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NFT: Fahrenheit 9/11


i'll tackle the media thing after i do some research...i could use the declaration of the Bush election as an example but as you would well know according to '59 lies' there is some doubt as to what Moore has said is correct (funny that Moore said this over a year ago in his book and it's taken this long to be doubted...). leave that with me and i'll find you some examples...

the U.S. went into Afghanistan to get Bin Laden - no doubt. the U.S. went into Iraq for completely different reasons...to get rid of Hussein? i doubt it - they were happy to give him money and sell arms to him for years. to rid Iraq of a dictator? hardly - they sat back for 30 years while it happened. why not rid other countries of their dictators? WOMD? even the FBI has said that they doubted they existed.

there has to be more to it...


ok...your faults in the media challenge...

your challenge is rediculous - 60 errors in a 2 hour movie, and you want 6 errors in a 2 minute maximum news clip? you dont want much...

but here are some examples:

* example of media scare mongering after 9/11 - http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/4071560.htm?1c
* The 'Kinzey Report' into the conduct of CNN - http://www.breakthechain.org/exclusives/kinzeycnn.html (website publishes a 'chain letter' about CNN's conduct, but given CNN executives met with him there might be something to it)
* CNN running article on bogus American legislation and not even issuing a retraction! - http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=37914
* Even CNN's military advisor quits over 'major inaccuracies' in stories! - http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=16641
* Apparent bias, manipulation of facts, omitting essential information (sounding familiar to you?) and misreporting Israel viewpoint in reporting on Israel/Palestinian issues - http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_article=576&x_context=7

the worlds biggest media organisation accused of everything Moore is being accused of - who is the bigger evil here?


First Grade
Alex_28 said:
Your cutting and pasteing of stuff as evidence against Moore was appreciated though - Terminator wasn't capable of doing it. The cutting short of quotes happens every day in the media - every day. It's funny that when CNN do it (where all 5 Australian Television networks use as an international media source), it is fine. But when Moore does it, it just isn't on.

Im capable Alex I just couldnt be bothered trying to explain something so incredibly obvious, so Millers did, hes had alot of experience with people like yourself.


This was sent to me not long after Iraq was bombed. It is so true.

To the tune of If You're Happy And You Know It

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.

If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think that someone's dissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

It's pre-emptive non-aggression, bomb Iraq.
To prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's all the proof we need,
If they're not there, they must be,
Bomb Iraq.

If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
And he tried to kill your dad,
Bomb Iraq.

If corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.

Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq.
Disagree? We'll call it treason,
Let's make war not love this season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.


First Grade
Good thats where they should attacking, starting with a nuclear attack on mecca next ramadan.


First Grade
Your too Anti US and Anti Bush to be taken seriously, if the WMDs were found in Iraq, the first thing Moore would say was they got planted by the US, and you would agree with him.


jen - i'm not even really anti-US! the US has their place - i think Bush is abusing his power is all.

termi - if the US dont find WOMD are you going to admit they shouldn't have gone in? i think not. you'll still justify invading Iraq by saying they got Hussein and the people of Iraq will be better for it. Why haven't they invaded North Korea to get the 'WOMD' they are developing?

you accuse me of being biased when you are doing exactly the same thing at the opposite end of the spectrum.


First Grade
Whys that Princess Jen?
What has Bush done wrong?
His country was hit in an unprovoked attack, and he responded, would Iraq have been invaded if 9/11 hadnt happened?
Would the US have entered WW2 if the Japs hadnt attacked Peal Harbour?


ahhh...but Termi...Iraq didn't do anything wrong in regards to 9/11 - they have no proof that Hussein has any connection to Bin Laden. It was convenient to go into Iraq while they were over in Afghanistan (or to be more precise - when they failed to get Bin Laden). It is also convenient that dubya's dad failed to get Hussein as well.

if bush was retaliating to 9/11, he would have stayed focused on getting Bin Laden. he couldn't get him, so they got the next best thing.


but Kaz...that cant be right...they weren't 'defending' themselves then! i once read something (no...not written by Michael Moore) that he commented that he would 'get then job done this time' - the night he won the election. i dont know if they were 'defending' themselves then either...


First Grade
Alex28 said:
termi - if the US dont find WOMD are you going to admit they shouldn't have gone in? i think not. you'll still justify invading Iraq by saying they got Hussein and the people of Iraq will be better for it. Why haven't they invaded North Korea to get the 'WOMD' they are developing?

No I wouldnt, because that was just one reason for why they said they were going in, they were also going in to remove a cold blooded murderer who would have been suceeded in who knows what manner by his even more bloodthirsty son Uday.
The left didnt really care much about the atrocitys that were going on in Iraq before the invasion or how many Iraqis were being killed by their own government, but when the Iraqis are being killed by Americans and British soldiers, then suddenly its a terrible thing.
Now whys that Alex, concern for the Iraqi people that the protesters didnt really give a toss about before Bush went into Iraq.
The concern is not really about the Iraqis is it?
Spain and the Phillipines ring any bells?

you accuse me of being biased when you are doing exactly the same thing at the opposite end of the spectrum.

Maybe, but Im not going to back Moore even if most of what he says is true, because its not in my best interests too.
fahrenheit 9-11 is a piece of shIt, i dont think i have seen a more blatant way to make money then that, lets make a controversial film about our president in the middle of a war and make him out to look like some terrorist loving hypocrite..u should be ashamed michael moore-if your gonna make a movie, then make one that people are going to enjoy watching, rather then try and bring down the leader of your country that way...i dont believe half of that crap moore made bush out to be is true, it is so easy to make people watch a film where they edit and cut sentences to make it sound like whatever the producer wants it too sound like...

Absolute crap-but yeah watch it for yourself and judge!!!

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