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NSW Game 2 team


First Grade
Why would anyone want to move Gallen? He's had more impact than any other front rower in the last 4 games. 230m up the middle on Wednesday night, moving him to lock is just stupid.
1-11 same as game 1
12. Scott-To Fix right edge, make tough metres, G Stewart not suited
13. Bird
14. Merrin
15. Woods/TLL/Mannah - need more go forward not 10 mins of dummy half
16. Watmough - Creagh not fit to lace his boots
17. Williams

Scott would not have stopped the two tries. They didn't go through the right forward. They were two of the greatest demonstrative pieces of backline attacking play you are likely to see in a game of rugby league and so much better than the 50/50 tries from kicks NSW capitalised on.

First it was a blind side play with Harrison, Cronk, Slater to Boyd with Inglis running the decoy inside Slater who took both Carney & J Morris with him leaving Uate to defend Slater and Boyd.

The second one was absolutely sublime and targeted the same two players again with a play that had the same premise, i.e., the rope two dopes with Inglis being used as the main decoy again to get the attention of both Carney & Morris again. It was an open-side play with awesome attacking width from Cronk & Thurston with decoys all over the joint. G Stewart was already inside JT when the latter got the ball and was marking QLDs inside decoy runners - first Thaiday, then Inglis - on the defensive slide. Stewart did the right thing. Inglis also attracted the other two who should have continued to slide to the right - particularly Morris. Thurston ran the ball and continues to show it. With Morris & Carney taking the Inglis bait, Uate came in attempting to shut down JT leaving Boyd open.

QLD attacked the NSW right-hand defence because it was another new combo. The left-side of Lewis, Pearce, Jennings & Hayne was a carry over from last series. Last year, the right-side defence was the SGI club combo of Scott-Soward-Gasnier & Uate on the wing. It was a strength for this reason.

G Stewart is a strong defender on Manly's right side. Bringing in Scott is a step back in the learning process for this squad. The combo will be good for the run. A new combination will always have teething problems. The NSW brains trust will adjust to the play and put in measures to counter it. QLD will come up with something new.
Why would anyone want to move Gallen? He's had more impact than any other front rower in the last 4 games. 230m up the middle on Wednesday night, moving him to lock is just stupid.

He gets through a lot of work, but he doesn't bend the line like a Prop should. Tamou had the most impact. His initial momentum put QLD on the back foot and allowed Farah to steal cheap yards from dummy half, as well as allow forwards on the right-side of the ruck to gain good metres. But after the first 18 mins he was collecting splinters on the bench up until after the 65th minute. What a waste. Should have been back on earlier.


First Grade
He gets through a lot of work, but he doesn't bend the line like a Prop should. Tamou had the most impact. His initial momentum put QLD on the back foot and allowed Farah to steal cheap yards from dummy half, as well as allow forwards on the right-side of the ruck to gain good metres. But after the first 18 mins he was collecting splinters on the bench up until after the 65th minute. What a waste. Should have been back on earlier.

I'm not questioning Tamou at all, I agree he shoudl have got another 10-15min. However, Gallen made huge meters that meant that NSW could put in attacking kicks at the end of many of their sets. In contrast QLD were constantly kicking from within their own half.


Buhrer out for Hinchcliffe. Merrin out for Woods. Creagh out for Watmough.

Woods would have been very handy last night. His late footwork and ability to get quick play the balls would have fitted in so well. Having him in rotation with Tamou would be superb.

i agree sticky should stick with most of last night's team.
carney will get better with the experience, t-rex will case problems with some match conditioning, and jennings will know where the line is that he crossed last night.

problem is, qld may not play as poorly again. unless we get an injury or 2 to key players, we will get better as well. and then even if you win game 2, just like last year, game 3 we will lift and the class of the australian backline will prevail


i agree sticky should stick with most of last night's team.
carney will get better with the experience, t-rex will case problems with some match conditioning, and jennings will know where the line is that he crossed last night.

problem is, qld may not play as poorly again. unless we get an injury or 2 to key players, we will get better as well. and then even if you win game 2, just like last year, game 3 we will lift and the class of the australian backline will prevail

You are kidding yourself if you think NSW doesn't have a lot of improvement in that side. They played with a passenger in the 6 last night, the Stewart bros did SFA and the main impact player was coming off a 10 week break. On the other side of things, Slater was quiet and the maroons go-forward wasn't what they might have hoped. Should be minimal changes for SOOII and another good game of footy hopefully


Seriously you hardly saw Creagh but FFS he only played 24 minutes.
What is the point of selecting someone who is only going to play such a short time.
Buhrer looked at least composed while he was out there. Not going to bag him cause he got only 7 minutes.

Tony Williams was huge.
Glenn Stewart was huge.
Merrin was angry.
Watmough in? Yeah why not.
Lewis and Tamou? Hmmmm.
Watmough to start and Lewis to the bench.

My bigger concern is the halves and their inability to do anything other than bomb it to Tate. That's a stock Pearce tactic. Not that I have a name of anyone better.

watch a different game, young fella?

Walt Flanigan

1. Dugan
2. Uate
3. Jennings
4. Morris
5. Hayne
6. Carney (was shell-shocked but will be better after getting that first game under his belt)
7. Pearce
8. Gallen (c)
9. Farah
10. Tamou
11. Lewis
12. Bird
13. Fensom (still pushing it)

14. Watmough
15. Williams
16. Merrin
17. Mannah

*edit* tempted to include Woods.
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Since Gallen has been there, NSW are yet to win a series, if his that good, youd think he'd have made an impact and won one by now....if that was Tallis we'd have won 2 by now atleast.

Gallen is a HIT UP HOG, gets his stats up and gets metres by dragging defenders with him BIG DEAL.

Get rid of the bloke !
not too many changes for NSW. FFS, installing new combinations again requires new learning for the players involved. The majority will be better for the run.

Farah needs to get the ball out from dummy half. He runs sideways too often and on several occasions, got in the way of the halves. All good doing it for WT where he is the other play maker, but there are two halves in the NSW squad there who's job is to do it. Give them the ball early to give them time and room to do something.

Watch QLDs two first half tries and Smith gets the ball out to his halves and allows them to run the play. A dummy half doesn't always have to be noticed in order for them to effectively be doing their job.

Keep the starting pack as is. Lewis starts as the left forward again with Pearce-Jennings-Hayne, but can be the utility if required. Buhrer was used just because he was there, not because he was required. Farah didn't need to be taken off the field last night. He got his break at halftime.

Creagh and Buhrer can be omitted. Another recognised prop should be brought in. The second player is a tough one. Watmough & Williams both predominantly play on the left. Perhaps Scott who is a right-side player can be the INT to give G Stewart a spell, but NOT in place of G Stewart as the main right forward.
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f**k yeah Dugan at FB, he needs another shot at reclaiming his rightful spot after Mini's game 3 performance last year out derped his game 1.
Since Gallen has been there, NSW are yet to win a series, if his that good, youd think he'd have made an impact and won one by now....if that was Tallis we'd have won 2 by now atleast.

Gallen is a HIT UP HOG, gets his stats up and gets metres by dragging defenders with him BIG DEAL.

Get rid of the bloke !

i dont think they should get rid of him, but he does get in the way and demands the ball twice in a set a lot. he tries to do too much, he doesn't really bend the line and get quick plays going for the next forward. rather he drags defenders as you say which resulting in slowing the play and allowing the defensive line to set up.

needs to allow the other big men the chance to have an impact. most other props just can't get the opportunity and is a part of the reason NSW have been through so many since he's been in the side.

Joker's Wild

Since Gallen has been there, NSW are yet to win a series, if his that good, youd think he'd have made an impact and won one by now....if that was Tallis we'd have won 2 by now atleast.

Gallen is a HIT UP HOG, gets his stats up and gets metres by dragging defenders with him BIG DEAL.

Get rid of the bloke !

lol None of the current players have won a series, guess we should get rid of the lot and start again hey :roll:

Gal is a machine and without him we would have been rolled a lot harder than we had been over the last 6 series. He is the last NSWelshman whos spot in the side should be questioned.


1. Stewart
2. Uate
3. Josh Morris
4. Jennings
5. Hayne

6. Carney
7. Pearce

8. Gallen
9. Farah
10. Tamou
11. Scott
12. Lewis
13. Bird

14. Buderus
15. Watmough
16. Merrin
17. Williams

I do prefer another prop but Watmough would fit the NSW game plan to a tee. Bedsy won't let anyone down.


i dont think they should get rid of him, but he does get in the way and demands the ball twice in a set a lot. he tries to do too much, he doesn't really bend the line and get quick plays going for the next forward. rather he drags defenders as you say which resulting in slowing the play and allowing the defensive line to set up.

needs to allow the other big men the chance to have an impact. most other props just can't get the opportunity and is a part of the reason NSW have been through so many since he's been in the side.

I see so far you've made 9 posts... I disagree with every single one of them...


1 Josh Dugan
2 Akuila Uate
3 Josh Morris
4 Michael Jennings
5 Jarryd Hayne
6 Todd Carney
7 Mitchell Pearce
8 Paul Gallen
9 Robbie Farah
10 James Tamou
11 Anthony Watmough
12 Luke Lewis
13 Greg Bird

14 Aaron Woods
15 Ryan Hinchcliffe
16 Tony Williams
17 Trent Merrin

Brett Stewart is not dynamic anymore and is too slow,sorry Sir but you must make way for the Bogan as injuries have made you ineffective

Jamie Buhrer DERP

Glenn Stewart is not a origin player


Get rid of Manly scum


First Grade
1. Stewart
2. Uate
3. Jennings
4. Morris
5. Hayne

6. Carney
7. Pearce

8. Gallen (c)
9. Farah
10. Tamou
11. Watmong
12. Bird
13. Stewart

14. Lewis
15. Williams
16. Merrin
17. Woods


Cue some Dragon fans dropping Carney after one game to bring back Soward. Cause he our saviour last year...

Don't say stuff like that.

Watmough in for creagh, who didn't play bad but not great. We need a bit more impact.
Buhrer out for another prop. He didn't play bad, but also doesn't offer much.