how about going with head and cambell. its a bit of a gamble, but we all saw that anasta and finch are pure crapness. i think its worth the gamble...
head wasnt on fire tonight, but gould was mentioning that head didnt have his execution top notch mode, but he lead the team around. isnt this what the NSW team needs? gould also said during the 2nd origin match that all three of the rooters terrible trio wernt the smartest players on the pitch, thats why we needed bedsy back out there. so if we get head into the game who is quiet footy smart, and a natural leader by the look of it, we should get more direction into our game.
preston, this guys is small and can get targeted on defence. however he is like 1000 times better than anasta at anything. anasta thinks he can pass, preston is better, anaster thinks he can kick preston is better, anasta thinks he has a good step and running game, preston is a 100000 times better. he also offers more spark then the rooters terrible trio have offered in the last two years, so i dont see whats so wrong with putting him on. put him next to coops who is an excellent defender.
however saying all this i know it is very risky putting two rookie (at rep level) havles into a decider, but putting the rooters terrible trio in just insures a qld victory.
however i hope your listening mr joey, we need you.