I wouldn't worry too much about shit happening here in Australia. Well, not compared to Europe, anyways.
Firstly, our borders are secure. Now I know that's a sore point for other reasons for some but it helps. There's no doubt that Daesh would have used the mass migration through Europe to slip a few sleepers in. That will be harder here.
Secondly, geography is our friend. It won't keep us safe but it's easier for Daesh to get into Europe and Asia than it is Australia. Not just in breaching our borders but in terms of the haul required to get to those borders in the first place.
This means that we're left facing, mostly, a threat that can be generated only from within. There will be, of course, influence from outside that seeps in (via the internetr, for example) but there will most likely not be any direct import of individuals that seek to create sleeper/terrorist cells within Australia. Luckily, we're a chilled out country and this will rub off a little bit even on those who might be able to be persuaded to fundamentalise. It's not a bullet proof shield, more like a bulwark, but it's better than nothing.
So, most likely, especially with our culture that is low on guns, we'll mostly be subjected to individuals who may tip over the edge. We're pretty good at spying on our own people, so groups will find it hard to get anything done. It's the lone wolves that will pop up every now and then and so we won't face anything like the 100+ from Paris any time soon.
The above is, obviously, only a guess, but they're pretty obvious factors that remove us from the likes of what has just happened in Paris.
There's a threat, no doubt, but I think it's less here in Australia than in places such as France.