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NFT-Corby Found Guilty


20 Years. I wonder what the victims of the Bali Bombers think of her sentance. Seams you can commit murder over there and get less than you get for drug smuggling??? What a F***ing joke!:evil:


I agree with ya' Tony. She has been treated way worse that that piece of sh*t Amrozie has. To him the whole thing has been a joke. Goes to show their system is a sess poll of coruption.


Hope she goes better with her appeal. I doubt Howard and Downer would sit back if it was their children.


She is as guilty as sin. There are holes in her story you could drive the manly ferry through. 20 years for international drug smuggling is more than fair, particularly considering what the maximum is. Don't let appearances fool you.
Every drug runner whether they are a 40kg male string bean with track marks or your Schappelle Corby claims they are innocent and someone planted it.

Gene Krupa

She's not guilty.

This is one of the biggest fit-ups in history. Boycott Bali! That'll show them what we think of their tin-pot legal system. Guilty until proven innocent!


Live Update Team
In a few words, the whole situation is a joke. In Australia, you are innocent until proven guilty, in Indonesia, you are guilty unless proven innocent. Its a freaking joke. You get 20 years for manslaughter I think. FFS she hasn't murdered anyone. Sure, supposed drug-trafficking is not condoned, but in all seriousness, 20 years for "smuggling" drugs into a country ........ absolute joke. It still has not been proven 100% that the drugs were hers. IMO she is still innocent, I don't care what the official bullsh!t verdict is.


Jobdog said:
In a few words, the whole situation is a joke. In Australia, you are innocent until proven guilty, in Indonesia, you are guilty unless proven innocent

You are wrong Jobdog. This is a myth that is passed on like fact. Man I would like a dollar for evry person that swears that is so.


Contempt for Indonesian law unfounded
By Miranda Devine
May 22, 2005 - 12:06AM
The Sun-Herald

guilty or innocent this week, the Indonesian legal system has come in for unfounded criticism in Australia throughout her trial.

It is not a corrupt, biased or primitive criminal justice system, nor does it judge a defendant guilty until proven innocent, as is being said.

Such criticism is "just plain wrong", says Indonesian law expert Professor Tim Lindsey, director of the Asian law centre at the University of Melbourne.

"There is no confusion about the presumption of innocence," he said on Friday by phone from Jakarta, where he is doing unrelated research.

"It is clearly the case that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof is on the prosecution . . . just as it is in Australia."

The presumption of innocence is unambiguously embedded in three separate pieces of Indonesian legislation, he said: the Judicial Power Act, the Human Rights Act and the code of criminal procedure.

Supporters of Corby, who faces life in jail after 4.1 kilograms of hydroponic marijuana was found in her bodyboard bag at Denpasar airport last year, should be careful about translating their concern for the 27-year-old Gold Coast beauty therapy student into contempt for the Indonesian system of justice.


Live Update Team
But u can't tell me for sure that she DEFINITELY DID TRY TO GET THE DRUGS INTO THE COUNTRY ffs. The bottom line is, the Indonesian justice system is a complete joke, where there is a sh!tload of corruption involved. I just find it difficult to believe that if she did in fact try and smuggle the drugs in, why would u do it where it is so easily detected. The fact of the matter is, you get less for murder under the Indonesian legal system, THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE.


borat said:
She is as guilty as sin. There are holes in her story you could drive the manly ferry through. 20 years for international drug smuggling is more than fair, particularly considering what the maximum is. Don't let appearances fool you.
Every drug runner whether they are a 40kg male string bean with track marks or your Schappelle Corby claims they are innocent and someone planted it.
I'm not talking about her being guilty or not, I'm talking about the sentance she got compared with those murdering scum that blew up the night clubs over there, the whole indonesian judicial system is a bloody farce. It you get 20 years for drug smuggling you'd think that smiling assin, and his mates would've been shot. They got what amounts to a slap on the wrist for what they did.

Gene Krupa

borat said:
You are wrong Jobdog. This is a myth that is passed on like fact. Man I would like a dollar for evry person that swears that is so.


Contempt for Indonesian law unfounded
By Miranda Devine
May 22, 2005 - 12:06AM
The Sun-Herald

guilty or innocent this week, the Indonesian legal system has come in for unfounded criticism in Australia throughout her trial.

It is not a corrupt, biased or primitive criminal justice system, nor does it judge a defendant guilty until proven innocent, as is being said.

Such criticism is "just plain wrong", says Indonesian law expert Professor Tim Lindsey, director of the Asian law centre at the University of Melbourne.

"There is no confusion about the presumption of innocence," he said on Friday by phone from Jakarta, where he is doing unrelated research.

"It is clearly the case that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof is on the prosecution . . . just as it is in Australia."

The presumption of innocence is unambiguously embedded in three separate pieces of Indonesian legislation, he said: the Judicial Power Act, the Human Rights Act and the code of criminal procedure.

Supporters of Corby, who faces life in jail after 4.1 kilograms of hydroponic marijuana was found in her bodyboard bag at Denpasar airport last year, should be careful about translating their concern for the 27-year-old Gold Coast beauty therapy student into contempt for the Indonesian system of justice.

Miranda Devine? :lol:

She comes from the Rebecca Wilson school of journalism.

As Prodigy once said, "F*ck 'em and their law!"


Live Update Team
Here is an example of the joke that they call the Indonesian Legal System.


Alleged terror leader Abu Bakar Bashir was sentenced today to two and a half years in prison for criminal conspiracy for the 2002 Bali bombings, which killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

The five-judge panel said Bashir, who has been in jail since last April, would get credit for time served and could be out before the end of 2006.

The verdict was greeted by yells of "Allahu Akbar (God is greatest)" by hundreds of his followers inside and outside the tightly guarded court.

The judges were immediately whisked out of the room by armed police.

They also acquitted the Muslim cleric of five more serious anti-terror charges, including directly ordering the Bali attack, and two lesser charges.

The judges cleared Bashir of planning the 2003 suicide bombing of Jakarta's JW Marriott hotel, which killed 12 people, and of inciting his followers to launch deadly attacks.

They found that there had been no evidence nor witnesses to prove that Bashir took part in an "evil conspiracy" to bomb the Marriott.

Bashir was in jail at the time of that attack.

AdvertisementHowever, they found that he was linked to lead-up to the Bali attack and convicted him under Indonesia's standard criminal code.

All the charges that failed were based on harsh new anti-terror laws.

Bashir had originally faced a maximum penalty of death, although prosecutors eventually had asked for only eight and half years.

Most analysts had predicted that Bashir would either walk free or receive a short prison term - partly due to the weak case put forward by prosecutors.

At the start of today's verdict hearing, dozens heavily armed officers escorted Bashir into the courtroom where he smiled and told reporters that US President George W Bush was "evil".

About 1,000 policemen secured the building in south Jakarta.

About 100 of Bashir's supporters were allowed inside and 400 gathered outside the court.

Shortly before the verdict was handed down, Bashir said that if he was found guilty it would be a "tyrannical verdict", but he appealed to his followers not to react with violence.

Bashir maintained that Bush as an "enemy of Allah" had pressured Indonesia to jail him to stop him campaigning for Islamic law.

Bashir was arrested a week after the October 2002 Bali bombings and was first put on trial the following year.

Prosecutors failed to prove that he waged a terror campaign to topple the government and led Jemaah Islamiah, which is committed to setting up a pan-Islamic state across South East Asia.

However judges found him guilty of immigration offences and he was jailed.

Police rearrested him in April last year as he left prison after serving the immigration sentence, citing new evidence of terrorist links and of his Jemaah Islamiah leadership.

Jemaah Islamiah has been blamed for a series of terror attacks in the region, including a suicide bombing outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta last September that killed 11 people.

By the looks of that, you can kill 200-odd ppl and get 30 MONTHS in jail, yet if u "supposedly" smuggle drugs into the country, u get TWENTY YEARS.
borat said:
She is as guilty as sin. There are holes in her story you could drive the manly ferry through. 20 years for international drug smuggling is more than fair, particularly considering what the maximum is. Don't let appearances fool you.
Every drug runner whether they are a 40kg male string bean with track marks or your Schappelle Corby claims they are innocent and someone planted it.
She is one of the only people that will ever know if she is guilty or not? If she is - she's put in an amazing academy performance.

Lets get serious? Dope? 20 Years. People in Oz only get 8 years for Murder. If it was Heroin yeah sure.. but the 7 months she has been imprisoned already is sufficient for having dope even if she IS guilty.

All the aid we have given Indonesia? the 9 lives lost in the helicopter crash - the 9 Mules we surrendered to the Bali Government. Marajuana doesnt kill people - Heroin does!

Howard is a pratt sitting on his butt not wanting to upset the political balance. We should call for ALL Australians to now Boycott Bali as a holiday destination immediately!


Jobdog said:
But u can't tell me for sure that she DEFINITELY DID TRY TO GET THE DRUGS INTO THE COUNTRY ffs. The bottom line is, the Indonesian justice system is a complete joke, where there is a sh!tload of corruption involved. I just find it difficult to believe that if she did in fact try and smuggle the drugs in, why would u do it where it is so easily detected. The fact of the matter is, you get less for murder under the Indonesian legal system, THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE.

Explain to me how it is a joke Jobdog. She enetrs the country with 4.2kg of Pot stashed in her Body board Bag. 4 witness testify as to her trying to stop customs opening the compartment where they were hidden. But of course they are lying, why? I am seriously interested why people think she is innocent. Where is the corruption? A corrupt customs officer would take the drugs or ask for money. Why else be corrupt. They are sloppy and certainly not up to our standards but their are many many holes in our systems as well, we certainly aren't perfect.

Next time you go to the shops jobdog, pick up 2 x 2kg bags of potatoes and tell me you wouldn't notice those slipped into a bag containing only fins and a body board which weighs what, 6-8kgs max. She picks it up, doesn't notice that she is lugging a bag that is now 50% heavier nor that it has a sack bulging out of it and walks to customs counter places it on the desk.

Jobdog, it goes on and on and on the holes in her story.

She would have gone to trial in every country in the world for that and provided no evidence in court to dispute the prosecution.


Live Update Team
But the fact of the matter is that the system is a joke because of the verdict handed down. As I said, TWENTY YEARS for drug smuggling.......... a little bit extreme don't you think? As has been mentioned earlier, in Australia you can get only 8 years for murder. She HAS NOT KILLED ANYONE, all she has done, once again I say "supposedly" because no-one bar her knows the truth, is smuggled drugs into a country.

When you sit down and think about it, is it really that much of a big deal? I still stick by the fact that twenty years is a very very very tough sentence. And rightly or wrongly, I think the verdict was made up from the very first time those judges were told about her case.
borat said:
You are wrong Jobdog. This is a myth that is passed on like fact. Man I would like a dollar for evry person that swears that is so.


Contempt for Indonesian law unfounded

"There is no confusion about the presumption of innocence," he said on Friday by phone from Jakarta, where he is doing unrelated research.

"It is clearly the case that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof is on the prosecution . . . just as it is in Australia."

Yeah sure we beleive you guys. Look when these clown judges have sat on 500 drug cases and all 500 have been found guilty this CANNOT be the case. Not all 500 could be found guilty. Surely they have incorrectly charged somebody? The fact thay have not accquitted a single defendant MUST MEAN if you get caught with drugs you get found guilty.

I suspect, as Ron Bakir discovered that the ONLY way she was going to get off was if she PAID A BRIBE. Whilst in Rome or Bali we should do what the Balinese do. Play by their CORRUPT Rules. Wonder how much money Amrozi paid to get a lenient sentence? Anthing less would have led to uproar!

BOYCOTT BALI Effective immediately.

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