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Newcastle Knights set to snap up NRL outcast Willie Mason


Staff member
I've met Mason twice at footy promotional things (one of them being NSW Country's visit to Armidale when I was at Uni) and he was an utter c**k.

That said, Joey wasn't exactly a winner with the fans either. Rude every time I met him.

If he plays well and he isn't costing us an arm and a leg, I couldn't care less if he runs c**k-fights in his spare time.


How long do you all think it will take for him to get into 1st grade? And how many minutes are we gettin out of him?
If he signed today he'd probably need a week or two to be ready for NSW cup and he'd need a couple of games there to show he's up to it.

2012....Sharks Year

First Grade
If you believe all the reports Willie has been training hard and is fit. While that doesn't mean match fit i dont think you guys have anything to lose by signing him to an incentive based contract. At his best he's a wrecking ball and i think you guys could do with a bit more mongrel in the pack. At his worst he's a train wreck but if it happens to turn to shit with him it's not like its any reflection on your club....everyone knows his track record. Same goes for Albert Kelly....plenty of ability if he's mind's in the right place. Good luck with both of these guys....i think at least one if not both will be a winner.


Don't know how to feel about this one. On the one hand we desperately need size and he's a massive unit who when at or near his best is better than all our forwards.

On the other side he's known to be disruptive, hasn't played league in at least a year, and is the wrong side of 30.

eeeeexactly wat i was gonna say. im really not sure how he'd fit in chemistry wise. gus once said the last 3 clubs hes been were wooden spooners (bardogs, roosters, cowboys)

should i chuck a tenner on us getting the spoon as insurance?


$40K + match payments is ludicrously cheap for a player like Willie Mason.

Willie is a scapegoat, when he was at his peak nobody was calling him 'a bad influence' on the team.

Can't see a negative on getting a former Australian rep for the peanuts he's getting paid.
Wasn't there a news item on NBN tonight dismissing that the Knights were after him?
I heard the segment advertised but missed it.


article today in the herald (and various other publications) that Knights make a call on Willie today after Gids returns from his holiday (can't source until the embargo is lifted sorry).

On Mason, reckon he'd be a great signing. He's a massive c**k, but most football players are. Mason got unfairly maligned by people because he actually spoke his mind.


i can only assume the Nannas were included in the list of stakeholders that were questioned on the viability of the signing.


Staff member
Why the hell are we including the nannas, or any supporter groups in general, in the recruitment process? It should be coaching staff and knights officials only involved.


the clubs key stakeholders are involved in this particular signing due to the potentially scandalous nature of it. supporters groups are a token to represent the wider community as a stakerholder. then you have sponsors, who have a very obvious stake in it.

i think it's smart, to be honest. this way the Knights cover themselves regardless of what Willie does. if Willie mucks up, the sponsors can't exactly make a fuss about it if they gave it the green light themselves. ditto the Nannas or any other stakeholder in the club. they are covering their arses as far as i can see - something our previous administration probably wouldn't even think of doing.
Anyone that has followed Willy on Twitter knows that he still thinks his a star, that being said your pack needs size.....

Maybe ban him from associating with players except on game day?

Spot On

f**ken ban him and the rest of the fools who use Twitter. The Robbie Farah/M.Johns fiasco would have not become headlines if it weren't for Robbie jumping on Twitter to post the nonsense he did after that interview. All said and done, Farah did very well in that interview. Then he goes and for some bizarre reason gets on Twitter to have a big dump. Will these blokes ever learn?
Twitter is tremendous if your punter, tonnes of good twitter's that get up to the minute injury news.

Same deal with fantasy leagues.

Also great if your stuck at a social gathering without the footy for updates and such!
Was just thinking the fact that his only signed for a year is great for you guys, if he was on a longer deal he'd probably bludge but the fact he'll be looking for a 2-3 year deal beyond this year should mean that he'll tear the house down, because his zero chance of coaching and no chance of a media career so its probably willys last 3 years of big coin!
His days of big coin are past him. If he thinks otherwise then he is in for a rude shock. I disagree with him having no career in the media or in coaching though. The big fella is actually quite charismatic when he is in front of the camera. If Mark Geyer can make it then anyone can.