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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

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Post Whore
Even if Howard is not taken by the idea, the most important aspect of this announcement is that it pushes the idea of an independant commision into the limelight. A couple of months ago the independant commision was a pipe dream, now it looks more and more likely that it is a definite go ahead and this is a huge step foward for rugby league.

Once the ball is rolling and picking up steam it will become harder and harder for the nuffies in charge of the current factions to stop it.

Exactly. The other important thing to come from this announcement is even if JH is not keen or a deal cant be worked out, the fact that he is the type of profile and skills set individual they are targeting for the position is extremely exciting, because weather its John Howard or not, his skill's set and profile is exactly the type of thing this commission needs


A side issue, this was all over the papers and foxsports news but there was not a peep about it in the channel9 news. Did any any other channels show it as I thought it was a big story. Is channel being quiet for a reason.

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
A side issue, this was all over the papers and foxsports news but there was not a peep about it in the channel9 news. Did any any other channels show it as I thought it was a big story. Is channel being quiet for a reason.

A bit out there but the roots may run deep. You would never know. There are certainly a lot of things that don't make sense in rugby league admin.


Note to NRL players: Hide your porn and get ready for compulsory income management, If you keep f*cking up there'll be an ill-advised intervention:lol:


f**k no. the reason his own electorate tossed him out was because he was a single midned totally out of touch fool. We dont need that in charge of anything, not australia, not the NRL.


This actually excites me tbh. How much worse can he be than the leadership we've become accustomed to?

Lets get the man responsible for making us an international disgrace, once the most openly liked country in the world, we now fear to travel to our nearest neighbours. He is a f**king idiot, prime minister or not.


Can someone explain how it will work and what substantive diffierence it will make to what goes on now?? Will Colin Love and Geoff Carr keep their roles??
Lets get the man responsible for making us an international disgrace, once the most openly liked country in the world, we now fear to travel to our nearest neighbours. He is a f**king idiot, prime minister or not.
John Howard was a fantastic PM you bigot. The fact he brought this country some of its most prosperous economic + employment times seen seems to have skipped your memory. As did bridging the monstrous gaps in relationships with foriegn nations and their populous that were created by Paul Keating and his repeated narrow mindedness and horrid personality.

As for being someone to lead the NRL, I see him as a fantastic choice. Someone who would not accept mediocrity, would not pander to News Ltd or ARL or QRL demands, someone who would stand up in the face of bullying from the bigger personalities of the NRL like Bruno Cullen and Brian Waldron. There are many other reasons, but John Howard is an excellent leader, be it in Government or in the corporate sector - somewhere the NRL should be moving more towards in a move to becoming ever more professional. And on top of all that, he is a huge fan of Rugby League.
some of the anti howard comments on here are pathetic.

and this, coming from sections who think I'm pussy whipped.

People must begin to ask themselves if they have healthy relationships with women, to think I am pussy whipped. No one on here knows me personally in any case.

I often think that many people act like they do on here to cover up feelings of inferiority, insecurity and dissatisfaction with their own plight in life.

I bring this to your attention, because some on here believe a man of John Howard's standing would not be good for rugby league. There are so many armchair leaders on here its not funny.

Its the sign of an immature mind when one cannot separate different shades of grey. Life is complex. I suspect the average age is relatively low on these forums. Thats not to say everyone is around 14, but judging from the comments flying around by some, its not far from the mark.

I can assure you, Mr Searle can assure you, everyone who is anyone can assure you, John Howard would be a fine choice for commissioner.

Running the country is a team effort - but great leadership cannot be mistaken. John Howard is a great leader. I wouldn't go as far to say he should be the only one sought out, but surely he is a leading candidate.
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Dogs Of War

C'mon PBB, hold up your end of the deal. See I even have a reminder for you in my sig.

Plenty of other sites like the Roar or RLeague that you can take your story to.
Can someone explain how it will work and what substantive diffierence it will make to what goes on now?? Will Colin Love and Geoff Carr keep their roles??

I am no longer sure as to how it will work. I'd like to see a new report on the commission. I've forgotten.

But I do know at the moment they throw darts at a spinning "wheel of fortune" with blindfolds on. There are plenty of "bankrupts" on the wheel to make failure an every day experience.
True colours showing? how dare people be on welfare? Under Howard, welfare payments slipped below the poverty line. Lots of people are better off under Labor. Sometimes they don't even know it though. Eg stimulus spending helping to stave off recession, which would have been bad for everyone. Libs wouldn't have spent on stimulus and we would probably be in recession right now if they were in government.

Mining boom has been comming a long time, to claim John Howard did it is crazy. Paul Keating was always yammering on about engaging with asia, making our economy part of asia, politically aligning with asia. Hell, if you go back further, Whitlam was saying the same thing in the 70s.

Except with Labor, they prefer multilateral free trade agreements rather than exclusive one to one agreements which basically use free trade as a means to maintain the status quo (by excluding poor or small countries, the ones the whole idea of free trade was supposed to benefit).

What did he do with all that surplus cash? what was his legacy from all that mining money? Are our roads, schools and hospitals second to none? do our cities have excellent rail networks, our Navy good Amphibs or Destroyers? Most of that wealth ended up in the housing market.

The Howard term will go down in history as being a period of great prosperity squandered, could have been great, but was mediocre.


so according to you. That must be said. Many people did well for themselves during that era. Can't spend your money everywhere, can you.

You see, Keating put in place many of the things that helped Howard do what he did with the economy. This talk of one person doing it all is nonsense - its a bloody team effort, like it or not, through successive governments - like a relay race.

I think you will find where you mentioned money being "squandered" it was actually used for different purposes than what you perceive to be valuable. Howard helped out many families and made medicare better, for starters. The hospital system has needed overhauling for a long time, but such a thing was not on the cards, especially in the era of the rise of private health insurance. See, its complex.

They paid off 100 billion worth of debt. You are enjoying a relatively trouble free existence during a world economic crisis.

See, you can't spend your money everywhere. Howard actually increased Military spending, I know because I was in there when he did it. You will notice now in the millitary they have more cash to splash around, and don't forget we sent troops to the middle east. Thats not cheap. Remember the recruitment drive 10 years ago. The govt increased the size of the armed services. But the services are such, you could spend HEAPS on them and still never spend enough. Did you know america spends about 33% of its total spending on Military related things. Thats trillions of dollars, and they still ask for more. Russia was doing the same at one stage too.

Its a complex world. I remember at the start of his tenure the docks issue. I was working for a company that could not get its OWN Product OFF the docks because those mongrel dockers were holding the country to ransom. Howard put a stop to all that nonsense and broke up some of that misused power base. That was one of the best things he did.

Plus the work the govt did with re-doing the tax system, costello in particular, was nothing short of miraculous. That was an enormous job.

What about the work done with the millitary, the white paper that came out had its beginning in the howard govt. How about the PBS being extended under Howard.... prescriptions made cheaper, etc.

I write this not to be long-winded....but people must think before they make blanket statements. Its a complex world.

As for Howard helping out rugby league, I have no qualms. The guy doesn't have horns. He genuinely loves Australia, and he loves Australian sport, and Rugby League. Support him!
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C'mon PBB, hold up your end of the deal. See I even have a reminder for you in my sig.

Plenty of other sites like the Roar or RLeague that you can take your story to.


You are an inspiration to mentally impaired people everywhere. :p

I think you are great. I made no deal, scatter brain.

Listen. If you are talking about the 75,000 or more at the semi, and I will leave....well, I do believe that the crowd was in fact 74,500 or thereabouts.

Not good enough.

Have a nice day!

Yes, surely, you must be inspiring to handi-capped people.....
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El Diablo

Post Whore

New body may kick off before next season

Jacquelin Magnay | October 8, 2009

RUGBY LEAGUE should have its much-mooted independent commission up and running by the start of the 2010 season, its time frame shortened by the scintillating finals series and record television audiences.

Broncos chief executive Bruno Cullen, one of the members of the working group charged with finding a compromise position between the two owners of the code - the Australian Rugby League and News Ltd - said yesterday momentum was crucial for the changeover.

''It needs to happen sooner rather than later, personally I think if it drags out too long it won't happen,'' he said. ''I think three to six months is a good time frame to have a really good idea if this is going to happen, we have been working on it for 12 months now, that time frame should be big enough.''

League is on a high at the moment, with its grand final national broadcast audience beating the AFL figures and the code enjoying record attendance and membership numbers. Insiders say having the independent commission up and running by next March would give the new body a chance to establish itself before the all-important television rights negotiations - as well as major sponsorship deals and marketing initiatives - begin later that year and go into early 2011. An entire-code approach, but selling various packages to the networks - such as a separate State of Origin deal - is on the cards. The code receives $100 million a year from free-to-air and pay television networks but that figure could escalate and rival the superior AFL deal if the ratings continue to remain high.

Committee members have been focusing on how to initiate the change, that will remove the decision-making power from the joint partnership board to an independent commission. It is anticipated the NRL chief executive David Gallop would remain as the key administrator.

The structure of the commission is being forged along similar lines to the NFL in the US and the AFL. But there is still internal division about how that will be determined. A suggestion that nominated members face election by club and state delegates has faced considerable backlash.

Yesterday there were reports the former Prime Minister and long-term St George Illawarra No.1 ticket-holder, John Howard, had been approached to chair the commission.

Queensland coach Mal Meninga said rugby league's factions was a political minefield. ''I wouldn't say we have hangers-on in our administration at the moment - we have passionate people at the top of our game, who have tremendous experience, that should never be underestimated,'' he told AAP. ''I just think we need to freshen the game up.''

Cullen said working out who may be on the commission was secondary to formulating its structure. ''Michael Searle and others on the committee can't commit to anything, … but we are making real progress.''

El Diablo

Post Whore

Seeds of change planted at code's spiritual home

Glenn Jackson | October 8, 2009

THE group of club bosses charged with the job of negotiating a re-structure of the code was first formed at the game's spiritual home, the SCG, and its members are so parochial in their attempt to ensure the commission is truly independent they will only meet on neutral grounds.

Michael Searle, the architect and the spiritual leader of the pack, flew from New York to London to Sydney just to attend the strategic meeting in May at the cricket ground, attended by all the club chief executives, at which the idea of an independent committee was pitched.

Since then, they have met either before and after scheduled chief executives' conferences or meetings, every six to eight weeks, generally in hotel boardrooms.

''We always wanted to show independence,'' said Brisbane Broncos chief executive Bruno Cullen, one of the members of the sub committee. ''We didn't have meetings at the NRL or News Limited - we thought it would be inappropriate if we met at either of those offices. We didn't want to be in a position where people might say, if we met at NRL at Fox Studios we could just duck in and ask David Gallop something or if we met at Philip Street we could ask Geoff Carr. We met off-site. We had to be independent. I guess it was a statement. Our interest is in the game.''

When the group was formed, it comprised seven members; Searle, Cullen, Melbourne's Brian Waldron, Souths' Shane Richardson, Newcastle's Shane Richardson, Parramatta's Denis Fitzgerald and Cronulla's Tony Zappia. Fitzgerald and Zappia have since left their employment with their clubs and as such the sub-committee.

Searle is the ''heavy lifter'' of the group, according to Cullen. It is he who generally negotiated with News Ltd and Australian Rugby League officials. His first meetings occurred not much more than a month after the sub-committee was formed. Searle and then Parramatta chief executive Denis Fitzgerald met ARL heavy Nick Politis and others and, separately, News Ltd powerbrokers.

Both he and Cullen have been pleasantly surprised by the reception received at both the ARL and News Ltd. Initially, Searle said, the harshest reaction came from the club bosses.

At the SCG, where the club bosses spoke about various strategic issues in the game, from stadiums to television rights to the ownership structure, was like the English Literature stand in a sporty US college committee day. ''It wasn't a very popular group,'' Searle said. ''We were a thousand to one.''

But the group pressed on. The club bosses have attempted to base their model not on the AFL model, but the NFL one. They understand both parties want something out of the new arrangement. News Ltd will want a share of the next television deal. ''We might have had a couple of little road blocks, but we haven't had the serious show-stoppers,'' Cullen said. ''Not everything's agreed on, but people are in agreement to move forward.''

A number of parties across various industries, including former Prime Minister John Howard, have been approached about being on the commission, none as chairman. The sub-committee members maintain none are certain starters even if they accepted the opportunity.

Yesterday's timely News Ltd story notwithstanding, the members of the sub-committee even before that remained convinced a deal could be brokered soonish. ''We're certainly of the belief that all parties are very keen to have this happen,'' Cullen said. ''They'll each have their own needs and desires and wants.''

Searle said: ''Originally we planned to activate it before the next TV deal but things have progressed in the last 12 months and even the last six months.

''It may happen sooner. It's a long process but we're certainly keen to get there.''

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