The big question though, is can he?
What can he offer Rugby League?
Can he preside over the charter of the commission, whatever that may be when and if it comes to fruition?
I say he can't due to the fact his own colleagues in the liberal party poured a bucket of cold piss on him once he was unceremoniously outed as a sitting PM for only the second time in the nation's history.
That alone should be enough to make people sit up and be concerned that his name is even mentioned as a candidate.
Wow...your ignorance cannot be questioned, that is definately true.
Exactly...what can he offer the game? You say he can't offer sh!t without even giving him a chance to see what he can.
I'd say he is MORE than capable of presiding over the charter of the commission and moreso I'd say he'd squash a few of the god damn massive egos (similar to yours) that will be vying for a position on the board.
You say he can't because after 11 years, he was outed. If it wasn't for Labor's publicity stunt in bringing in an outsider in McKew who didn't even live in the area, and using her profile on the ABC and flaunting her at every event, i'd say it'd be a non-event. And on top of that, if it wasn't for the stupid system of not having a "first past the post" voting and having preferences counted, Howard would still be the representative.
But again...what relevance does his politic's have on the decision to appoint him to an independent decision.
All you've offered so far is about his political history and saying to people "Johnny Groupie"...but you've failed to offer any REAL reason why he shouldn't be put to this position without so much as even giving him a chance to see what he can do.
And that is the trait of an ignorant fool.