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NOT AGAIN!! Tim drinking already??/ Suspended indefinitely


After reading all 23 pages what more can I add than to say this situation is very disappointing.

The whole balance of the team would shift with Mateo having to play 5/8 for the full 80mins. As I understand it, Kris Keating is not ready for 1st grade yet (physically), but now may need to come in earlier than planned. Also, our depth will be severely tested that's for sure.

I must admit my first thoughts were:

1. Sack Tim.
2. How could he be so stupid?
3. Maybe he doesn't want to play for Parra? Tim Gilbert on 2UE was saying that Tim wanted to go back home to the gold coast, but the Eels convinced him to stay on. Could he have had enough and is looking for a way out?

Anyway, let's see what the Club's response is. Hopefully we will then know the full story.


guys! RELAX. There is NO WAY smith will be sacked. NO WAY. he is a good player... if this was a reserve grader, yes he would be gone. But Smith? I shudder when i think of the things a top class footballer can do and get away with these days... So being drunk is nothing... Im sure he will be 'stood down' for the first few rounds, which is is missing through injury anyway. Slap on the wrist, straight back in the team. Garaunteed.


First Grade
I assume AA meetings are being provided for Tim?, prehaps get him paying visits to the morgue to see those that have died as result of excessive alcohol might sober him up. ~shrug~


i was reading the paper this morning an all i heard from the other players was support for tim,
piggy stated that he would do his best to help tim and makesure he remains at the club,
hindy said tim was a great person an a good player,
an finch said he was utterly disgusted to here people dobbed him in for not harming anyone...

tim really does create a good atmosphere at parra an one thing they all said was it would be very sad to see him go as hes a great talent an will get picked up straight away...

loyalty an mateship certainly does exist at parra....



fish eel

GizLoki said:
Fitzy on right now:

- Just said Tim was intoxicated (again) - meeting still to take place this morning.
- "It would appear" that Tim has a problem with alcohol.
- Alluded that Tim is an alcoholic (said that its been diagnosed that he has a problem).
- Said that standing Tim down (rather than sacking) is an option.
- Two other players were with Tim, Fitzy wasn't prepared to name them
- Asked if there is a problem with Parra as a whole with regards to the drink - again alluded to an answer of yes.
- Wouldn't answer the question: will Tim be there next season ?

Tried to put that together as best as possible - please let me know of any errors.

I think it's been pretty clear for a while we've had a drinking culture at Parramatta. Some of celebrated that and see it as a source of amusement and fun. Each to their own I guess.

It's also pretty bloody disappointing he was with teammates. Good to see they look out for him.


Read a few quotes from players, saying they should not sack smith, one of them was hindmarsh...looks like smith aint goign anywhere if hindy wants him there. What he says goes at parra

The Colonel

newmanj said:
At the risk of being accused of being as silly as Timmy, i for one would not be abandoning him in his hour of need. Obviously the kid has a problem, and whether we like it or not, the problem has become a large one of late. The kid needs professional help, and fast. He is not beyond fixing, but i say he should be suspended indefinitely, as per Chris Walker, Todd Carney. Once he has proven to be cured, he then should be considered for reinstatement to the team. It will do him no good to be cut and go to a new team where he will not be CURED. I feel we owe it to him to help him. I know i am going to be told that he is a fool, etc etc etc, but he hasnt been properly treated for a very serious problem.

I have passed this sentiment on to Ovo in the last 30 minutes, and i believe he is fronting the club in the morning with his manager.

As angry as I am about the whole incident I believe in this instance you are 100% correct. He definitely needs help - forget the football side of it altogether - I have said all along that the Canberra way of handling it is the best way possible for player and club but Tim has to want the help too.


hindmarsh4pm said:
Read a few quotes from players, saying they should not sack smith, one of them was hindmarsh...looks like smith aint goign anywhere if hindy wants him there. What he says goes at parra

yeh on the radio this morning-nova 96.9, they said it was unlikely tim would be sacked,
this is because apparently hindy has come out at his defence as well as a few others.....
i think as angry as people are an all, even if you dont like tim as half..i feel we would all be saddened if he was booted..


My thoughts on the issue and the previous 23 pages:

1. I always felt that the club smothered the previous incidents and dealt with him very leniently. I am now convinced of that, and like Eela, believe that has only reinforced his belief that he can do what ever he likes and that the consequences will be insignificant

2. The comments by Riddell and Finch demonstrate the peer group environment he is in. Quite frankly a bloke with a drinking problem would be better off away from those blokes.
If either of them were with him last night they should be punted immediately. They aren't good enough players for us to justify the impact they are having on attitude off the field IMO. The leadership in our club at management level and player level is again called into question.

3. Avenger is on the money when he says that this shows Tim's mental fragility. How can we base a team around a player, who, no matter how talented, can't control himself off-field and who has shown the same weakness on field at times?

4. Jake, I like you would love this to be proven a beat up. And I agree these things can be hard to prove (hence why he got away with the "only drinking water" defence once before. But an official picked him up. I think that individual will have a pretty good idea...

5. I agree he needs help. He should be stood down from playing all football for say 1 year to give him both a taste of what he has risked, and an opportunity to get back. However our club cannot afford to keep him as a non-player under the cap. And as much as it may be unfair to him to stop his career - would it be fair to Kris Inu if we had to let him go due to cap restraints? Would it be fair to blokes like Kris Keating if they play reserves or get squeezed out while this bloke repeatedly lets himself, the club and the fans down? As Avenger says - think Blake Green. loyal club man, PArra fan ... pushed sideways for Smith?

6. In the circumstances you have to wonder whether the bloke actually wants to play? Reports several years back were that he wanted out. Some performances on the big stage suggest mental weakness. Here he has his the opportunity to be coached by his career idol, on a definite last chance warning ... and he throws it away after 7 days? At some psychological level, he is not handling the pressures, on and off field, of playing in the NRL and being an NRL player in the public eye. Mentally he is not right. He also has a disease. He needs time to deal with both. The question is whether that continues to be at our expense?

forward pass

I haven't read too much of this thread but I want to say something about this.

Fitzy has admitted that Tim is an alcoholic. So if thats the case, how f**ken ridiculous was the punishment they handed down a week ago. The kid has an illness, a disease and to say "you can't drink for 12 months" is pointless and downright idiotic.

He cant stop folks. He cant. Doesn't know how, his mind wont let him. Why don't some of you understand that. HE CAN NOT STOP !!! Doesn't matter what threats you make about tearing up contracts, killing his firstborn, whatever- HE CAN'T STOP!!

That is what addiction is. He needs help and it appears he's getting it. It will take a long time to heal. Some never do !!!

Tearing up his contract will not cure his illness. Do you think when Mick Vella had cancer, that it would have gone away if we threatened to sack him? It may sound like a long bow but its not - they are both illnesses that need curing.

Will Tim drink again? Yes - of course he f**ken will. And again. And again too. Get used to it. Until he's cured completely (if he can be) then it wont stop.

Maybe we should all be a bit more understanding of the situation. He can't help it. His mind is making him do it and he can't stop. I hope the club do the right thing by him - sacking him will achieve nothing !!!!!

fish eel

Completely agree with points 1 and 2 bigfella

Just on the comment by Brett Finch moaning that someone who saw him on the street 'dobbed' him into the club.

What would he preferred happened? The person that saw Tim do nothing? And then what happens - someone else rings up Ray Hadley first thing this morning to say how a druink Tim Smith went off at him?

Please. Whomever got in contact with the club did just what plenty of people said the bloke who rung hadley last week should have done.


forward pass said:
I haven't read too much of this thread but I want to say something about this.

Fitzy has admitted that Tim is an alcoholic. So if thats the case, how f**ken ridiculous was the punishment they handed down a week ago. The kid has an illness, a disease and to say "you can't drink for 12 months" is pointless and downright idiotic.

He cant stop folks. He cant. Doesn't know how, his mind wont let him. Why don't some of you understand that. HE CAN NOT STOP !!! Doesn't matter what threats you make about tearing up contracts, killing his firstborn, whatever- HE CAN'T STOP!!

That is what addiction is. He needs help and it appears he's getting it. It will take a long time to heal. Some never do !!!

Tearing up his contract will not cure his illness. Do you think when Mick Vella had cancer, that it would have gone away if we threatened to sack him? It may sound like a long bow but its not - they are both illnesses that need curing.

Will Tim drink again? Yes - of course he f**ken will. And again. And again too. Get used to it. Until he's cured completely (if he can be) then it wont stop.

Maybe we should all be a bit more understanding of the situation. He can't help it. His mind is making him do it and he can't stop. I hope the club do the right thing by him - sacking him will achieve nothing !!!!!

I stand and :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Colonel

fish eel said:
Please. Whomever got in contact with the club did just what plenty of people said the bloke who rung hadley last week should have done.

Easily the best outcome in my opinion - the club jumps on it early and they are the ones to make any announcements in this regard rather than Hadley.


forward pass said:
I haven't read too much of this thread but I want to say something about this.

Fitzy has admitted that Tim is an alcoholic. So if thats the case, how f**ken ridiculous was the punishment they handed down a week ago. The kid has an illness, a disease and to say "you can't drink for 12 months" is pointless and downright idiotic.

He cant stop folks. He cant. Doesn't know how, his mind wont let him. Why don't some of you understand that. HE CAN NOT STOP !!! Doesn't matter what threats you make about tearing up contracts, killing his firstborn, whatever- HE CAN'T STOP!!

That is what addiction is. He needs help and it appears he's getting it. It will take a long time to heal. Some never do !!!

Tearing up his contract will not cure his illness. Do you think when Mick Vella had cancer, that it would have gone away if we threatened to sack him? It may sound like a long bow but its not - they are both illnesses that need curing.

Will Tim drink again? Yes - of course he f**ken will. And again. And again too. Get used to it. Until he's cured completely (if he can be) then it wont stop.

Maybe we should all be a bit more understanding of the situation. He can't help it. His mind is making him do it and he can't stop. I hope the club do the right thing by him - sacking him will achieve nothing !!!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


forward pass said:
I haven't read too much of this thread but I want to say something about this.

Fitzy has admitted that Tim is an alcoholic. So if thats the case, how f**ken ridiculous was the punishment they handed down a week ago. The kid has an illness, a disease and to say "you can't drink for 12 months" is pointless and downright idiotic.

He cant stop folks. He cant. Doesn't know how, his mind wont let him. Why don't some of you understand that. HE CAN NOT STOP !!! Doesn't matter what threats you make about tearing up contracts, killing his firstborn, whatever- HE CAN'T STOP!!

That is what addiction is. He needs help and it appears he's getting it. It will take a long time to heal. Some never do !!!

Tearing up his contract will not cure his illness. Do you think when Mick Vella had cancer, that it would have gone away if we threatened to sack him? It may sound like a long bow but its not - they are both illnesses that need curing.

Will Tim drink again? Yes - of course he f**ken will. And again. And again too. Get used to it. Until he's cured completely (if he can be) then it wont stop.

Maybe we should all be a bit more understanding of the situation. He can't help it. His mind is making him do it and he can't stop. I hope the club do the right thing by him - sacking him will achieve nothing !!!!!

Forward this to Fitzy before he makes a decision :clap: :clap: :clap:
Zap would just laugh at is..seriously.


nice try. blake green will be our half by mid season. well swap kimmorley though. he can kill the progress of your star backs, take up a heap of cap and ruin all the good work you have done...and we can play tim smith at engadine dragons. done!

but yeah. tim smith. what a f**king idiot! he definantly needs some poffesional help.



Smith's Eels career hangs by a thread

Greg Prichard and Andrew Webster | December 14, 2007

Tim Smith is in grave danger of being sacked by the Eels today after he was reported drunk on the street by a member of the public yesterday morning and had to be tracked down and taken home from the car park of a hotel by a club representative.

The star halfback's latest alcohol-related indiscretion came less than a week after the club banned him from drinking alcohol until the end of next season and fined him $1000 after he was accused of drunkenly abusing a 55-year-old man in the street.

Parramatta chief executive Denis Fitzgerald was calm when he spoke to the Herald last night, but is understood to be fuming at Smith. Asked if this was the end for the 22-year-old, Fitzgerald replied: "We will see tomorrow."

Teammates Mark Riddell and Brett Finch last night urged the club not to sack Smith. Riddell said the Eels should stick by him and "help him get back on track".

Parramatta football manager Andrew Hill summoned Smith and his manager, David Riolo, to attend a meeting with Fitzgerald, Eels coach Michael Hagan and Hill. Smith has a history of problems with alcohol and was already attending counselling sessions on the advice of the club.

The Parramatta players attended a Christmas party for more than 70 children and their families at Ronald McDonald House, Westmead, on Wednesday afternoon. The Herald understands that after the function ended, some players, including Smith, went out together.

Smith apparently kept going through the night and was seen, the worse for wear, on the footpath of a North Parramatta street at peak hour by a person who rang the club.

Officials then rang other players in an attempt to establish Smith's whereabouts and were advised to try the Tollgate Hotel, also at North Parramatta. One of those officials drove to the hotel, which was not yet open, found Smith and drove him home.

Asked to confirm the sightings of an alcohol-affected Smith, Fitzgerald replied: "I can confirm that we have received reports to that effect."

Smith was believed to be with two other young Parramatta players who are yet to become regular first-graders. Fitzgerald would not confirm or deny that, but said Smith was the only player who had been called to appear before officials at this stage. "We'll look at Tim first and move on from there," Fitzgerald said.

Parramatta players rallied around Smith, claiming he did not have a drinking problem and fearing another club would pick him up if he were sacked.

"I'm not fully aware of what has happened, but the last thing we would want to see is Tim's contract torn up," five-eighth Finch said. "He's popular with all the players and he's an important part of the team.

"I don't think he has a drinking problem. I've had a beer with him plenty of times and there's never been any issue at all."

Hooker Riddell added: "I'll be doing everything in my power to make sure he isn't sacked. Yeah, he might have some issues with the drink, but sacking him would only be a quick fix. I'd be worried that another club would pick him up at half price and that will come back to bite Parra on the backside.

"He's a great guy. He just needs to know his limitations."
Finch was bemused that a member of the public had complained to the club after sighting Smith in the street.

"If someone has called the club and dobbed him in, it's disgusting," Finch said. "People should have a long, hard look at their own issues. What's he done wrong?"

Riddell added: "It's getting a bit silly when a 22-year-old bloke can't have a beer. We've all had our misdemeanours - I've certainly had my own - but he hasn't hurt anyone and he hasn't broken the law."

Eels second-rower Nathan Hindmarsh said the club could ill-afford to lose a player like the former rookie of the year.

"He's a good player and liked by everyone at the club," Hindmarsh said. "We can't afford to lose him."

Fitzgerald said he was "disappointed" at the latest development involving Smith, but wanted to give the player the chance to defend himself before commenting any further.
"We're giving Tim the chance to speak tomorrow," he said.

It is understood the alcohol ban on Smith has not been written into his contract, which might be seen a potential complication in any move to sack him. But, when asked to confirm that all options - including tearing up Smith's contract - were there to be considered by the club, Fitzgerald replied: "That's correct."



LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
If he leaves Parra, there's only really one team in Australia with the moolah to buy him. :)


As much as the sentiments about being more understanding about Tim's situation are drawing applause, I think that will way heavily in the club's decision and action - whatever that might be.

The main point in this is that letting Tim be handled in the same was as other players are hasn't worked - for Tim's situation or the club.

Also giving him some incentive and potential punishment hasn't worked - for Tim's situation or the club.

It seems like the only option is to stand him down - not to sack him, but to stop his involvement with the NRL side, while supporting him to sort this part of his life out. Have him play for Wenty and pay for treatment if he's serious about wanting an elite league career, or get him into a "normal" job like the rest of us for 6 months holding his massive salary in trust, and hope that like Carney he learns some lessons and comes back a stronger person - for his own sake and the club's.

For the club to do anything less will be spineless, both by their own public standards but also in their duty of care for Tim's situation.

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