To be honest, Houses time in the middle has only made him a more tough and uncomprimising edge player. He has not lost his tank and has not gained weight.
I see them on even par in attack, with House leaving Patto for dead in the defence department.
Sometimes I think people under rate defence. I guess it is easy to admire line breaks and offloads and it is not hard to see the immediate contribution to the side when this happens.
But defence is just as important, and often under rated.
While Patto is not a bad defender, the role of edge back rowers is about as tough as it comes in modern NRL.
With fast running centres on the outside shoulder and hard running back rowers on your inside it is often a nightmare. Added to the fact that you are often baby sitting Mullen or Scotty....
Zeb and Simpson make those two look so much better in defence.
Its an uncomfortable feeling in the coaches box when you hold your breath if its not Simpson and Zeb out there everytime a team has even numbers and spreads the ball. There is a massive security when Simpson is out there on the edge, same with Zeb, and that security is lost when it is Patto on the edge.
Remeber he is still just a kid, and will improve as the years go on. I have no doubt if he can control his medical problems he has the potential to be one of the best back rowers at the Club, if not the competition.