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You can't have your cake and eat it too, either racial discrimination is bad or it is not, it can't be ok as long as it's not happening to me, cause historically as a species we've been down that road before quite a few times and it never ends well...
By it's very nature this game is exclusionary, people will be excluded from participation based on their race and cultural background, and that is literally the definition of racial discrimination!
If the situation was altered only a little and say it was an e.g. Anglo-Saxon heritage team vs a Celtic heritage team and Maori, Indigenous Australian, and other groups of people were the ones being discriminated against it'd be called out as such and condemned, and not only would that happen but many (if not most) of the people who are celebrating this match and it's concept would be the loudest voices decrying the racist nature of the Anglo-Saxon vs Celtic one!
You also bring up another incredibly dangerous concept, that it's a "celebration of heritage and race".
If so by the inclusion of Aboriginal and Maori and the exclusion of all other cultural groups and their subsequent races are you (and the NRL, etc) suggesting that Aboriginal and Maori cultures are more deserving or worthy of celebration than others, or even that other cultures aren't worthy of celebration at all... Whether it's intended or not implicitly you are by the very fact that you are only celebrating Aboriginal and Maori cultures and not any others at all.
There're other concerns with this path that should be taken into account, like the massive potential for things to go wrong.
The whole concept of the day is Aboriginal vs Maori, the quickest way to offend or hurt somebody in such an environment would be to attack them based on their belonging to either Aboriginal or Maori culture, can you imagine the headlines when what is effectively an inevitable given time and the environment of a footy game happens and some members of the crowd take it to far? Headlines like 'Crowd at All Stars game throws racist abuse at players' wouldn't be a good look.
By positioning the game in the way that they are the NRL is literally harbouring an environment much more conducive to such a thing happening...
Look I could go on, but the whole concept is on shaky ground at best and it's a very rocky path for the NRL to walk...
Basically you don't trust Rugby League fans.
I have no such distrust.
This is a fantastic idea and I'm 100% behind it. Happy for rednecks to ignore and moan constantly about it's existence whilst it gets bigger crowds then the NRL