Willow said:
Gunning, is this flag allowed under your regime?
Its the flag of Lord Howe Island...
That's not even an offical flag. :lol:
Tonearm Terrorwrist said:
and why doesn't your flag have a lamb chop and some footballs on it since it's un australian not to like sport or lamb?
lol you take sam kekovich serious? who in the history of mankind has ever taken that dickhead seriously? he is on moffo status
Who ever said football sports where the only sports played in Australia?
What about Cricket, Lawn Bowls, Archery, Athletics, Swimming and just about every Olympic sport?
Sam Kekovich is a great bloke. :thumb
Willow said:
If your yellow flag was declared 'the flag for every aussie', does that mean every other other flag is no longer allowed?
Remember, The Torres Strait and Aboriginal flags are proclaimed as Flags of Australia. So under your flag, do all the others have to go?
Yes and yes.
JS said:
:lol: G4P making fun of Redfern for "dole" reasons. You are from Newcastle!!
I'm not making fun of them for being on the dole, Redfern is a sh*thole.
Us Novocastrians aren't reliant on centrelink, unlike coastie f**kwits like you.
Angry_eel said:
Ever been to Redfern? i worked there for 2 years and didn't get bothered by Aborigines or anyone else. Eveleigh st might be bad but you are stereotyping the whole of Redfern because of one area.
Also, Indigenous Australians aren't the only ones who live on dole.
@my thread - The intention is highighted by Tonearm so i don't need to justify it.
Ever thought the main reason you didn't get sh*t from them was because you aren't a white fella?
Did you live there during 2004 by any chance? You may of had the Redfern Riots Experience.
I know the Indigenous ones aren't the only ones on the dole, but statistics show that they have a higher unemployment rate than non-indigenous.
Knock yourself out:
Tonearm Terrorwrist said:
you'll find angry eel actually says he knows not all australian cricket fans are like that and he did it because in his view indian fans get touted the same way and he wanted to make a point ... this thread is not done in the same way
I know not all Indigenous aussies are unemployed, have health problems, are addicted to drugs, alcoholics etc, but you can't deny that it is huuuuuuuuuuuge problem for them.