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NRL's Tim Smith and cricket's Clarke 'clash'


*bypasses last couple of pages*

my appologies if this has been said already:

he's a 21 year old having a few drinks. who says he was drunk. it's not against the law and he wont be the only player in a bar during their bye week having a few drinks.

he pushed another guy during a heated argument. didn't punch, wrestle or mame him.

there is no mention of what started the argument. how do we know clarke wasn't hanging sh*t on tim and that started the argument.

i can't believe people are suggesting he gets dropped for a bit of pushing. all of a sudden he's some drunk because he has a drink.

people should wait until they have the facts before judging.

The Colonel

spiderdan said:
*bypasses last couple of pages*

my appologies if this has been said already:

he's a 21 year old having a few drinks. who says he was drunk. it's not against the law and he wont be the only player in a bar during their bye week having a few drinks.

he pushed another guy during a heated argument. didn't punch, wrestle or mame him.

there is no mention of what started the argument. how do we know clarke wasn't hanging sh*t on tim and that started the argument.

i can't believe people are suggesting he gets dropped for a bit of pushing. all of a sudden he's some drunk because he has a drink.

people should wait until they have the facts before judging.

The incident isn't the problem dan, it is the fact he still put himself in a situation where something could go wrong, and that is the most disturbing thing


The Colonel said:
The incident isn't the problem dan, it is the fact he still put himself in a situation where something could go wrong, and that is the most disturbing thing
So now you're saying he can't go out in public ever again? Things can 'go wrong' for public figures anywhere.


Post Whore
I understand Timmy's gotta learn to control himself a bit - but he's still a human and is still entitled to go out to a pub at 10pm and have a few drinks.

I can see what people are saying about not putting himself in bad positions - but i don't think the position he was in was that bad .... he shouldn't need to be at home drinking tea

The Colonel

mickdo said:
So now you're saying he can't go out in public ever again? Things can 'go wrong' for public figures anywhere.

No but given the current circumstances it may be a good idea to stay away from pubs and clubs for a while. I argued the exact same point you are a few weeks ago.
Some people are over-reacting including the Media. How many times do people push other people in a nightclub or have arguements. WHO CARES???
gotta say I agree with Colonel.

He's needs to live his life but he needs to be cautious about the situations he may be getting himself into.

If he is a cleanskin then he has no dramas but rightly or wrongly his reputation is taking a beating of guilt by association.

My wife, who doesn't really care for league, saw him on the news this morning and said "oh no not him again"

Mud sticks.


Just on the Timmins thing and I hate to digress...
BUT in defence of the authorities in Brisbane

He was apparently (and I say this to make sure the post isnt deleted ) intoxicated whilst driving a motor vehicle.
COULD have been charged with
1. Drink Driving
2. Unlawful use of a motor vehicle

but was only charged with a very minor charge of being a Public nuisance.

Overreaction ? perhaps but some people would say he got off lightly and I wonder if it was you or I if we would have been treated the same.

*****Sorry posted below with reference to previous post ******
...and if I mentioned the name "Matthew Bell" you would say "who?"

...but if I said "Shaun Timmins" you would say another pissed footballer.


Wobbygong said:
I have no doubt it has been blown out of proportion like the recent Timmins thing in Brisbane, BUT when alcohol is involved, and the teams going poorly how else do you think the media will report it. Those blokes should have laid low for a while given the turning up to training drunk and the off season thing at the rocks (Smith) and not turning up at all (Piggy) episode being only a few weeks back. The kid is a talent and someone needs to pull him aside and tell him to wake up so he can fufil that talent.
Just on the Timmins thing and I hate to digress...
BUT in defence of the authorities in Brisbane
He was apparently (and I say this to make sure the post isnt deleted ) intoxicated whilst driving a motor vehicle.
COULD have been charged with
1. Drink Driving
2. Unlawful use of a motor vehicle
but was only charged with a very minor charge of being a Public nuisance.
Overreaction ? perhaps but some people would say he got off lightly and I wonder if it was you or I if we would have been treated the same.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Belly in Brisvegas said:
...and if I mentioned the name "Matthew Bell" you would say "who?"

...but if I said "Shaun Timmins" you would say another pissed footballer.

Actualy, I would say a skirt wearing transvestite who wears make up and hangs out at Gay Bars..:D


Belly in Brisvegas said:
and if we beat Croatia I'm coming down to Northies in case Timmy is shouting the bar!!!!
LOL maybe clarke was standing in front of the tele while Timmy was trying to watch the soccer so he just gave him a little push out of the way.:lol:
eelavation said:
Actualy, I would say a skirt wearing transvestite who wears make up and hangs out at Gay Bars..:D

Well bugger me...I thoughht your name was Mario...that's the thing about leading two lifestyles!!!


parralight said:
Just on the Timmins thing and I hate to digress...
BUT in defence of the authorities in Brisbane

He was apparently (and I say this to make sure the post isnt deleted ) intoxicated whilst driving a motor vehicle.
COULD have been charged with
1. Drink Driving
2. Unlawful use of a motor vehicle

but was only charged with a very minor charge of being a Public nuisance.

Overreaction ? perhaps but some people would say he got off lightly and I wonder if it was you or I if we would have been treated the same.

Not sure where that information has come from.

Shaun had actually been responsible during his rehab period and not had anything to drink for three weeks. He claims he had two beers after the exciting win against the Broncos. What he did was stupid, but i don't think completely alochol related. He also only moved the thing 10 metres. didn't take it for a massive joy ride or anything.

Not excusing it, but he has had a career in league for over 10 years and has a near exemplory record on and off the field. Now he has a criminal record which may (or may not) affect his chances of going to England . But he will make no excuses.

Like all charges on all members of the public, it depends a bit on the mood of the arresting officer. Some will say Timmo got off lightly cause he is a league star, on the other hand i know players (who i won't mention mod's) who have been done for DUI, others who have been up on assault charges but it never gets mentioned in the media because the club tidy it up quickly and quietly.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Belly in Brisvegas said:
Well bugger me...I thoughht your name was Mario...that's the thing about leading two lifestyles!!!

yes, stop ringing me up Matty "Darling" I'm taken :p


James_Hardie said:
Not sure where that information has come from.

Shaun had actually been responsible during his rehab period and not had anything to drink for three weeks. He claims he had two beers after the exciting win against the Broncos. What he did was stupid, but i don't think completely alochol related. He also only moved the thing 10 metres. didn't take it for a massive joy ride or anything.

Not excusing it, but he has had a career in league for over 10 years and has a near exemplory record on and off the field. Now he has a criminal record which may (or may not) affect his chances of going to England . But he will make no excuses.

Like all charges on all members of the public, it depends a bit on the mood of the arresting officer. Some will say Timmo got off lightly cause he is a league star, on the other hand i know players (who i won't mention mod's) who have been done for DUI, others who have been up on assault charges but it never gets mentioned in the media because the club tidy it up quickly and quietly.

1. Info comes from an impeccable source, straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
2. Without being padantic but moving the vehicle 10 metres or whatever is still using it, a technicality which has been used to convict others in the past.
3. I will walk to China and back if Shaun is given a criminal record out of this, more than likely there will be no conviction recorded.
4. For the record I believe that Shaun seems like a really nice bloke but footballers have to take the tip that their behaviour will not be excused like it may have been in the past. Sometimes they are very slow to wake up to that.


Whilst he has done something stupid, to me it is just that, something stupid and a case where everyone makes a mistake.

Difference between him and Tim Smith, is that after years of being in the public eye, he has never had any alcohol fuelled issues, so i don't think he just thinks he can get away with it, he just stuffed up and he will admit it. Tim, it would appear, seems to think he is allowed to carry on however he wants, wherever he wants, as often as he wants. He needs to be reigned in.