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NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

But...but...but...AFL is going to have a team in Cairns, Toowoomba, Townsville, Rockhampton, Western Brisbane...Mackay...hell, they were going to even take over Arthur Beetson Oval in Roma!

All bulls#it.

They can't even get a team in Tassie - a goddamn AFL heartland FFS!!! - how the hell are they going to sustain teams in QLD!


I've recently moved to the Gold Coast and have been pleasently surprised at how little AFL influence I have experienced. I've noticed pockets of influence, some big clubs, however the Gold Coast is a rugby league city.


Can't say that on LU.

Posters whose only exposure to the Goldie is hiring a toothless hooker to fist them believe it's an AFL city and they shouldn't have a team.
I'd love to see some of these Ltd News journos try and back pedal now.

They know they've been sprouting BS. They know they have to toe the company line. They know NRL fans have social media and will target/embarrass them.

None of these clowns have currency now.



Can't say that on LU.

Posters whose only exposure to the Goldie is hiring a toothless hooker to fist them believe it's an AFL city and they shouldn't have a team.

They shouldn't have a team. It might be a rugby league town but no one supports the Titans.

There is more Brisbane Supporters on the coast then Titan fans.


If Kent is distancing himself then he has done a 180 on his recent comments.

He's been banging on and towing the company line like the best of the merkins.


They shouldn't have a team. It might be a rugby league town but no one supports the Titans.

There is more Brisbane Supporters on the coast then Titan fans.

Half the Sydney teams get lower crowds then them.

They SHOULD have a team as it's an important Rugby League area.


The only thing I don;t agree with is the bit in bold. Clubs will always run at a loss regardless of how much mone they are given because they will spend whatever they can to get the best performance possible.If the NRL gives every club an extra $2 million, does anyone believe they will just chuck it in the bank for a rainy day?

Clubs probably should get more money but lets not kid ourselves over what will happen to whatever money they are given

If the grant the NRL gives the clubs is a significant amount higher than the salary cap, then the clubs should be sweet. If a club still runs at a loss then they are badly managed, and might have to relocate or fold.


First Grade
if the lions have 92 less members than the broncos then I'm a male stripper!

"Challenge " rugby league as the premier code in qld?

They gifted the lions 3 straight comps and still nobody cares!

half of them are probably in melbourne from fitzroy days.


First Grade
if the lions have 92 less members than the broncos then I'm a male stripper!

"Challenge " rugby league as the premier code in qld?

They gifted the lions 3 straight comps and still nobody cares!

Australian football has a vastly higher participation rate in Queensland with its 180,132 players last year dwarfing rugby league?s 61,828. But it is yet to translate into a significant fan base with the sport still trailing rugby league in members and crowd figures.

This bit is beyond a joke, how are they allowed to get away with writing false crap like that. Is there no media standards watchdog to complain to in this country?


Finally got blocked on Twitter by Hoops.

Funny how the big story he broke over the weekend wasn't mentioned at all by NRL360 or The Back Page.


No judgement can be made on NRL TV deal until the money is in the bank
Phil Gould SMH

The deal with Channel Nine is the largest free-to-air broadcast rights deal in any football code's history in this country.
Four nights of live rugby league action in prime time viewing slots will give rugby league the greatest exposure and reach ever experienced. It's a massive deal.
The $925 million paid by Nine is almost as much as the total combined rights deal for free-to-air and pay TV the last time the rights were negotiated. It's greater than this new AFL free-to-air deal.
While we all have varying reservations about the competency of the current NRL administration, we would be playing into the hands of News Limited's campaign if those of us who are not part of the News propaganda machine were to join them in putting the boot into Dave Smith and the NRL. There will be time for that at a later date if Smith and the Commission can't deliver. But we should give them their chance.

Let's put some balance into this TV rights discussion
The NRL's free-to-air deal was lauded only a week ago for giving those fans without pay TV an increase from two games to four live games in prime time viewing slots. It also delivered a huge increase in the value of the TV and digital rights packages. Add that to the fact the NRL is taking back control of the scheduling from the broadcasters and this is a great deal for everyone in our game, especially the fans. It's four live games a week for FREE!!!
We can presume also that there are people in the NRL involved in these dealings who have a strategy. One part of that strategy would be free-to-air TV rights. That part of that strategy has been successful. I assume they are now working toward an end goal that will give the game a deal it deserves. We should wait until then before passing judgement.
It's simply amazing that the same journalists currently slamming NRL CEO Dave Smith, were completely silent during the years of the previous administration when they signed pay TV deal after pay TV deal with broadcasters that were grossly below market value because their employers owned the game. The minute the media company was removed from the ownership of the game, the TV broadcast rights for rugby league more than doubled. Go figure, eh! The massive underfunding that occurred within the game during the period rugby league was owned by a media company did far more damage to the game than anything that could be thrown up at this current administration.


Great article by Gus. Is the News agenda dying down not a word tonight on NRL360.

Canberra Raiders CEO Don Furner slams calls for rebel rugby league competition
"It's so fanciful - some of the stories I've read - we were listed as one of the clubs that wanted to join this new league," Furner said
"I can't believe it, there's still two-and-a-half years to go and Dave Smith has done a fantastic job so far. If he pulls off the second half of the deal everybody will be cheering.
"To me, from the outside looking in, somebody hasn't got what they wanted in the new agreement."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...ompetition-20150825-gj7iv3.html#ixzz3jpgndqcV
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook


I played poker at the Gold Coast and Gary Abblet sat at my table just after he signed his big deal with the Suns He sat down I recognized him straight away but no other merkin took a blind bit of notice of him. He played for about half hour lost and left. I told the table that was Gary Abblet. They all said who ? and looked at me like I was a f**kwit.

The biggest Superstar on the apparently afl dominated Gold Coast and no merkin even knew the merkin.

You must've felt dirty to be the only person at the table to know a VFL star:lol:


Aww damn, blocked by Buzz. At least I know he saw himself in the human centipede of morons.

ROFL at whoever wrote this on his twitter. Surely must be someone from LU:


@BuzzRothfield hey buzz, big big fan of your work! I also like how your face matches your personality - ugly as sin!


Followed by

BUZZ ROTHFIELD ‏@BuzzRothfield
Should I #BLOCK this turd?

Moe ‏@moeyjayy Aug 24
@BuzzRothfield @P34587405 no way buzz you gotta learn to take the good with the bad mate