But rest assured, these corps are wall to wall with useless merkins.
I'm sure there are, the larger the organisation, the more places for useless merkins to hide their uselessness.
Productivity just isn’t a big part of their business model. Signalling is.
Oh, I thought it was wokeism. My Bad.
If an organisation is big enough and profitable enough there's always room for signalling. In fact, thats pretty much all that a few CEOs I've worked with seem interested in.
I don't think that's in dispute, I think we are all in agreeance that corporate virtue signalling is a thing, it's Pou's assertions about "wokeism" that's in dispute.
It does when you conflate productivity with profitability.
If anything's being conflated here it's virtue signalling with being woke, yes they too are very much linked in culture wars nonsense, but they aren't the same thing.
Culture and economics are both important, especially given most people derive their income from their activity in a workplace surrounded by other neurotic deadshits.
Except we really aren't discussing culture here. There's a difference between culture, and culture wars nonsense, the latter being a construct of the reactionary right in lieu of doing anything of real or actual meaning. It's reds under the bed for a new audience, nothing more.
Life has been good to me, and I want it to be good to my kids as well. I’d be a deadshit to want otherwise.
One might say I want to conserve this good shit.
Do you really fear "wokeism" is going to affect your actual position in life? Or that it somehow could, or is going to change anything within your realm in any meaningful way?
Well I think the promise of wokeism is to make life better for some people at the expense of other people, and those other people aren’t the likes of Bezos or Musk, or even directors at big four consulting firms.
Oh, you really do. If that wasn't so sad it'd be funny as f**k. Fear is such a great motivator hey.
The whole proposition is patently ridiculous. I'll tell you what though, the only meaningful change that may occur with all this nonsense is that the division it seeks to create becomes ever more deeply rooted in our culture, and that plays out across society more generally.
This is all just a meaningless distraction to fight ideological wars that are won and lost on other fronts, swallowing this shit is akin to getting a reach around so as you don't notice so much you're actually getting analed