Well who won the media regarding NRL and AFL, ie PayTV, Free To Air ( FTA) TV in the last year ie 2022 that's just passed. I cant be bothered to explain each 'Comps' deals in detail but to put the extraordinary fact that NRL, the Nation Rugby League WON in all categories media deal. Most definable on total amount, the NRL won and FTA and by logical deduction in the pay TV area as well.
So Perth Red must have Chicken Egg Farm 'all over his face'. So the RL fan can have bragging rights for the year 2022 that's just passed, the NRL won the media deals conclusively. But watch throw red herrings, object to this and carry one, as they say 'You cant fix stupid'. But to could redeem yourself Mt Red by just saying this is true and correct. We WON!!! say it?
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Revenue NRL
Licensing $409 million dollars for 2022
Revenue AFL
Broadcast AND AFL Media $396 Million dollars for 2022