It's not ridiculous. It's stimulating. Nothing better than a good high octane discussion about serious matters to break up the nonsense we usually carry on with in here, lol. Yeah, we're not going to solve the worlds problems, but we're all learning and learning is never a bad thing IMO.
I truly believe that the world won't be at peace until we evolve further. Terrorism is just a larger expression of cultural, political, or economic conflicts within a given region that in many cases have existed for thousands of years.It's been going on forever and will continue in various forms, you are absolutely spot on there. We, like other intelligent animals, are born from conflict. I always laugh at the flowery "only humans fight wars" garbage that a lot of people seem to genuinely believe.
Ultimately, people need to understand that we are still animals. In many ways, being smarter than other animals is more of a curse than a blessing.
A considered reply. Thank you. Unlike someone else who is still trying to pick fights.