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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

  • Total voters


First Grade
Even the most arduous of ALP voters would agree that you dont get sit a top tree of Australian politics, or any political system, for 11 years, winning 3 elections, without a skill set. The man clearly has skills, that are very applicable to the position in question. It doesnt mean you have to like the man or his politics. But failure to admitt he has business skills, well that just leads us to believe you are are an absolute fool, any fleeting credibility you had is now gone.

Oh wise one, please elaborate on what skills he possesses.

Communicator - Buzzzzzzzzzz.

Credibility - Buzzzzzzz.

Business acumen - Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Da doooooooh.


Post Whore
Oh wise one, please elaborate on what skills he possesses.

Communicator - Buzzzzzzzzzz.

Credibility - Buzzzzzzz.

Business acumen - Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Da doooooooh.

2 points:

1. I dont waste time on people who prove themselves as fools
2. You've proved yourself as a fool


First Grade
Oh wise one, please elaborate on what skills he possesses.

Communicator - Buzzzzzzzzzz.

Credibility - Buzzzzzzz.

Business acumen - Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Da doooooooh.

I hate the blokes politics as much as the next man but to say he has none of the skills is just plain wrong.


I am amazed that people of both sides of politics cannot/will not put their political views aside for the good of the game.
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Big Mick


The big question though, is can he?

What can he offer Rugby League?

Can he preside over the charter of the commission, whatever that may be when and if it comes to fruition?

I say he can't due to the fact his own colleagues in the liberal party poured a bucket of cold piss on him once he was unceremoniously outed as a sitting PM for only the second time in the nation's history.

That alone should be enough to make people sit up and be concerned that his name is even mentioned as a candidate.

Wow...your ignorance cannot be questioned, that is definately true.

Exactly...what can he offer the game? You say he can't offer sh!t without even giving him a chance to see what he can.

I'd say he is MORE than capable of presiding over the charter of the commission and moreso I'd say he'd squash a few of the god damn massive egos (similar to yours) that will be vying for a position on the board.

You say he can't because after 11 years, he was outed. If it wasn't for Labor's publicity stunt in bringing in an outsider in McKew who didn't even live in the area, and using her profile on the ABC and flaunting her at every event, i'd say it'd be a non-event. And on top of that, if it wasn't for the stupid system of not having a "first past the post" voting and having preferences counted, Howard would still be the representative.

But again...what relevance does his politic's have on the decision to appoint him to an independent decision.

All you've offered so far is about his political history and saying to people "Johnny Groupie"...but you've failed to offer any REAL reason why he shouldn't be put to this position without so much as even giving him a chance to see what he can do.

And that is the trait of an ignorant fool.

1 Eyed TEZZA

I am amazed that people of both sides of politics cannot/will not put their political views aside for the good of the game.

Exactly, if Rugby League was a government, id vote for it. if Rugby League was a food, id eat it. If Rugby League was a religon I would pray to it. If Rugby League was a woman......Id leave it alone, to macho.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Yeah, but the ninemsn poll has a few more voters.

i always doubt their plls. they wouldn't even get that many hits a day let alone people who vote on their polls

their poll numbers are so varied that i think most times there are multiples


I said this in the Jubilee Avenue Forum:

What we mustn't forget is that the Chairman holds no direct power in the decision making process, and the Commission, from what I understand, will operate like a regular board; all are involved in voting on decisions.

He will not possess the 'Carte Blanche' power of Gallop, and his experience in leading arguably the most important board in the country (Cabinet) in combination with his passion for the game should be viewed as two desirable assets. Politics needs to be pushed aside for a moment and one needs to take an objective view of the proposal.

To suggest he has no skill set after leading the country for 12 years is just ludicrous.

It's amazing how politics clouds objective reasoning.
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The swastika's flashing before your eyes must be blinding you but for the record, Rudd's name has not been mentioned for the role. :lol::lol:

Yeah but you're a Nerdy Kevin 07 man I can tell.

Swastika Eyes is a brilliant song by Primal Scream.

Don't know what it's got to do with Howard though.


Howard may be a good idea for commissioner.

It goes without saying that the commissioner would have to unite the NRL, ARL, NSWRL and QLDRL. This would be where Howard's political skill comes in.

Lets think for a minute. What else would the commissioner's job entail? Would it be like the NFL commissioner's job in the US? If so he will need to re-structure the NRL foreseeing that News Ltd will exit the NRL in the near future. He would need to reform the league so there is more parity in the league by including greater revenue sharing. That's revenue coming from TV rights, merchandise and ticket sales. It means the rich clubs will have to pool their funds to help the poorer clubs to assist in a viable league and compete nationally against the AFL. Any league with a few rich clubs and a lot of poor clubs is never good for that sport. Is Howard a guy who can promote parity?

He would have to be business savvy. He would have to negotiate TV rights contracts with the major TV networks every time they expire. Howard may have the commercial experience to so this. He will need to negotiate at the league level and sell the product at that level which will have a larger bargaining power than if smaller clubs had to negotiate individually.

He may have to implement a stricter player conduct policy. the commissioner really should have discretion and final say in handing down fines and suspensions without pay. In the NFL, if you are arrested for a DUI or assault or positively tested for substance abuse you get fined and a 1 week suspension. If you get caught twice within your career you get a 4 game suspension. A third time and you are out for 12 months and then you can apply for reinstatement. I think Howard's conservative political approach will help him clean up the NRL.

Economically he will need to decide whether to expand the NRL to include more teams or relocate existing teams. This is where his Independence from all factions of rugby league can help as he should be able to make unbiased economic decisions. If the market is to grow to other cities he may need to promote the new restructured league to private investors and sell new teams as an investment. An investment where private investors can gain some access to the league pooled funds to build new stadiums and/or upgrades to promote their venue and increase ticket sales. In time the property will grow in value. With all things considered I think Howard could do a pretty good job of it.


Yeah but you're a Nerdy Kevin 07 man I can tell.

Swastika Eyes is a brilliant song by Primal Scream.

Don't know what it's got to do with Howard though.

I think the chip on your shoulder is about the same size as the one on Feins, probably exactly the same.


Awesome move, the biggest name for the Big Game, still holds massive court in the corporate world and that's what the game needs.... what's that AFL dude's name again.. Demetri what?


Haha, howard and the Nrl, atleast it would be a step forward when it comes to broadening the game.

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
Even if Howard is not taken by the idea, the most important aspect of this announcement is that it pushes the idea of an independant commision into the limelight. A couple of months ago the independant commision was a pipe dream, now it looks more and more likely that it is a definite go ahead and this is a huge step foward for rugby league.

Once the ball is rolling and picking up steam it will become harder and harder for the nuffies in charge of the current factions to stop it.