example of the worst of mankind, its attitudes leading to rape, domestic violence, war and general bad behaviour.

Thus, Roosters forward Willie Mason is stalked by cameras on a night out this week, so that a quick slash in an alley outside the Golden Sheaf in Double Bay becomes a monstrous crime, with pictures of him urinating behind a tree splashed all over newspapers and the internet, and his club hauling him before its disciplinary committee and fining him $2000.

No one enjoys the smell of urine in the street but Mason's discreet call of nature was hardly a capital offence in the scheme of things and at least he was wearing a nice suit.

Meanwhile, the Premier of Victoria, John Brumby, publicly defends the alleged drunken abuse of Thai police by a middle-aged Melbourne woman accused of stealing a beer mat from an Aussie bar in Phuket as just a little "fun in a bar". Imagine if she had been male and a rugby league player to boot.

Killing off rugby league isn't going to stop men being aggressive and sexually motivated. In fact, such games are the few outlets boys have left for excess physical energy.

In sanctioned team violence on the football field, young men can test their courage and express what it feels to be male, to have testosterone surging through young bodies, building huge muscles and attack instincts for which society has little use any more. It is teaching them, not to be violent but how to control their violent urges.

One of the best young rugby players I know, a gentle and confident teen, was once expelled from preschool and diagnosed by a teacher with attention deficit disorder because he had so much pent-up energy. Thankfully this later found expression on the football field rather than being drugged out of him with Ritalin.

The new androgyny has also expected that women, too, must change, particularly in their attitudes towards sex. Popular culture today presents a narrative in which the liberalisation of sex has travelled on an inevitable continuum from the 1960s to some Brave New World free-for-all where Huxleyan teens engage in clinical couplings in which the only things to be negotiated are safety and consent.

Where once girls were told that sex without emotional attachment would leave them feeling hurt and used, now such ideas are regarded as judgmental and moralistic. Instead girls are taught the most anti-woman thing of all - to judge their worth and the worth of others by "hotness" - that is, how sexually desirable they are, even if they are only 12.

The ensuing chaos in the mating world stems from this disconnect between what popular culture tells girls and boys they should want and how it really makes them feel.

In the end, men's drives aren't all violent and predatory. Most have a deep, possibly hard-wired, desire to be noble and chivalrous. That's why in situations such as the Port Arthur massacre, so many men died shielding their wives or women around them.

Chivalry was once the province of the fighting man - the knight in shining armour who behaved with gallantry, honour and courtesy on the battlefield and off and was always proud to help the weak and defenceless. But decades of androgynous feminism have stamped on chivalry, deriding men who opened doors or stood back for women as being sexist and patronising.

It would have been better for women if feminism had appealed to men's better natures.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Killing off rugby league isn't going to stop men being aggressive and sexually motivated.

news ltd think so. they are doing anything and everything to try and kill it off seeing they never achieved their goal of owning it


First Grade
i agree with what she says about league but her vendetta against feminism is just typical conservative bullsh*t. i still dont think shes gotten over the fact that John Howard lost the last election.

also of COURSE her sons play union. i could not be less suprised.


i agree with what she says about league but her vendetta against feminism is just typical conservative bullsh*t. i still dont think shes gotten over the fact that John Howard lost the last election.

also of COURSE her sons play union. i could not be less suprised.
You are cool :thumn

Out of interest, in an ideal world, are your future sons (if that's how it happens) going to be primarily playing rugby league, soccer, AFL, rugby union, cricket, tennis, basketball or some other sport?


First Grade
That thumbs up isn't sarcastic is it?

I wouldn't let my sons play any other code except league. Would encourage cricket,swimming and nippers too.

(they can play other sports or codes but I won't be watching them do it!)


First Grade
That makes me sound like a bitch mother but I just couldn't handle my sons playing another footy code u know?


Wasn't sarcastic. Dragons supporters are in it together.

Fair enough that you want your kids playing league, respect for that.

But the fact that you couldn't handle them playing another code!! You do realise that if your son was to become the world's best rugby league player, his earning capacity is limited at something like $500,000 a season and his body is farked for life at 35? If, on the other hand, he was to become the world's best soccer player, he would be earning $1 million a WEEK (when you take sponsorship into account), and wouldn't be suffering from arthritis when his own kids are only babies.

Just some food for thought!


That makes me sound like a bitch mother but I just couldn't handle my sons playing another footy code u know?

Or at the very least, an incredibly bad mother. For anyone to put their own prejudices against other codes over the wants of their own children is incredibly selfish. What sort of decent, loving parent would put their own happiness over that of their own child if they wanted to play another footy code? I could understand if you deemed another sport dangerous like motorcross or something but another code? :?

I'm going through the exact thing right now with my son who wants to play soccer, a sport it's fair to say i'm not a big fan of. He'll be starting next season and while i don't like the game i'll be there on the sidelines cheering him on. I don't class that as a good parent, it's just what parents do and they have a good time seeing their kids happy.

Maybe you should hold off on having kids until you're old enough and mature enough to grasp the concept that when you do have them, they are (or should be) the centre of your universe and not yourself. Some people never work that out but then again those people just shouldn't have kids in the first place.


That makes me sound like a bitch mother but I just couldn't handle my sons playing another footy code u know?

Makes you sound like trash is what it does.

EDIT: Or perhaps you are seeking attention from all the "League only" males in the forum.


Good article....Ive always thought that hardcore feminists were trying to create some sort of asexual society.

Big Time

Or at the very least, an incredibly bad mother. For anyone to put their own prejudices against other codes over the wants of their own children is incredibly selfish. What sort of decent, loving parent would put their own happiness over that of their own child if they wanted to play another footy code? I could understand if you deemed another sport dangerous like motorcross or something but another code? :?

I'm going through the exact thing right now with my son who wants to play soccer, a sport it's fair to say i'm not a big fan of. He'll be starting next season and while i don't like the game i'll be there on the sidelines cheering him on. I don't class that as a good parent, it's just what parents do and they have a good time seeing their kids happy.

Maybe you should hold off on having kids until you're old enough and mature enough to grasp the concept that when you do have them, they are (or should be) the centre of your universe and not yourself. Some people never work that out but then again those people just shouldn't have kids in the first place.

You start on them young. drill into them from an early age that rugby league is good and rugby union and afl is bad. Whats wrong with that. You bring you kids up with your idea of morals, what is right and wrong etc. This is just sport we are talking about. Surprisingly my daughter is a Dragons supporter, has nothing to do with the fact I got her a Dragons jump suit and teddy when she was born plus told her at every oppurtunity I could that the other teams were bad.

Big Time

Or at the very least, an incredibly bad mother. For anyone to put their own prejudices against other codes over the wants of their own children is incredibly selfish. What sort of decent, loving parent would put their own happiness over that of their own child if they wanted to play another footy code? I could understand if you deemed another sport dangerous like motorcross or something but another code? :?

I'm going through the exact thing right now with my son who wants to play soccer, a sport it's fair to say i'm not a big fan of. He'll be starting next season and while i don't like the game i'll be there on the sidelines cheering him on. I don't class that as a good parent, it's just what parents do and they have a good time seeing their kids happy.

Maybe you should hold off on having kids until you're old enough and mature enough to grasp the concept that when you do have them, they are (or should be) the centre of your universe and not yourself. Some people never work that out but then again those people just shouldn't have kids in the first place.

I just read this again. Do you want a goofy badge for parent of the century. Hows about you write a book on how to be a good parent. F*ck me dead here, we are talking sport here aren't we. Thanks for the little essay on how to be a good parent. You could be Rebecca Wilson undercover.

Big Time

Twas a good article. Surely women want real men and not ones fighting over the hair dryer and make up bag.


I just read this again. Do you want a goofy badge for parent of the century. Hows about you write a book on how to be a good parent. F*ck me dead here, we are talking sport here aren't we. Thanks for the little essay on how to be a good parent. You could be Rebecca Wilson undercover.

You must have missed the part where i said it doesn't make me a good parent dickhead. I'm far from it but i'll still let my kids do what will make them happy.

Big Time

You must have missed the part where i said it doesn't make me a good parent dickhead. I'm far from it but i'll still let my kids do what will make them happy.

Ok I Rebecca I apoligise for my slip up. I thought seems you were preaching to us that you may have slipped the whole 'doesn't make me a good parent' thing in there to try and add a little balance, although deep down you do believe you are the Dr Phil of parenting. You listen here budsy, my children will be happy understanding league is the greatest game and dragons are the best team, because I will brainwash them to believe this.


Ok I Rebecca I apoligise for my slip up. I thought seems you were preaching to us that you may have slipped the whole 'doesn't make me a good parent' thing in there to try and add a little balance, although deep down you do believe you are the Dr Phil of parenting. You listen here budsy, my children will be happy understanding league is the greatest game and dragons are the best team, because I will brainwash them to believe this.

Fair enough your kids understanding that league is the greatest game but the Dragons the best team? That's friggin child abuse! But like i said going to watch my kids play a sport i don't like doesn't make me a good parent it's just what parents do and millions of them at that, to me it's just normal.

I'm the first to admit i have my share of shortcomings as a parent and i'm not just "slipping that in" I know i have. But deliberately not going to see my kid playing a sport just because i don't like it isn't one of them. We're all different and if you don't agree with that and wouldn't do it then that's your prerogative. I just find it selfish that's all.


well, this thread went downhill quick.

I will definately be brainwashing my kids like Big Time (except certainly not the Dragons bit) - and the mrs (sorry rexxy) won't let them play any other code, she hates them all.

guess we shouldn't have kids then. anyone want to take them? (maybe you, Dr EvenPhil?)

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