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NRL vs NFL debate

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redVgirl said:
jesus this thread is insane! and they say girls are bitchy. for the love of god, retract your claws boys.
haven't read the whole thread but, of what i've seen, i totally agree.

the argument of many league fans here that the american football is a game only for fat fellas certainly haven't seen the likes of LaDainlain Tomlinson, Randy Moss, Terrell Owens and co in full flight. also, this (the fatness of players) is generally the comment heard south of the border from AFL fans when they see players such as O'Meleey, Webcke, & Bailey running around the park. Nobody here would doubt the strength, power & athleticism of these guys (i don't) despite their size, and the same should be applied to the big guys in the NFL, the elite competition of their sport. NFL linemen can run sub-5 sec 40yds, show great agility, and are just as quick off the mark as the leaner players on their teams. Their positions require size as: on offence they form a wall to protect the QB on passing plays or use their strength to form lanes for the extremely agile or powerful running backs to run through; on defence, they need speed and agility but also need size to work through or around their large opponents and then attempt to disrupt the QB or running back on the play.

ozhawks preoocupation on injuries is worrysome. but, the excessive padding is required in american football. the nature of the game is such that in the early years (pre-helmet), there were many serious head injuries from direct clashes. it is extremely violent on the line of scrimmage.

redVgirl said:
lol anyway who really cares. most yanks dont even know what rugby league us, and its their loss. its really not about whos better and whos worse. they are different games with different attriubutes. we dont have to justify to anyone else why why love league so much.
nicely said (for the most part). two different games yes, but both have their roots in rugby. the forward pass in american football revolutionised that game. but, i enjoy both games greatly.



Hi Mum


Action from the 2004 Sun Bowl between the Gold Coast Stingrays and the Ipswich Cougars


Bomber said:

Action from the 2004 Sun Bowl between the Gold Coast Stingrays and the Ipswich Cougars

See this is the point Ozhawk66 wants to make.
That these supreme examples of athletes are fitter than NRL players.

These chunky butts are fitter than NRL players according to Ozhawk.


According to ozhawk66, this man is more skillful and is a better athlete than any rugby league player......because he plays American football.........


Thats Australian Gridiron not the bloody NFL.

Ill go down and watch the local Rugby League and see loads of overweight people..


But wait! American football is now sweeping the world.

Great Britain
The Oxford Saints.....sponsored by Dominos Pizza (what a great sponsorship!)
#7 can see the pie van on the other side of the field


New Zealand
Shame on all of you. Check out #99. According to Ozhawk66, he's a better athlete than Sonny Bill Williams.


South Korea
The championship-winning Korea University Tigers



Choppies said:
See this is the point Ozhawk66 wants to make.
That these supreme examples of athletes are fitter than NRL players.

These chunky butts are fitter than NRL players according to Ozhawk.
did he really write that...an aussie weekend warrior playing american football is fitter than a professional NRL player?? i'm not going to read through 48 pages of bullsh*t, so can you please source an example of this comment?? if it is true, than ozhawk would have to be the greatest goose on the planet.

i can walk down to Camperdown Oval on a sunday arvo witness some fine specimens they call props in rugby league running around in the south sydney district A-grade comp who rival some of these guys for size.


ozjet1 said:
did he really write that...an aussie weekend warrior playing american football is fitter than a professional NRL player?? i'm not going to read through 48 pages of bullsh*t, so can you please source an example of this comment?? if it is true, than ozhawk would have to be the greatest goose on the planet.

Okay then

Post #3:
Lego_man said:
Here's one for you:
"Athletes" in the NFL are fat, soft, extremely unfit and less skilled.
Athletes in the NRL are more toned, harder, 10x fitter and far more skilled.
Post #6:
ozhawk66 said:
You are way off the mark on this one. Especially about the soft, unfit and less skilled parts.
NRL players are much smaller, slower and less toned, especially at the comparable skilled positions.
10x fitter? Now that one is a laugh.
Post #14:
ozhawk66 said:
You have no idea about the fitness or skill of NFL athletes. If you did, you could explain why the American football player is bigger, faster and stronger.

And by the way, it's a physical impossibility for an 18 year old kid like Bott to play in the NFL. That same 18 year old kid in American football needs anywhere from 4-6 years before he even steps on the NFL playing field.
And one of theeee main factors is endurance


ozjet1 said:
i can walk down to Camperdown Oval on a sunday arvo witness some fine specimens they call props in rugby league running around in the south sydney district A-grade comp who rival some of these guys for size.

No-one's denying that at all. We're merely comparing elite Australian NFL players to elite Australian rugby league players.


Ahh, until now Bomber you've made the better argument, but comparing weekend aussie Gridiron players to NRL superstars is a little idiotic ...


Comparing Australian NFL players to Australian league players is idiotic?

Who started this thread anyway? ;-)


Bomber said:
No-one's denying that at all. We're merely comparing elite Australian NFL players to elite Australian rugby league players.
you see, this is where your argument is flawed. the competitions played here are not the NFL.

are American rugby league competitors NRL players??

ozhawks comparison is between the elite of each code of football, i.e., the competitors in America's NFL and the competitors in Australia'sNRL.

What you have done is word the discussion into one which is favours rugby league players...professional NRL athletes against Australian gridiron weekend warriors.

Why would you have done this?? are you insecure about the athleticism & skill of Andrew Johns against Peyton Manning?? Billy Slater vs Randy Moss???

you shouldn't be as putting one player in the other competition will be putting them out of their depth. they've not trained for the demands of the other sport let alone the competiton itself.
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