This is how I see the lie of the land:
1) As the stuffing around in setting up the I.C(could only happen in rugby league) ,means the Tv deal will not be done until, end of this year.
2) Too late for 2013 expansion,little lead time for expansion teams.
3) Tv deal would IMO be sold on the following basis over 5 years.
Year 1: 16 team comp,enabling weaker financially stung clubs to consolidate and give grassroots a boost with the extra funding.
Years 2-5 :18 teams either Perth/Brisbane Boofheads/or CC Bears.
Deal sold to FTA and pay Tv networks on the graduated scale 1st year $180m years 2-5 $200m pa.Min $980 over 5 years.Throw in Telstra content over 5 years and the code could grab close to $1.1b.
The decision to expand or not even to 2014 ,must be made by the i.C. before the end of this year,else other codes could try and fill the vacuum or play silly B....s.And the Tv contract must also allow for any expansion.No expansion,less money in the kitty.