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NRL vs NFL debate

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JW said:
Snoopster was right, you know nothing about League Ozdork.

Try and see whats wrong with the source you've quoted and then get back to us.

I'm waiting.

Yes idiot. Everyone here knows that was a RUGBY source and NOT league one. You just don't like the basic premise of that source, that's all.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
:lol: x 1000

Post of the year.

I'll get back to you tonight ozdork, too busy doing... that thing people do sometimes to earn money.... what's it called again? ... work, that's it..

You are a piece of work.


JW said:
Your ashamed of you're phopahs aren't you. It's ok, I understand. But do give that spelling regiment a go. I'm sure it'll do wonders, lol.

No. But even idiots are ashamed when they miss out on the obvious of a word that doesn't even exist.

Um, is that Your ashamed or is it You're ashamed? And Um, is that you're phopahs or is it your phopahs? Just wondering. Looks like a basic foe-paw to me, though.

You might wanna take a refresher course in basic English 101 before playing the gotcha game.


Um, is that Your ashamed or is it You're ashamed? And Um, is that you're phopahs or is it your phopahs?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You think I don't know that dipsh*t?

Catch up you knob. FFS you're geniused.
ozhawk66 said:
I'm firmly grounded on Terra Firma. I'm afraid to ask what you're on if you can't recognize one of your most recent postings.


I did the decent thing and forgave ALL your typos.

I made one and you're prepared to make a stand on that. Good stuff. You go for it... :lol:

ozhawk66 said:
I haven't lied, but I just caught you trying to deny your own postings.

Yeah, you have, no you didn't.

ozhawk66 said:
Would you like to place a bet? Or, would you like me to quote EXACTLY what you posted? I didn't come up with it, you did.

Still on about the typo? Insert a T where the E was in the word face and you have your answer.

It was a phopah, even I'm not perfect. That's the problem, you think you are.....

ozhawk66 said:
Your room temp IQ would sh*t its droors at mine.

Droors... lol

The way you're trying, after your initial f**k-ups, to throw in the odd word to make it look like you were doing it deliberately all along is pretty funny.

Or it would be if me and every other sentient being in the universe didn't know that......

And you took a shot at a typo?

Is droors another double entendre maybe, double meaning?

ozhawk66 said:
Remember that line, cause I'll give you two minutes tops to answer a question or two having nothing to do with football, the next time you try and turn this thread into a flaming chatroom. Then we will see how smart you are and how quick you can prove it by immediately posting a correct response.

blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine.....

This ISN'T a chatroom genius. The instant responses chatrooms require aren't standard practice here in this "message board".... doh!!

You've got nothing.

f**k you're stupid.

ozhawk66 said:
Maybe my joke about you needing certain meds was right. I just won't ask your doc prescribed.

That was a joke?

I can't see anyone else calling it that...

ozhawk66 said:
That whole response, was exactly what I was describing.

I doubt it.

You have trouble describing everything.

ozhawk66 said:
You understand what you want to believe.

And you're a gimp.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:

I did the decent thing and forgave ALL your typos.

Uh huh.

I made one and you're prepared to make a stand on that. Good stuff. You go for it... :lol:

Not just one typo and not that I care. It's just your infantile style of flaming.

Yeah, you have, no you didn't.

Nice structure.

Still on about the typo? Insert a T where the E was in the word face and you have your answer.

Now you're capitalizing letters within a given word?

It was a phopah, even I'm not perfect. That's the problem, you think you are.....

No where near perfect in your world. And we're finding out, in just one post, how easy it can be to pick and parse your sort of Engysh.

Droors... lol

The way you're trying, after your initial f**k-ups, to throw in the odd word to make it look like you were doing it deliberately all along is pretty funny.

Droors is slang for your stained pants, idget.

Or it would be if me and every other sentient being in the universe didn't know that......

Is this the Star Trek or Star Wars inspired version of the Thesaurus?

And you took a shot at a typo?

Uh huh. But you try and spin my typos as being inane. Face over arse was too good to pass up.

Is droors another double entendre maybe, double meaning?

Obvious slang going over your head. Nothing new here.

blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine.....

This ISN'T a chatroom genius. The instant responses chatrooms require aren't standard practice here in this "message board".... doh!!

No kidding? But you sure feel the need to point out the obvious. Does it make you feeeel better? You sounded more scared in that answer than anything.

Try this on for size: complete the spelling of this word - tetraneut... - and if you can, you might be close to my level. Three letters to go, that's it. But I seriously doubt you will do it. Just like all the other times you ignored all when confronted.

And Google all the frik you want too.

You've got nothing.

f**k you're stupid.

Lets see how much you got and how stupid you look after this one.

That was a joke?

I can't see anyone else calling it that...

Those that need those sort of meds don't find a lot all that funny, either.

I doubt it.

You have trouble describing everything.

Like I said.

And you're a gimp.

Mental imp.


I reckon Johnny Wilkenson could win an argument against you Ozdork.
Hang on ill do a list of people who could win against you.

Johnny Wilkenson
King-Eliah and alias's
Aussie Dude
and all other 5,624 members of LU

have a nice night


Everlovin' Antichrist said:

What a moron.

Sarcasm is an art form in some hands, in yours it's just... not.

This is the perfect post to finally let you dweebs in on an obvious, so I'll use nubster's post here as the goat.

All the mental giants that jumped on the "phopah" bandwagon as a humorous talking point, need to esplain one thing.....

Just how in the hell do you correctly spell a word that does not exist? And yet everyone willingly jumped on that spelling for a lame one? :lol: ( * ) :lol: buttholes.

I've been laughing at that one for days.

I couldn't wait to finally spring that one.


This is the perfect post to finally let you dweebs in on an obvious, so I'll use nubster's post here as the goat.

lol.....this should be good........

All the mental giants that jumped on the "phopah" bandwagon as a humorous talking point, need to esplain one thing.....

I'm a mental giant? That makes you a mental drawf by comparison

Just how in the hell do you correctly spell a word that does not exist? And yet everyone willingly jumped on that spelling for a lame one?
( * )

Um.....the word does exist...has existed for quite a while.....and it's spelt faux pas. It means 'tactless mistake; blunder'. It is derived from the French term for 'false step'.

You made a woeful attempt at spelling, f**ked it up, and were too full of yourself to admit to it. Hence this pathetic smokescreen.

It's not phopah.....or foe-paw.....it's a faux pas and you made a big one.

I've been laughing at that one for days.

I couldn't wait to finally spring that one.

What did you say about the easily amused?

Oh....that's right.........

I guess you really practice what you preach.


ozhawk66 said:
Yet you keep coming back. Tis easy to get underneath the skin of the easily amused.

Dog sh*t. How original.

I thought you weren't going to reply to flames?

Another faux pas/phopah/foe-paw


Choppies said:
I reckon Johnny Wilkenson could win an argument against you Ozdork.
Hang on ill do a list of people who could win against you.

Johnny Wilkenson
King-Eliah and alias's
Aussie Dude
and all other 5,624 members of LU

have a nice night

I bet those examples you cited could do the same to you, by pointing out that "I'll" is capitalized. Maybe Johny could start off by informing that you misspelled his last name. This is like shootin fish in a bucket low on water.

Geez, that stupid gotcha game is fun. Not.

I won't even touch upon the redneck connotation of using the word reckon.
ozhawk66 said:

Well said.

ozhawk66 said:
Not just one typo and not that I care. It's just your infantile style of flaming.

The one you just can't help replying to....

ozhawk66 said:
Nice structure.

What, Leaning tower of Pisa type structure or Harbour Bridge type structure?

Help me out here...

ozhawk66 said:
Now you're capitalizing letters within a given word?

That from the person who just has to use bold and who still can't work out how to use this forum correctly?



ozhawk66 said:
No where near perfect in your world. And we're finding out, in just one post, how easy it can be to pick and parse your sort of Engysh.

Yeah, you go girl....

A new word too, the dictionary is getting a hiding isn't it? It's a pity you don't really know how to use it..

ozhawk66 said:
Droors is slang for your stained pants, idget.

Not quite.

Drawers is another word for underpants, or derps, or bog-catchers, ....

Droors is the way morons spell drawers.
draw·er ([font=verdana, sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (drô
  1. One that draws, especially one that draws an order for the payment of money.
  2. (also drôr) A boxlike compartment in furniture that can be pulled out and pushed in.
  3. drawers (drôrz) Underpants.
Remember now, phonetic isn't always right....

ozhawk66 said:
Is this the Star Trek or Star Wars inspired version of the Thesaurus?

Star Trek, of course.

ozhawk66 said:
Uh huh. But you try and spin my typos as being inane. Face over arse was too good to pass up.

No, your typos aren't inane, they're bizarre. But insignificant in comparison to the words you actually think you know exist...

ozhawk66 said:
Obvious slang going over your head. Nothing new here.



Slang doesn't mean stupid nonsense.

ozhawk66 said:
No kidding? But you sure feel the need to point out the obvious. Does it make you feeeel better? You sounded more scared in that answer than anything.

Scared of what, are you going to hunt me down?

I'm about to have a phopah in my droors...


ozhawk66 said:
Try this on for size: complete the spelling of this word - tetraneut... - and if you can, you might be close to my level. Three letters to go, that's it. But I seriously doubt you will do it. Just like all the other times you ignored all when confronted.


French for: Get your c**k out of my ear.

You're getting worse. This place has you absolutely f**ked.

ozhawk66 said:
And Google all the frik you want too.

Why would I? I don't care, only you do.

ozhawk66 said:
Lets see how much you got and how stupid you look after this one.

I dunno, I'd have to try real hard to top you on that one.

ozhawk66 said:
Those that need those sort of meds don't find a lot all that funny, either.

Just back away from the keyboard....

ozhawk66 said:
Like I said.


ozhawk66 said:
Mental imp.

You could have Hawking's brain fused with yours and you'd still only be able to be jealous of that level of intelligence...

Hell, your brain could be fused with a used tissue and it'd be an improvement...
ozhawk66 said:
I bet those examples you cited could do the same to you, by pointing out that "I'll" is capitalized. Maybe Johny could start off by informing that you misspelled his last name. This is like shootin fish in a bucket low on water.

Geez, that stupid gotcha game is fun. Not.

I won't even touch upon the redneck connotation of using the word reckon.

Johnny has two n's...

Did you miss that Mr. Gotcha?

shootin' has one of these at the end ---------> '

You can't just ignore it....

Choppies, I reckon those guys would drop a phopah in their droors if this wanker attacked them...
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