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No Bulldogs to be charged ?


Its a Dogs World said:
Would you consider them guilty of rape if no charges are laid?
Like many people I have my suspicions, but no I would not consider them guilty. However, something that has not been denied is that they were guilty of having a gang bang in a public place on an NRL trip. While that is not illegal, it certainly contravened club rules, and brought the game in to disrepute. At minimum there needs to be some action taken against the players for that. There will be a smell lingering over this whole episode for many years to come no matter what the DPP do.


Too true mickdo -- and don't forget the goose who bragged to the media about enjoying a "roast" and saying it was common in League. Bizarrely, in some ways that caused more uproar than the incident itself.


Yes, who are you?!

The DPP can make accusations of corruption or ineptude. He has all the facts - you don't.

So in answer - you are nobody. 8)


First Grade
Sexual Assault and Arson are the two hardest offences to to prove in a Court of Law.

I always had my doubts about whether charges would be laid.

I think the major lesson to learn out of all this is for young women not to go back to hotels or other places with groups of intoxicated young men, whether they are footballers or not.

Avoid the situation in the first place and there won't be any problems. You can't stop young blokes from chasing girls around after they've had a few beers.

It's like sending a 12 year old kid out to Bankstown Square on a thursday night with a brand new mobile phone, and jumping up and down if they get rolled by hoodlums and get the phone stolen. People need to start taking some responsibility for their own welfare.


First Grade
fibro man said:
It's like sending a 12 year old kid out to Bankstown Square on a thursday night with a brand new mobile phone, and jumping up and down if they get rolled by hoodlums and get the phone stolen. People need to start taking some responsibility for their own welfare.

Why Bankstown Square? I have never had any hassles what so ever there. I would feel more threatened at Maroubra with all them BraBoys hanging about. Especially if i was holding a baby.


I concur. I haven't had any problems at Bankstown Square but was once threatened at Westfields Parra and have had a few interesting moments in the city.


gaterooze said:
Too true mickdo -- and don't forget the goose who bragged to the media about enjoying a "roast" and saying it was common in League. Bizarrely, in some ways that caused more uproar than the incident itself.

What by the journalist who forgot who he talked to :roll:
He has gone mysteriously quiet since...


fibro man said:
It's like sending a 12 year old kid out to Bankstown Square on a thursday night with a brand new mobile phone, and jumping up and down if they get rolled by hoodlums and get the phone stolen. People need to start taking some responsibility for their own welfare.

Thats a typical response by someone who has never been their and loves to stereotype everyone...
Bankstown Square is more safe then anyother shopping centre...


gaterooze said:
PB, you're not privy to the ins and outs of the investigation, so how can you possibly make a claim that it has been either corrupt or inept? From a few scant details in the papers? Grow up & stop watching so much CSI.

Whatever happens, one side or the other will come out with conspiracy theories. They've already started, obviously...

Its not about bloody conspiricy theories. Christ i don't watch CSI or cop shows or any other american drama crap!

Did the police investigating fail to follow procedure? Yes.

When was this discovered? When they provided their evidence brief to the DPP.

Did they therefore fail to complete their task in the manner in which they are employed to do so? Yes.

Conclusion they are either inept. i.e. incapable of doing their job (the likely scenario)


corrupt ie. chose not to conduct and follow correct procedure for personal reasons or gain (hopefully not the case)


PB said:
Did the police investigating fail to follow procedure? Yes.

When was this discovered? When they provided their evidence brief to the DPP.

a) do you know *everything* the police did in their investigation, every detail?

b) have you read the brief they gave to the DPP? No? Well, how can you possibly know the above?

You cannot know for a fact that it didn't follow procedure -- even your mate on the force couldn't possibly know, unless he was involved in McGuigan.


First Grade
LebaneseForces said:
fibro man said:
It's like sending a 12 year old kid out to Bankstown Square on a thursday night with a brand new mobile phone, and jumping up and down if they get rolled by hoodlums and get the phone stolen. People need to start taking some responsibility for their own welfare.

Thats a typical response by someone who has never been their and loves to stereotype everyone...
Bankstown Square is more safe then anyother shopping centre...

I'm prepared to retract that statement, as I haven't actually been there myself on a thursday night. I've just been told that there are a few undesirables there the same as a lot of shopping plazas on a thursday night in Sydney. The point is, that a 12 year old with a mobile phone is an easy target for a crook/s to rob.


gaterooze said:
PB said:
Did the police investigating fail to follow procedure? Yes.

When was this discovered? When they provided their evidence brief to the DPP.

a) do you know *everything* the police did in their investigation, every detail?

b) have you read the brief they gave to the DPP? No? Well, how can you possibly know the above?

You cannot know for a fact that it didn't follow procedure -- even your mate on the force couldn't possibly know, unless he was involved in McGuigan.

Don't question the knowledge that some of us may have. It is possible in its entirety that some forum members may know someone involved in the investigation, because I know I do...

Pensacola Q.C

I think alot of people here and in the media have to have a good hard look at themselves and the tone of their language.

Many Bulldog fans (including myself) have adopted and continue to adopt the attitude of "let's wait and see what the police and ultimately the DPP come up with..."

We were open to either possibility of charges being laid and ultimately proven or the alternative/s, and respectful and appreciative of the job that needed to be done by the law enforcement officials whatever their findings.

Unfortunately, others see everyone involved as guilty and have then gone off half-cocked for no reason other than the papers reported an alleged incident. As has already been explained, one is innocent until proven guilty. Bringing conspiracy type brain-dead theories into contemplation doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever.

Nor does continued defamatory comments about the Bulldogs club/fans/players in an effort (I believe by some) to not lose face over all the finger pointing.

We don't live in 17th century United States when someone who is accused of a crime is burnt or drowned without proper due process.

Thank God for our great and noble common law system. In this case it seems apparent to date, that there will be no charges laid. If that turns out to be, then by all accounts the players are 100% innocent. There is no grey area because to acknowledge such is problematic and damaging.

If I accuse my neighbour of stealing from me and as such, he is investigated and found to have no case to answer, then shame on anyone who judges him guilty or ammoral simply because someone has accused him of doing something wrong.

Even if not Criminal charges are laid. (and someone got laid)
The club will punish who ever broke the code on conduct and they have said the sacking is a option.


Pensacola Q.C said:
I think alot of people here and in the media have to have a good hard look at themselves and the tone of their language.

Many Bulldog fans (including myself) have adopted and continue to adopt the attitude of "let's wait and see what the police and ultimately the DPP come up with..."

We were open to either possibility of charges being laid and ultimately proven or the alternative/s, and respectful and appreciative of the job that needed to be done by the law enforcement officials whatever their findings.

Unfortunately, others see everyone involved as guilty and have then gone off half-cocked for no reason other than the papers reported an alleged incident. As has already been explained, one is innocent until proven guilty. Bringing conspiracy type brain-dead theories into contemplation doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever.

Nor does continued defamatory comments about the Bulldogs club/fans/players in an effort (I believe by some) to not lose face over all the finger pointing.

We don't live in 17th century United States when someone who is accused of a crime is burnt or drowned without proper due process.

Thank God for our great and noble common law system. In this case it seems apparent to date, that there will be no charges laid. If that turns out to be, then by all accounts the players are 100% innocent. There is no grey area because to acknowledge such is problematic and damaging.

If I accuse my neighbour of stealing from me and as such, he is investigated and found to have no case to answer, then shame on anyone who judges him guilty or ammoral simply because someone has accused him of doing something wrong.

I can't agree with you on 100% innocent and no grey area ... there is always grey area. If the only reason no charges are laid is due only to insufficient evidence and/or errors in the investigation, then I see plenty of grey areas, and no 100% proof of either innocence or guilt.


A lack of 100% proof of guilt


a 100% proof of innocence

in our judicial system.


First Grade
The law doesn't allow for grey areas when it comes to guilt.

Take this scenario:

A football player goes to a charity event to raise money for a worthwhile charity. The next day, someone comes out and accuses the player of sexual misconduct in a hallway. The player never did a thing, but it's only his word against hers. The police investigation can't prove one way or the other.

The outcome? The game is brought into disrepute. There's a grey cloud of suspicion hanging over the player's head. Sponsors are reviewing their position. Disciplinary action is discussed by the NRL. This is the player's reward for trying to help a charity? All because a false, attention seeking, accusation has created a grey area - through no fault of his own.

They have to be considered completely innocent of any crime unless it can be proven otherwise. No grey areas.


On 2MMM this morning Russ the Sports guy had a hot tip that the DPP was going to release its findings this afternoon sometime.
About time I say!!!


First Grade
Apparently the same thing was reported on 2DAY FM too. They're both part of the Austerio Network, so maybe they have the same source.

I hope it's true, but I'm not holding my breath.


Muffdaddy said:
On 2MMM this morning Russ the Sports guy had a hot tip that the DPP was going to release its findings this afternoon sometime.
About time I say!!!

Yeah i heard that too!!!

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