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NFT-Corby Found Guilty


The Little People said:
What I am saying is I would say 60% of people I know still do or have smoked dope at some stage. And it doesnt kill us does it? So I was differntiating between Dope and Heroin. Nobody should get 20 years for anything to do with Marijuana..... even if you grew $1M of it - its not a killer.

Guilty or not guitly 20 years is way too harsh.

I agreed and applauded the decision (and no way means am I being harsh ITS MY OPINION), she`s lucky she wasn`t sentenced to death Don`t lose sight of that people. But guys, remember this.... that "4.1kgs" will be smuggled into their and out again soon enough, its but merely "small fish in the water". She played with Fire and was burned. I have no sympathy for people who play and test the system. She knew about it, I wish people would stop, and think...."I know how the world works", apparently you people are too blinded by her acts on tv and too Gullible to see the truth.

End of the day: She`s now a Convicted Drug Smuggler, and she`s going to serve 20 years behind bars, barring a Bullsh!t appeals process that will occur within 16-18 months. Any amount of complaining unfortunately won`t help her situation and you can argue with my statements above til your blue in the face but nothings going to change the fact that she IS a Convicted Drug Smuggler officially now.



Furthur more, I feel that The death Penalty should be re-introduced to Australia, for not only Murderers and Rapist pig dog cu#ts, but Drug Smugglers aswell...... The sooner THE BETTER.


Staff member
Personally, I reckon it's a bloody disgrace what happened to her today. I've never been to Bali, but I've considered going on a few occasions. Not anymore.

The Bali Bombings didn't even for a second deter me from thinking about going, but this certainly has. Not for the drug-planting luggage-tampering aspect, but simply in protest.

Boycott Bali.


Nuke said:
Personally, I reckon it's a bloody disgrace what happened to her today. I've never been to Bali, but I've considered going on a few occasions. Not anymore.

The Bali Bombings didn't even for a second deter me from thinking about going, but this certainly has. Not for the drug-planting luggage-tampering aspect, but simply in protest.

Boycott Bali.

Lets boycott all the other countries in Asia and South America while were at it who hold other Australians for drug smuggling we never hear about on television, in the papers and on the radio also.........](*,) I don`t know why I even bother replying to you clueless assholes because its apparently clear you`ve got no concept of whats been going on.


John_Travolta said:
Lets boycott all the other countries in Asia and South America while were at it who hold other Australians for drug smuggling we never hear about on television, in the papers and on the radio also.........](*,) I don`t know why I even bother replying to you clueless assholes because its apparently clear you`ve got no concept of whats been going on.

Dude...the question has to be asked AGAIN...how many of those people on "death row" imported drugs into Indo? If you are caught exporting out of Indo - fine. But what is the motive of importing from a target market like Australia to a production market like Indo? It doesnt make any f**king sense!


Hunter of the SNARK said:
I happen to think Corby is innocent but, if you accept her defence, the authors of her terrible situation are all Australian. Her problems are the result of Australian drug dealers, using Australian baggage handlers to move Australian drugs through Australian airports, aided by the inadequate security set up by Australian airlines.

The crucial evidence that could have saved her was never collected by our own authorities, or was not secured in time to help her. And all this is Indonesia's fault?"

It's time for a little more inward soul-searching and a little less outward, self-righteous finger-pointing.

If you were Shapelle's lawyer, who else would you blame when she flew out of Sydney via Brisbane to Bali? If she is innocent of course you are going to blame Australia's drug dealers/baggage handlers/drugs/airports because thats where it bloody well happened!

There might be plenty of gaps in her case, but their case is hardly conclusive. 20 years for someone you cant find absolutely guilty is amazingly harsh and unfair.


John_Travolta said:
Furthur more, I feel that The death Penalty should be re-introduced to Australia, for not only Murderers and Rapist pig dog cu#ts, but Drug Smugglers aswell...... The sooner THE BETTER.

if your serious about that comment, then your an idiot


Alex28 said:
Would be interesting what your opinion would be if it was your sister/girlfriend/you in there if you were innocent...

thats all irrelevant

the fact is, she went into a foriegn country with illegall drugs, and now she will pay the price.


Phillips said:
thats all irrelevant

the fact is, she went into a foriegn country with illegall drugs, and now she will pay the price.

it isn't irrelevant at all.

how could they find her "absolutely and convincingly guilty" without going through the most basic things like fingerprinting? how can a judge state his opinion on her and suggest he'll find her guilty 3 weeks before the case is finished? how can a judge find her "absolutely and convincingly guilty" when he cant even understand english?

there is an element of doubt in either side of this case. to sentance someone to over a quarter of her life into jail because she might have done it is rediculous.

you want to know what makes my last comment not irrelevant? what happened to her (if she is indeed innocent) could have happened to absolutely anyone with an unlocked bag (which in most cases you have to do now) - next time you get on a plane think about whats happening to your luggage.

i love the people who act all judgemental and say she deserved it - easy to be "the king" from behind a computer screen...


guilty or not, see you in 20 years Schapelle :lol:

if it was an American or German tourist that this happend too, would there be such a big fuss. NO its the fact that she's an Aussie and female that people are saying "she's innocent". hmmm even though the Drugs were in her bag..maybe someone did put them there, but tough luck

theres always risks going to other countries and she took that risk...

Gene Krupa

I wonder why the Australian government have come out now and said they offered the services of 2 QC's pro bono and not when they actually offered them?

Because the Howard Government didn't actually offer them and knows how to do nothing but lie and cover their own arse!

Sickening to think that if this was one of their children just how much of OUR money they'd be spending to get them out!

Gene Krupa

Phillips said:
hmmm even though the Drugs were in her bag..maybe someone did put them there, but tough luck

theres always risks going to other countries and she took that risk...

So you're saying that if you go overseas, that you should be at risk of having things stolen or placed in your bag without your knowledge?

You're a f**king genius mate!


John_Travolta said:
Furthur more, I feel that The death Penalty should be re-introduced to Australia, for not only Murderers and Rapist pig dog cu#ts, but Drug Smugglers aswell...... The sooner THE BETTER.

Yes, lets reduce ourselves to the level of barbarians just like those countries who already have the death penalty. No person deserves to die for any reason, no matter how serious the crime. I agree that penalties in this country should be far harsher especially for rapists and pedophiles but people should not be put to death for it.

In any case I believe that their ultimate punishment will come from God. It is then we will truely see justice.


No one has the right to take someone elses life away from them, not a murderer, or even a jury for that matter...our system might not be perfect, but at least we dont believe in this eye for an eye rubbish thats prevalent in other societies... id rather see someone rot in jail for the rest of their lives having to think about what they did than to get the easy way out and become a martyr, but thats just me

either way, back to the topic....What you have to understand is that different countries have different cultures, and different ways of looking at things. You may not like whats happened (I personally am not a fan) but thats life. You wouldnt like it if someone came into your backyard and started lecturing you about how you should do things, so you cant possibly expect the indonesians to do the same. The motto of this story is if you dont like it, dont go, its pretty simple really. Oh and lock your bloody bags, none of this would ever have happened if shed done that in the first place.


Phillips said:
guilty or not, see you in 20 years Schapelle :lol:

if it was an American or German tourist that this happend too, would there be such a big fuss. NO its the fact that she's an Aussie and female that people are saying "she's innocent". hmmm even though the Drugs were in her bag..maybe someone did put them there, but tough luck

theres always risks going to other countries and she took that risk...

you f**king smug prick. i find it hard to believe that someone can find this situation funny. either that or you aren't smart enough to actually understand the situation.

if it was an american there would be hell to pay. if it was a german, we probably wouldn't know about it because our media wouldn't focus on it. she's an Australian saying she was done wrong - of course our media is going to focus on it. duh.

the only risk you should get from going to Bali is getting bali belly - you shouldn't have to play russian roulette as to whether you'll be arrested at the airport because your bag was chosen to smuggle drugs in.

Parki said:
Oh and lock your bloody bags, none of this would ever have happened if shed done that in the first place.

not so easy tiger - a mate of mine had his locks smashed in the States last week and then hauled across the coals in customs all because he locked his bags. with most countries now you'll have issues if you have locked luggage.


I'd bet $50 that these idiots who think australia should reintroduce the death penalty and who think corby should be thrown behind jars for twenty years have either done pot in their life, or have a family member or close relative who has, does that mean we should slay them??? Its all bullsh*t!


Alex28 said:
Dude...the question has to be asked AGAIN...how many of those people on "death row" imported drugs into Indo? If you are caught exporting out of Indo - fine. But what is the motive of importing from a target market like Australia to a production market like Indo? It doesnt make any f**king sense!

Well its still continuing, and i`d also like to know why! MAYBE because people try and test the system and think they`re going to get away with it....JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................