I think the NRL would kinda disagree with you there, based on the millions of dollars in revenue and exposure he's brought to the game and its stakeholders.
Well thanks for addressing the point I was making instead of playing the schoolgirl game of "na na na na na we won the grand final" crap.
I see your point but think that the way this bloke uses the NRL (and rugby league in general) as his plaything makes the negatives just as valid as the positives.
He may have put a few more bums on seats but his flagrant lack of respect for the game sings out louder to me than a few thousand more Chooks fans at a game each week. This backflip on playing for NZ is appalling in my book.
What sort of IDIOT can't decide if he wants to represent his country to have to backflip 24 hours after he said he doesn't want to play. One who doesn't really give a shit about the game is who. Do you think the "publicity" that this has created this week paints rugby league in a good light? I certainly don't.
All this garbage the propaganda machines pump out of "Oh SBW is such a great guy and so respectful blah blah blah". This stunt this week reinforces how little respect he has for the game and other players (considering how devasted Harris must be feeling).
Brilliant athlete? Absolutely!!
Brain dead? Absolutley!!
Does the game need him? Absolutely not!!
If this d*ckhead played for Manly I'd just about stop watching them for his stint.