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Non Footy Chat Thread II

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
Again, for the most part they are statement that he is making about criminal groups or international terrorist. He is hardly stating that all Blacks, Latinos or Muslims are bad. If people wish to interpret it that way well that's up to them, but millions see it differently and most importantly all the groups and agencies that are tasked to protect ALL Americans.

As for the housing discrimination against black renters lawsuit, yeah he did what most business people would do and looked after his business interests. If they were green Martians, he would have discriminated against them to get better value out of his properties. Hardly driven by racism. but by greed and profit margin. But that is a totally different argument, but I would have done the same thing if I were in his shoes and I would hazard a guess that many others would have too.

Again, no real racist proof at all just undesirable statement for many that in this political climate is condemned and twisted into he is a mass murder and we should lynch him before he presses the button type of stuff.
There is definitely an overreaction by many in the media. You won’t get any arguments from me on that.

But I think you are glossing over a lot of the specific items. There is definitely evidence that suggests he is racist.

Not a criticism, just an observation. If someone could be arsed putting together a wiki page quoting everything I have said over the years, I’d appear racist as well.


Staff member
I agree with this also. Teaches have a hell of a lot to answer to. Freakin lefties. If kids get bullied, no matter who, they should be protected equally. If a child feels embarrassed to go to the bathroom in the very, very small genuine trans cases, then I'm sure that the extremely sympathetic and understanding teaches would accommodate such a child. But it goes further then that. If a child were being bullied by anyone while in a cubical then there are universal laws for that, ffs.

If the trans child/student wants their own facilities, tough. Can you imagine the can of worms that that could and would open up in our society? What happens when and it will eventually happen if we let it down the track, when within the LGBTI.... community they all want their own facilities? And you know they will. Human nature always want more.

The nightmare and expense that it would cause for all public and private establishment big and small. If you need to go to the loo, go. Do your thing in private and get the freakin hell out of there. No normal person gives a crap. If you are that precious you won't survive this world no matter what laws we pass.

There you go. Trump’s policies are the same as yours, so it’s sweet. You’re a pretty normal bloke, right ? :upside_down:



Had forgotten about the transgender toilets in schools for the students until reading the last few pages.

Won’t somebody think about the poor transgenders!!!!


Staff member
Just on another aspect of that quote, Gronk, which I do find interesting...what does the above mean? Genuinely curious to know as I have my own thoughts on it.

I recall Alan Bond who was on on top of his game with the Americas Cup etc was suddenly a shadow of his former self when he faced court for the cluster f**k that was the $1.2b collapse of Bell Resources. He had dementia and could hardly walk. He went to jail anyway and immediately got better.

images (9).jpeg


Post Whore
Just on another aspect of that quote, Gronk, which I do find interesting...what does the above mean? Genuinely curious to know as I have my own thoughts on it.
It means gronk posted an attachment which was given the unique sequential number 28892. An attachment is often an image or other such external file, which the forum uploads and makes a copy of so that it can be shared with others.

Hope that explains it sufficiently .... you're welcome


Staff member
There you go you just called me a racist homophobe without even using the words. You lefties loonies have it down pat. Professional obfuscators.
The one thing that I do now about the phsycology of politics is that no matter where a person actually sits on the spectrum, their personal assessment would be that they hover around the centre.

I would put myself just left of centre and I assume that you would put yourself just right of centre. In reality that probably is not the case for either of us. Even a reader of this post is probably thinking the same (being a centrist) yet it is probably not as accurate as they would think.


I have taken this quiz with respect to the AU Federal Election. It’s an interesting process and I think it narrows down on where you sit on the spectrum.



Post Whore
Can I have a run down what wiki leaks is and why it is so bad?
What did this guy do that was so wrong ? What was he charged for? Mikpck told me for rape and nothing to do with wiki leaks.
Where the leaks false and made up? Don't newpapers and current affair do same or its ok if the information effects someone not in any power or authority?

Quick run down.

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
Can I have a run down what wiki leaks is and why it is so bad?
What did this guy do that was so wrong ? What was he charged for? Mikpck told me for rape and nothing to do with wiki leaks.
Where the leaks false and made up? Don't newpapers and current affair do same or its ok if the information effects someone not in any power or authority?

Quick run down.
WikiCakes is run by a guy called Julian Blancmange. He is wanted for stealing pastries and assorted deserts from Governments and then putting them on the internet. He was meant to be charged but sought residence in a Krispy Kreme store in London. The Krispy Kreme store kicked him out earlier this week because he was abusing their free wifi policy.


Been a member here for over 15 years. Never seen it like this. The participation levels are at its lowest. The place is dying and it’s sad. @Twizzle have you ever seen it this quiet ?

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