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Newcastle Knights - ABC Four Corners


First Grade
Good for you Karma

And therein lies the difference between those of us who use our brains when watching what the media presents to us, rather than letting them spoonfeed us and believe every pixel and soundwave coming out of the box ;-)

I'm pretty put off by what they presented Simon as saying on the telly too...but the snippet doesn't even sound right given what their voiceover was beforehand, and thats obvious to me who is not the most intelligent spark going round!
I'm certain he doesn't condone RAPE as such, but a major point of those seminars is to show footballers that sneaking in your team mate to start having sex with the girls as well when she isn't aware of it occurring, is actually a form of sexual assault without being the true definition of rape.

You couldnt be more, wrong she has not consentated to sex with the person sneaking in so I would say thats as bigger rape as you can get.


Would not be the first time someone was taken out of context for the sake of 'journalism'.

Haha this whole discussion reminds me of the simpsons episode where homer gets accused of sexual assault -

Homer: Eh, somebody had to take the babysitter home. Then I noticed she was sitting on - her sweet - can - so I grabbed her - sweet can - Oh, just thinking about - her - can - I just wish I - had - her - sweet - sweet - s-s-sweet - can.
Jones: So, Mr. Simpson: you admit you grabbed her can. What do you have to say in your defense?
[Cut to a paused shot of Homer drooling.]
Jones: Mr. Simpson, your silence will only incriminate you further.
[The paused shot of Homer grows larger, indicating that he is moving closer.]
Jones: No, Mr. Simpson, don't take your anger out on me. Get back! Get back! Mist...Mr. Simpson... NOOOOO!
Announcer: [quickly] Dramatization may not have happened.


First Grade
All the players are still with the Club.

These actions are not limited to football players. Society in general needs to look at this problem.

Great show.

Heartbreaking to hear the young Kiwi girls story.

I cant condone the behaiour of these players, and I think the way they behaved was terrible, but having said this to my wife and copping a massive spray....... but anyway.

When a young woman goes to a motel room with two guys on her own that are drunk (footballer or otherwise) what does she think will happen?

Its certainly not her fault, but a bit of comon sense and self preservation would help.
Absolutely. Even without explicitly giving consent that anything will happen, she is giving them the wrong impression about what may follow.


In a perfect world she should be able to do it without concern.

The reality is, there are predators and men who abuse women out there.

Its not the girls fault, but I would suggest that women keep this in mind when they make decisions that could lead them into these terrible situations.


My issue with all this is linking these behaviours with the sport of RL.

They could have made that program focusing on all the bad behaviour of young people from any sport in the country down to our national Chess team.

Other sports don't get talked about, because they don't drag every incident through the media. The sports that deny, deny, deny don't get bagged off on four corners, but their young people are as good and as bad as our young people.


Interesting debate all of this. Let me say that there is a change generally in what people, and particulary young people view as the "norm" in terms of sexualised behaviours compared to what it was when I was younger, all be it that is some 30 years ago.

My job provides me with the unique opportunity to witness first hand the sexualised behaviours of adolescents and some of the things they get up to makes you shake your head.

This is a two fold thing, the fact that "victims" get themselves into the situation they do and also the fact that "perpetrators" allow themselves to be involved in some of the behaviours and situations they get themselves into.

Is the behaviour that I deal with the norm amongst adolescents? Well I can't say that it is because the people I deal with are just those that make it into the particular system that I am part of.

What I can say is that these people, "victims" and "perpetrators" come from all walks of life

Recently I came across an interesting research piece related to exposrure to pornography and sexualised behaviour. It is not a great piece but provides thought provoking ideas.

If anyone is interested let me know and I will provide you with a link to the paper.


I remember a radio interview with a doctor from the U.S about how pornography and its wider access has changes adolescent views on what is 'normal' and 'accepted' sexual practices.

It was not just in regards to male adolescents either. Women have also changed thier views and what is considered 'normal' sexual activity as well.

Things have changed since I was a lad.


Its great that they are running these workshops to educate young footballers but as has been pointed out this is an issue in society not just confined to Rugby League or even professional sport. I mean look at the old cliche of the woman walking past a building site or the drunks at indy yelling at the girls to "show us your t**ts?. Can we now say that all tradies and racing supporters are rapists?
Should these sort of workshops be run in high schools and not just for the guys but the girls as well trying to educate them to not get themselves into these situations and to watch out for friends getting themselves into those situations. I know if my friends both male and female saw me getting into a situation like that they would step in.
Granted if it was a bunch of footballers it would only be coz they wanted a piece of the action .......................... and yeah im talking about the males too :p


There is a big gap between shouting 'show us yout t*ts' and rape.

Both are not acceptable, but there is a mighty gap between the two.

I agree with your point though, its certainly not confined to NRL or RL.


I agree there is a massive gap and maybe didn't say it right maybe it should have said something like are showing potential to be rapists or something.
The point is is there some sort of double standard developing in what we expect from people because they are footballers or even in the public eye? if a group of footballers were seen doing the same thing on an end of season trip how would it be viewed?


Some of the comments from the U 20s made me cringe.

It made a lot of people cringe, whether there was a slant put on it or not, what they said was unacceptable - in any situation - in any context.

And the sooner some people here realise that instead of looking for any excuse in the book to try and defend their comments, the better.

The blokes body language and comments when in another section of the seminar said it all as well - unless the camera can doctor his body language to some agenda as well?


All Williams said was that girls won't be upset if you don't act like an arsehole towards them after sex.
It looked bad because of the way it was set up.
If they had done a quarter of an hour leadup about footy players trying to be respectful towards girls and aired the exact same comment from Williams he would have looked like a guy trying to be nice.

I had a bit of a talk to his mum at a game once, and they are really unaffected farm people from near Inverell who wouldn't dream of being anything other than respectful to young ladies IMO. I wouldn't trust my daughter with a lot of young blokes, but Williams' mother would kick his arse if he did the wrong thing.


All Williams said was that girls won't be upset if you don't act like an arsehole towards them after sex.
It looked bad because of the way it was set up.

No he didn't.

How can you say thats all he said when he used words such as ' dirty whore ' , ' kinda thank them for it ' , and referred to how its not actually the act of doing something wrong but how you ' cover it up '?

It looked bad because of the what he said and how he said it.

Nothing less, nothing more.

The media can't be blamed for the quotes already listed on here.

" It's not how you treat them during the act, it's how you treat them afterwards. Most of them could have been avoided if you had just put them in a cab and said ' thanks for that kinda thing ' and not just kicked her out and call her a dirty whore. It's how you treat them afterwards, to cover all of that stuff up " - Simon Williams Knights

Seriously, how else do you think the viewing public interprets that ridiculous comment - in context or not. Its not HOW YOU TREAT THEM DURING THE ACT? What so you can do anything to a girl, as long as there's a cab waiting the next day and you're really, really nice to them?

I mean seriously if someone wrote that exact comment as a post on here, you'd think the person writing it is a complete disgusting fiend way out of touch with reality.

If not that, what about the other Knights goose who when quizzed if a guy would be in trouble for sexually assaulting a girl replied " Depends how good your lawyer is "...

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" It's not how you treat them during the act, it's how you treat them afterwards. Most of them could have been avoided if you had just put them in a cab and said ' thanks for that kinda thing ' and not just kicked her out and call her a dirty whore. It's how you treat them afterwards, to cover all of that stuff up " - Simon Williams Knights
He hasn't got the gift of the gab, but all that says is he thinks you should be nice to girls and not call them a 'dirty whore' if you want to avoid trouble.
You will always find the most negative spin - which is pretty ironic since you feel agrieved about the media doing the same thing to you.