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NRL's Tim Smith and cricket's Clarke 'clash'

The Colonel

Daneel said:
Your kidding yourself if you think these smaller incidents even come close to the bulldogs misbehaviour over the years. :roll:

You are kidding yourself if you can justify them because they don't stack up to things the Dogs have done. In the end they should never have happened regardless of the club involved.


The Colonel said:
You are kidding yourself if you can justify them because they don't stack up to things the Dogs have done. In the end they should never have happened regardless of the club involved.

Colonel i am not trying to justify them, i think all these incidents are bad and don't reflect very well on the club. However i refuse to sit back and be preached to about player behaviour from someone who supports the bulldogs.


Daneel said:
Colonel i am not trying to justify them, i think all these incidents are bad and don't reflect very well on the club. However i refuse to sit back and be preached to about player behaviour from someone who supports the bulldogs.
Damn right

The Colonel

Because it isn't about the Bulldogs mick.

And the thread doesn't need to become an argument about who has behaved the worst off the field.


It became about the Bulldogs when a certain poster accused the eels of becoming worse than the bulldogs :roll: I didn't see you wiping that post out.


The Colonel said:
Because it isn't about the Bulldogs mick.

And the thread doesn't need to become an argument about who has behaved the worst off the field.

So what your saying as that bulldog supporters can come on here and say what they like, but where not allowed to respond.


Dont condone Tims bahaviour.
When was the last time you saw Ben Smith or Mc Kinnon or Vella etc... involved in any alcohol related incident.
Yes the media may have blown it all out of proportion but there he did have an altercation and was thrown out of the bar. These facts dont seem to have been disputed.

He needs to grow up and pull his head in and realise that he is representing the club all the time. Thats the life of an elite athelete these days.
They get great money and have to take the good with the bad.


NorthShoreEel said:
Sounds like Clarke became very excited by the incident - going by the heading of the article.:sarcasm: :sarcasm: :sarcasm:

:lol: That was my first thought too when I saw that article, but thought I had better keep it to myself :oops:


parralight said:
Dont condone Tims bahaviour.
When was the last time you saw Ben Smith or Mc Kinnon or Vella etc... involved in any alcohol related incident.
Yes the media may have blown it all out of proportion but there he did have an altercation and was thrown out of the bar. These facts dont seem to have been disputed.
Who's to say they have been but just haven't been caught out? I think you are making a few assumptions there...

The Colonel

Daneel said:
So what your saying as that bulldog supporters can come on here and say what they like, but where not allowed to respond.

Try ignoring them for a start. It works. ;-)

If yiou can't do that then walk away from it. It doesn't need to become an argument about who did what and which was worse.

The Colonel

mickdo said:
It became about the Bulldogs when a certain poster accused the eels of becoming worse than the bulldogs :roll: I didn't see you wiping that post out.

In response to another post about being called the Canterbury Headlines. I don't like trolls as much as you do, maybe even more. Doesn't meed we need to feed them.


The Colonel said:
Try ignoring them for a start. It works. ;-)

If yiou can't do that then walk away from it. It doesn't need to become an argument about who did what and which was worse.

Maybe so, but it doesn't take away from the fact that your allowing them to voice their opinions and not us.


mickdo said:
Who's to say they have been but just haven't been caught out? I think you are making a few assumptions there...

That may be true but Tim should know that the media would have been making sure that anything that he does will be looked at.

Im sure the Club and senior players at the Eels told him but obviously just went in one ear and out the other.

Without preaching, it gets to a certain point that if you are under so much scrutiny that you just have to say - well when I go out I hit the softies and dont play up, turn the other cheek and if it gets rough - go home.
Its at home when you can have a good drink with your mates and get plastered. (not making assumptions he was plastered here!!)
But what do you expect - It is hard for a 21 year old to make these choices.

Mark Riddell doesnt seem to be helping Tim out a lot does he ?


parralight said:
That may be true but Tim should know that the media would have been making sure that anything that he does will be looked at.

Im sure the Club and senior players at the Eels told him but obviously just went in one ear and out the other.

Without preaching, it gets to a certain point that if you are under so much scrutiny that you just have to say - well when I go out I hit the softies and dont play up, turn the other cheek and if it gets rough - go home.
Its at home when you can have a good drink with your mates and get plastered. (not making assumptions he was plastered here!!)
But what do you expect - It is hard for a 21 year old to make these choices.

Mark Riddell doesnt seem to be helping Tim out a lot does he ?

I do not condone what Tim has done and i think he is an idiot!! But one of the so called senior players was out drinking with him again and that is the part that annoys me. You know the article says something in it about they then went on to Fusion night club, you know they added that in, because it implies that Timmy does have a problem, and they are dead right!!!!

He and Riddell would have known that the papers would have got a hold of this story and instead of calling it a night, they decide to go and drink more at another establishment.

I would be happy if Denis put a drinking ban on these 2 players for the rest of the season. If they are going to be playing first grade, they need to be focused on football and not booze, it is as simple as that!!!

Parra Guru

Sydney Morning Herald said:
Clarke bats off nightclub clash David Braithwaite
June 21, 2006 - 11:01AM

Tim Smith and, inset, Michael Clarke ... "Clearly there was minor misunderstanding between the two of them and staff at the nightclub handled it at the time very well."

Cricket Australia has downplayed a reported scuffle between Parramatta rugby league player Tim Smith and star cricketer Michael Clarke as a "minor misunderstanding".
Smith is back in the news for off-field misadventures after reportedly pushing Clarke during a heated argument at a Cronulla nightspot about 10pm on Sunday.
Bouncers at the Northies hotel then ejected Smith from the pub, it was reported.
Reports quoted a witness to the incident who said the pair had to be separated by security.
"They were in each other's faces. Then Smith pushed Michael Clarke and he got kicked out," he said.
It is understood Smith, who was drinking with teammate Mark Riddell, then moved on to nearby nightclub Fusion.

A spokesman for Cricket Australia said Clarke described the blow-up as "something out of nothing", which normally would not have attracted a second glance.
"Clearly there was minor misunderstanding between the two of them and staff at the nightclub handled it at the time very well," the spokesman said.
"Michael carried on with his evening and is back preparing for the coming summer.
"He said [the incident] was over extremely quickly - it was such a minor incident he didn't even speak to his management staff about it."
Smith's manager, David Rioli, was quoted as saying he understood it was not a major incident.
Just over a month ago the reigning Dally M Rookie of the year turned up drunk for Eels training along with Riddell and was stood down from first grade.

This is very disappointing all round.

Firstly, it is clear that the media have chosen to continue with their 'Parra bashing' tactics, barely acknowledging Clarke's involvement. I'm not excusing Timmy but surely Clarke must have said something to Smith that set him off. Because Clarke is the media and Cricket Australia's prodigy, they filter through statements like this
Michael carried on with his evening and is back preparing for the coming summer
as if to say it was such an inconvenience to his preparation for the Ashes....

Secondly, I agree with calls that Smith should be sacked from firsts again, because this kind of behaviour is not accepted at Parramatta and has never been tolerated in the past either. Perhaps some alcohol counselling wouldn't go astray either, and trying to separate him from Riddell.

I really feel for the club's management having to baby sit Smith all the time. It must be extremely difficult to monitor. We can't really hold anyone but Tim accountable for his continuous behaviour problems.

Parra Guru

number8 said:
Aside from the inability to handle the turps, Tim hasn't been playing well enough to have earned a drink imo. Untill he finds some form & with a degree of consistancy about it, getting on the piss should be the last thing on his agenda. He needs to stop following Riddell up the pub until he first gets some other sh*t in order.

On Riddell, we knew of his reputation for the night life when we signed him. However he has proved to be an even more powerful entity than our clubs preset culture in relation to influencing the way our other players behave off the field. I guess when we signed him I thought that "Parramatta", & the way we were, would settle him a bit. But it seems he was immune to our clubs ways & his own have been somewhat infectious.

Riddell has great leadership on & off the fieild. But his off field examples are far removed from the responsible & appropriate to which we have become accustomed, or expected from a 1st grade leading NRL player. Mark knows how to handle himself on the piss. Some of the guys who follow him don't. He is not just a role model to the young fans but also his greener team mates. He needs to set a better example........ He's paid enough to make that small sacrifice.

Bottom line, I have no problem with celebratory drinks but given our position on the ladder these guys should be putting their time & energies elsewhere. I remember last season all the interviews about Smith, saying how many extra hours he put in on his own time to be able to play the way he was. Maybe he needs to get back to that place. That or reconsider what he wants to achieve in the game.


Very well said


First Grade
I have no doubt it has been blown out of proportion like the recent Timmins thing in Brisbane, BUT when alcohol is involved, and the teams going poorly how else do you think the media will report it. Those blokes should have laid low for a while given the turning up to training drunk and the off season thing at the rocks (Smith) and not turning up at all (Piggy) episode being only a few weeks back. The kid is a talent and someone needs to pull him aside and tell him to wake up so he can fufil that talent.


Smartman said:
If there ever was a one hit wonder, its young Timmy :cool:

Wow 3 different fekking incidents within a year.

What next? stealing an old ladys handbag :lol:
