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NRL set to introduce New Zealand Maori clash with Indigenous All Stars


You can't have your cake and eat it too, either racial discrimination is bad or it is not, it can't be ok as long as it's not happening to me, cause historically as a species we've been down that road before quite a few times and it never ends well...

By it's very nature this game is exclusionary, people will be excluded from participation based on their race and cultural background, and that is literally the definition of racial discrimination!
If the situation was altered only a little and say it was an e.g. Anglo-Saxon heritage team vs a Celtic heritage team and Maori, Indigenous Australian, and other groups of people were the ones being discriminated against it'd be called out as such and condemned, and not only would that happen but many (if not most) of the people who are celebrating this match and it's concept would be the loudest voices decrying the racist nature of the Anglo-Saxon vs Celtic one!

You also bring up another incredibly dangerous concept, that it's a "celebration of heritage and race".
If so by the inclusion of Aboriginal and Maori and the exclusion of all other cultural groups and their subsequent races are you (and the NRL, etc) suggesting that Aboriginal and Maori cultures are more deserving or worthy of celebration than others, or even that other cultures aren't worthy of celebration at all... Whether it's intended or not implicitly you are by the very fact that you are only celebrating Aboriginal and Maori cultures and not any others at all.

There're other concerns with this path that should be taken into account, like the massive potential for things to go wrong.

The whole concept of the day is Aboriginal vs Maori, the quickest way to offend or hurt somebody in such an environment would be to attack them based on their belonging to either Aboriginal or Maori culture, can you imagine the headlines when what is effectively an inevitable given time and the environment of a footy game happens and some members of the crowd take it to far? Headlines like 'Crowd at All Stars game throws racist abuse at players' wouldn't be a good look.
By positioning the game in the way that they are the NRL is literally harbouring an environment much more conducive to such a thing happening...

Look I could go on, but the whole concept is on shaky ground at best and it's a very rocky path for the NRL to walk...

Basically you don't trust Rugby League fans.

I have no such distrust.

This is a fantastic idea and I'm 100% behind it. Happy for rednecks to ignore and moan constantly about it's existence whilst it gets bigger crowds then the NRL


You can't have your cake and eat it too, either racial discrimination is bad or it is not, it can't be ok as long as it's not happening to me, cause historically as a species we've been down that road before quite a few times and it never ends well...

By it's very nature this game is exclusionary, people will be excluded from participation based on their race and cultural background, and that is literally the definition of racial discrimination!
If the situation was altered only a little and say it was an e.g. Anglo-Saxon heritage team vs a Celtic heritage team and Maori, Indigenous Australian, and other groups of people were the ones being discriminated against it'd be called out as such and condemned, and not only would that happen but many (if not most) of the people who are celebrating this match and it's concept would be the loudest voices decrying the racist nature of the Anglo-Saxon vs Celtic one!

You also bring up another incredibly dangerous concept, that it's a "celebration of heritage and race".
If so by the inclusion of Aboriginal and Maori and the exclusion of all other cultural groups and their subsequent races are you (and the NRL, etc) suggesting that Aboriginal and Maori cultures are more deserving or worthy of celebration than others, or even that other cultures aren't worthy of celebration at all... Whether it's intended or not implicitly you are by the very fact that you are only celebrating Aboriginal and Maori cultures and not any others at all.

There're other concerns with this path that should be taken into account, like the massive potential for things to go wrong.

The whole concept of the day is Aboriginal vs Maori, the quickest way to offend or hurt somebody in such an environment would be to attack them based on their belonging to either Aboriginal or Maori culture, can you imagine the headlines when what is effectively an inevitable given time and the environment of a footy game happens and some members of the crowd take it to far? Headlines like 'Crowd at All Stars game throws racist abuse at players' wouldn't be a good look.
By positioning the game in the way that they are the NRL is literally harbouring an environment much more conducive to such a thing happening...

Look I could go on, but the whole concept is on shaky ground at best and it's a very rocky path for the NRL to walk...
Or maybe your just over thinking it...

The Maori All Blacks have been around for over 100 years and more often than not they tour other countries.

No one apart from apartheid South Africa has had much of an issue with them.

I don’t see why this will be any different.

To celebrate indigenous Australian and NZ culture takes absolutely nothing away from anyone else.

And TBH... if it does who cares... these cultures have undergone great hardships and wrongdoing by colonisation that anyone who is seriously upset by us celebrating them needs to seriously take a hard look at themselves.

So it’s unfair... tell that to a whole generation of indigenous people who were stolen from their family’s.

Tell that to a generation of people who were beaten at school by teachers if they spoke in their native tounge.

Tell that to multiple generations of people who are in a small minority of the total population but are a disproportionately high amount of the prison population.

Or maybe the poor health statistics...

The child abuse figures...

How about the fact that indigenous people have a life expectancy 10 years shorter than everyone else...

But sure... celebrating indigenous culture by playing a RL game is totally unfair... :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:


First Grade
I'd like to see Stacey Jones captain the Maori team and Ricky Stuart to come out of retirement and coach the Indigenous team.

David brown

Imagine the outrage if there was a match announced White Australians vs White Europeans... Only in the Australia and the NRL would some clown come up with this idea... Wouldn't see this in the epl, Nfl, Nba or any of worlds sports top leagues...

A game celebrating indigenous culture? We already have a dedicated round for that.. Pointless game, Im sure the clubs paying their players a wage are all for it though...


Imagine the outrage if there was a match announced White Australians vs White Europeans... Only in the Australia and the NRL would some clown come up with this idea... Wouldn't see this in the epl, Nfl, Nba or any of worlds sports top leagues...

A game celebrating indigenous culture? We already have a dedicated round for that.. Pointless game, Im sure the clubs paying their players a wage are all for it though...

Far from pointless, do you believe this is a racist concept?

David brown

Basically you don't trust Rugby League fans.

I have no such distrust.

This is a fantastic idea and I'm 100% behind it. Happy for rednecks to ignore and moan constantly about it's existence whilst it gets bigger crowds then the NRL
Yeah, because it got such a massive crowd last time round... The only people that are gonna give a hoot about this game are the die hard league fans that participate on Internet forums... The general public are not gonna give a f**k... We cant even get 25k to a Kangaroos vs Kiwis game what makes you think this is gonna be any different


Yeah, because it got such a massive crowd last time round... The only people that are gonna give a hoot about this game are the die hard league fans that participate on Internet forums... The general public are not gonna give a f**k... We cant even get 25k to a Kangaroos vs Kiwis game what makes you think this is gonna be any different
Its a preseason game? who cares what the crowd is? I would also think it will reach 25000 though.


First Grade
Imagine the outrage if there was a match announced White Australians vs White Europeans... Only in the Australia and the NRL would some clown come up with this idea... Wouldn't see this in the epl, Nfl, Nba or any of worlds sports top leagues...

A game celebrating indigenous culture? We already have a dedicated round for that.. Pointless game, Im sure the clubs paying their players a wage are all for it though...

NBA actually has the NBA Africa Game which features African heritage players vs a world team. Played in the off-season, used to expand the games reach.

There is literally zero rational reason to dislike this concept.

Hello, I'm The Doctor

First Grade
You can't have your cake and eat it too, either racial discrimination is bad or it is not, it can't be ok as long as it's not happening to me, cause historically as a species we've been down that road before quite a few times and it never ends well...

By it's very nature this game is exclusionary, people will be excluded from participation based on their race and cultural background, and that is literally the definition of racial discrimination!

If the situation was altered only a little and say it was an e.g. Anglo-Saxon heritage team vs a Celtic heritage team and Maori, Indigenous Australian, and other groups of people were the ones being discriminated against it'd be called out as such and condemned, and not only would that happen but many (if not most) of the people who are celebrating this match and it's concept would be the loudest voices decrying the racist nature of the Anglo-Saxon vs Celtic one!

You also bring up another incredibly dangerous concept, that it's a "celebration of heritage and race".
If so by the inclusion of Aboriginal and Maori and the exclusion of all other cultural groups and their subsequent races are you (and the NRL, etc) suggesting that Aboriginal and Maori cultures are more deserving or worthy of celebration than others, or even that other cultures aren't worthy of celebration at all... Whether it's intended or not implicitly you are by the very fact that you are only celebrating Aboriginal and Maori cultures and not any others at all.

There're other concerns with this path that should be taken into account, like the massive potential for things to go wrong.

The whole concept of the day is Aboriginal vs Maori, the quickest way to offend or hurt somebody in such an environment would be to attack them based on their belonging to either Aboriginal or Maori culture, can you imagine the headlines when what is effectively an inevitable given time and the environment of a footy game happens and some members of the crowd take it to far? Headlines like 'Crowd at All Stars game throws racist abuse at players' wouldn't be a good look.
By positioning the game in the way that they are the NRL is literally harbouring an environment much more conducive to such a thing happening...

Look I could go on, but the whole concept is on shaky ground at best and it's a very rocky path for the NRL to walk...

A) this describes literally every sporting event that selects teams based on the country they were born in.

B) this Indigenous All Stars concept has already been going for 10 years, and i only see positive results from it.


NBA actually has the NBA Africa Game which features African heritage players vs a world team. Played in the off-season, used to expand the games reach.

There is literally zero rational reason to dislike this concept.
Nice find, I was unaware of this game, was actually held for the 3rd time a couple of weeks ago. Looks like team Africa is restricted to players born in or with parents from Africa though.

It does show that Rugby League is not the only sport trying these things though.


Yeah, because it got such a massive crowd last time round... The only people that are gonna give a hoot about this game are the die hard league fans that participate on Internet forums... The general public are not gonna give a f**k... We cant even get 25k to a Kangaroos vs Kiwis game what makes you think this is gonna be any different

Run me through the great gamut of pre season exhibition NRL games that get 20k+ in February


By it's very nature this game is exclusionary, people will be excluded from participation based on their race and cultural background, and that is literally the definition of racial discrimination!
No it is not the definition of racial discrimination, not even close and you should be ashamed to write that it is!

The definition of racial discrimination is:
any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Who will have their human rights impaired by this game? Who will be prevented from competing on an even footing?


First Grade
I'll watch. Obviously on delay so I can skip the stick clapping, dance offs and fat old half caste blokes in face paint waving smoulder gum leaves around in their undies, but I'll watch the game for sure.


Staff member
Nothing like a bit of over the top fake outrage. Don't like it? don't watch it, pretty simple.

The Great Dane

First Grade
I fail to see the issue here.

Anglo Saxon is the dominant culture in Australia, and also I assume in NZ. Celebration of Anglo culture occurs regularly (most of our public holidays), as do celebrations of other cultures. Italian festivals, Chinese New Year, st Patrick's day, etc.

I see no reason that Aboriginal and Maori culture shouldn't be celebrated similarly. I enjoy learning about all cultures, and I can't understand people who think that is a negative.

There's a monumentally massive difference between Chinese New Year, etc, and this all stars game, namely nobody is bared from participating in said events because of their cultural heritage or race at Chinese New year or St Paddy's day, there are people being bared from playing in this All Stars game solely based on race and cultural heritage and that is wrong.

I also didn't say that Aboriginal and/or Maori culture shouldn't be "celebrated" or learned about, only that people shouldn't be discriminated against, and in the form that this "celebration" it necessitates that people are discriminated against.

BTW, Anglo-Saxon culture is not the dominant culture in Australia, nor are there really any public holidays in Australia that a celebration of any culture except in the most ethereal sense of an "Australian culture", there definitely aren't any that actively excludes anybody from participating (i.e. there's no sign on the gate at say ANZAC day or Australia day that says no insert race here allowed), most Australian public holidays are a 'celebration' (more a recognition) of a historical event/events that were a major factor in what made it possible for Australia to exist as it does, but that is an aside...


There's a monumentally massive difference between Chinese New Year, etc, and this all stars game, namely nobody is bared from participating in said events because of their cultural heritage or race at Chinese New year or St Paddy's day, there are people being bared from playing in this All Stars game solely based on race and cultural heritage and that is wrong.

I also didn't say that Aboriginal and/or Maori culture shouldn't be "celebrated" or learned about, only that people shouldn't be discriminated against, and in the form that this "celebration" it necessitates that people are discriminated against.

BTW, Anglo-Saxon culture is not the dominant culture in Australia, nor are there really any public holidays in Australia that a celebration of any culture except in the most ethereal sense of an "Australian culture", there definitely aren't any that actively excludes anybody from participating (i.e. there's no sign on the gate at say ANZAC day or Australia day that says no insert race here allowed), most Australian public holidays are a 'celebration' (more a recognition) of a historical event/events that were a major factor in what made it possible for Australia to exist as it does, but that is an aside...

This game is a celebration of the contribution these cultures have made to the game.

No-one is excluded from participating in the celebrations.


There's a monumentally massive difference between Chinese New Year, etc, and this all stars game, namely nobody is bared from participating in said events because of their cultural heritage or race at Chinese New year or St Paddy's day, there are people being bared from playing in this All Stars game solely based on race and cultural heritage and that is wrong.

I also didn't say that Aboriginal and/or Maori culture shouldn't be "celebrated" or learned about, only that people shouldn't be discriminated against, and in the form that this "celebration" it necessitates that people are discriminated against.

BTW, Anglo-Saxon culture is not the dominant culture in Australia, nor are there really any public holidays in Australia that a celebration of any culture except in the most ethereal sense of an "Australian culture", there definitely aren't any that actively excludes anybody from participating (i.e. there's no sign on the gate at say ANZAC day or Australia day that says no insert race here allowed), most Australian public holidays are a 'celebration' (more a recognition) of a historical event/events that were a major factor in what made it possible for Australia to exist as it does, but that is an aside...

I can't play Rugby League for New Zealand or even for Queensland, am I being discriminated against?


There's a monumentally massive difference between Chinese New Year, etc, and this all stars game, namely nobody is bared from participating in said events because of their cultural heritage or race at Chinese New year or St Paddy's day, there are people being bared from playing in this All Stars game solely based on race and cultural heritage and that is wrong.

I also didn't say that Aboriginal and/or Maori culture shouldn't be "celebrated" or learned about, only that people shouldn't be discriminated against, and in the form that this "celebration" it necessitates that people are discriminated against.

BTW, Anglo-Saxon culture is not the dominant culture in Australia, nor are there really any public holidays in Australia that a celebration of any culture except in the most ethereal sense of an "Australian culture", there definitely aren't any that actively excludes anybody from participating (i.e. there's no sign on the gate at say ANZAC day or Australia day that says no insert race here allowed), most Australian public holidays are a 'celebration' (more a recognition) of a historical event/events that were a major factor in what made it possible for Australia to exist as it does, but that is an aside...
The queens birthday, Australia Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Easter. All public holidays that are a direct result of Anglo culture.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there won't be a sign out the front of the stadium that says "no anglos allowed". I'd argue that this event is open to everyone.


First Grade
There's a monumentally massive difference between Chinese New Year, etc, and this all stars game, namely nobody is bared from participating in said events because of their cultural heritage or race at Chinese New year or St Paddy's day, there are people being bared from playing in this All Stars game solely based on race and cultural heritage and that is wrong.

I also didn't say that Aboriginal and/or Maori culture shouldn't be "celebrated" or learned about, only that people shouldn't be discriminated against, and in the form that this "celebration" it necessitates that people are discriminated against.

BTW, Anglo-Saxon culture is not the dominant culture in Australia, nor are there really any public holidays in Australia that a celebration of any culture except in the most ethereal sense of an "Australian culture", there definitely aren't any that actively excludes anybody from participating (i.e. there's no sign on the gate at say ANZAC day or Australia day that says no insert race here allowed), most Australian public holidays are a 'celebration' (more a recognition) of a historical event/events that were a major factor in what made it possible for Australia to exist as it does, but that is an aside...

What crap. No one is not allowed to participate in the events. Only 34 blokes allowed to play the game, but everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy. I'm sure not everyone is allowed to set off the fireworks on Chinese New Year but everyone is welcome to enjoy it.

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