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NRL's Tim Smith and cricket's Clarke 'clash'


James_Hardie said:
Whilst he has done something stupid, to me it is just that, something stupid and a case where everyone makes a mistake.

Difference between him and Tim Smith, is that after years of being in the public eye, he has never had any alcohol fuelled issues, so i don't think he just thinks he can get away with it, he just stuffed up and he will admit it. Tim, it would appear, seems to think he is allowed to carry on however he wants, wherever he wants, as often as he wants. He needs to be reigned in.

I agree with you 100%.:D


I agree as well JH.

The thing is that these guys go out all the time and they are not always in trouble. There was an awful lot of them out last Sat nite along with players from the Dogs and Tigers but no issues arose from that night (and by God some of them were drunk............)
* The santa issue - was thrown out and Tim wasn't charged so how can we hold that over him?
* The drunk at training issue - Really really really poor judgement, but from all accounts Riddell was trying to talk Tim out of leaving The Eels... so whilst it was bloody stupid and irresponsible it caused no harm to the general public
* The Northies issue - Is again irresponsible and stupid but it was a push/shove, and we don't know what started it, security ejected the boys and that was the end of it, they didn't hang around ready to cause more trouble thye just moved on.

These guys cannot be hermits, they have a right to live their lives, this incident didn't even interupt with training since it is a bye week.
I agree they do have to learn about how to live in the public eye, and Tim has NOT handled this well so far and he needs some help from the club urgently.

Tim needs to be roped in for sure, and haul Riddells arse in as well, but HELP HIM don't just punish him, he is in need of HELP as well. Counsellor's can do alot of things for troubled people, the club needs to find a good one for Tim so he can talk through some troubles/worries that are currently hindering him


Piggy should know better, he is a "senior player" after all......

Both are stupid if you ask me, they need to have an alcohol ban put on them for the rest of the year.....

There needs to be an example set......plain and simple!!!

The Colonel

Hellsy said:
These guys cannot be hermits, they have a right to live their lives, this incident didn't even interupt with training since it is a bye week.
I agree they do have to learn about how to live in the public eye, and Tim has NOT handled this well so far and he needs some help from the club urgently.

To an extent this is right. But given the circumstances of the past few months I think a while away from the public eye would Timothy the world of good. Being at pubs and clubs is not in his best interest even if he is on his best behaviour. Guilt by association could be bad enough for him at the moment.


Post Whore
The Colonel said:
To an extent this is right. But given the circumstances of the past few months I think a while away from the public eye would Timothy the world of good. Being at pubs and clubs is not in his best interest even if he is on his best behaviour. Guilt by association could be bad enough for him at the moment.

oh boy - you know you are in trouble when you start getting called by the full version of your name :lol: :lol:


Oh agree Colonel!

But I just don't think it is that big of an issue 'guilt by association' as you said, it is purely the fact that he has been in the media recently that everyone thinks he is a drunken fool.
If he was drunk all the time then the club would have dealt with it by now the way they did when he turned up drunk last time with Pig.

I hope to God Tim pulls out of this nightmare he is living in at the moment, he really sounds like he needs a friend (NOT Riddell.. actually not anyone employed at the club TBH) to bleed his heart out to.


whilst i agree with what most people have said about smith and riddell, i think too many people are dismissing the role of the 'other' person (clarke)..it takes 2 to commit the incident...and the fact that timmy got thrown out only makes him look more guilty whilst it could easily have been the 'other' person, but due to there status they would never get the boot....

My thoughts on the 'other' person have been censored 20 times in this thread, (which i dont understand especially since it seems everyone has free reign to abuse lyon with out censorship) even though they were all first hand accounts by my self and no other.. :? :? ...since taking into consideration the history of other person is important in condemming timmy.. as everyone here is taking tims history in condemming him...

no one knows what was said... everyone has a weakspot/ moment where if someone says something in a particular attitude and it rubbs u the wrong way.. ofcourse your going to retaliate..ie through a girly push in this case..

wittyz chick

Hellsy said:
Oh agree Colonel!

But I just don't think it is that big of an issue 'guilt by association' as you said, it is purely the fact that he has been in the media recently that everyone thinks he is a drunken fool.
If he was drunk all the time then the club would have dealt with it by now the way they did when he turned up drunk last time with Pig.

I hope to God Tim pulls out of this nightmare he is living in at the moment, he really sounds like he needs a friend (NOT Riddell.. actually not anyone employed at the club TBH) to bleed his heart out to.

I'm available to help him :D Holidays are coming up and I need something to do!! :D


spiderdan said:
*bypasses last couple of pages*

my appologies if this has been said already:

he's a 21 year old having a few drinks. who says he was drunk. it's not against the law and he wont be the only player in a bar during their bye week having a few drinks.

he pushed another guy during a heated argument. didn't punch, wrestle or mame him.

there is no mention of what started the argument. how do we know clarke wasn't hanging sh*t on tim and that started the argument.

i can't believe people are suggesting he gets dropped for a bit of pushing. all of a sudden he's some drunk because he has a drink.

people should wait until they have the facts before judging.

Common Spidey these types of incidents are and insult to the likes of dean widders who strive to make the cuomunity a better place for aboriginals and respects the blue and gold. It would seem others are trying to use riddell as a scape goat when i didnt hear his name where he was pushing anyone!
Hellsy said:
I agree as well JH.

The thing is that these guys go out all the time and they are not always in trouble. There was an awful lot of them out last Sat nite along with players from the Dogs and Tigers but no issues arose from that night (and by God some of them were drunk............)
* The santa issue - was thrown out and Tim wasn't charged so how can we hold that over him?
* The drunk at training issue - Really really really poor judgement, but from all accounts Riddell was trying to talk Tim out of leaving The Eels... so whilst it was bloody stupid and irresponsible it caused no harm to the general public
* The Northies issue - Is again irresponsible and stupid but it was a push/shove, and we don't know what started it, security ejected the boys and that was the end of it, they didn't hang around ready to cause more trouble thye just moved on.

These guys cannot be hermits, they have a right to live their lives, this incident didn't even interupt with training since it is a bye week.
I agree they do have to learn about how to live in the public eye, and Tim has NOT handled this well so far and he needs some help from the club urgently.

Tim needs to be roped in for sure, and haul Riddells arse in as well, but HELP HIM don't just punish him, he is in need of HELP as well. Counsellor's can do alot of things for troubled people, the club needs to find a good one for Tim so he can talk through some troubles/worries that are currently hindering him


Hellsy said:
I hope to God Tim pulls out of this nightmare he is living in at the moment, he really sounds like he needs a friend (NOT Riddell.. actually not anyone employed at the club TBH) to bleed his heart out to.

:clap: exactly. these are 'noithing' incidents. punsihment is definitely not the option. everyone should stop pulling this "tarnishing the clubs image" card and maybe offer a little support, because clearly something is a-miss in tims life. compassion people. compassion. dont be so heartless.


This is one time I am glad he has shut up.

Calling for Tim to be sacked is a little extreme..... if we sack him someone else will just sign him up and sort him out and he'll come back to haunt us.

Parra need to HELP him until he gets through this mess