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O.T. Bring it On... The New Qantas Emirates thread

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You scare me!!! Your an extreme extremist! I hope they are monitoring you.

You are unhinging a tad Comrade Reefy.

Like someone else I know.




Post Whore
Rudd, stamp duty rorter, catholic Vatican schmoozer, news ltd family member, and all round bullshit artist.

Rupes got his man the top job, in the end news was never party biased, it was about getting rid of gillard for Rupert's man.


Post Whore
Rank-and-file preselection to be scrapped, Labor officials to pick candidates
By Frances Bell
Updated 6 hours 32 minutes ago

PHOTO: Diplomat Lisa Clutterham, who wants to be pre-selected for the western Melbourne seat of Lalor. (ABC News)
RELATED STORY: Diplomat parachuted in to contest Lalor preselection
MAP: Lalor 3075
The ABC understands the ALP national executive will this afternoon intervene in the pre-selection process for safe federal Labor seats which are yet to secure a candidate.

The ALP yesterday said it had "placed itself on a full campaign footing" and would consider whether local ballots could be concluded in a "timely manner" for pre-selections that remain outstanding.

Those include the seat of Lalor, previously held by former prime minister Julia Gillard.

Diplomat Lisa Clutterham looked set to be handed the safe Labor seat, despite never living in the area and being a member of the ALP for less than a month.


Grassroots democracy :lol:

Kev all fart no shit
Its important symbolically for Labor have more women in winnable seats, so they need to over rule the possibility that a woman may be the candidate for a safe Labor seat just to be sure.


I was truely worried about how Comrade Reefy would handle another three years. Now I think I might have to consider entering a few more names.

There appears to be a group worry building around here. Why's that I ask?


Rank-and-file preselection to be scrapped, Labor officials to pick candidates
By Frances Bell
Updated 6 hours 32 minutes ago

PHOTO: Diplomat Lisa Clutterham, who wants to be pre-selected for the western Melbourne seat of Lalor. (ABC News)
RELATED STORY: Diplomat parachuted in to contest Lalor preselection
MAP: Lalor 3075
The ABC understands the ALP national executive will this afternoon intervene in the pre-selection process for safe federal Labor seats which are yet to secure a candidate.

The ALP yesterday said it had "placed itself on a full campaign footing" and would consider whether local ballots could be concluded in a "timely manner" for pre-selections that remain outstanding.

Those include the seat of Lalor, previously held by former prime minister Julia Gillard.

Diplomat Lisa Clutterham looked set to be handed the safe Labor seat, despite never living in the area and being a member of the ALP for less than a month.


Grassroots democracy :lol:

Kev all fart no shit



Post Whore
Nice try old boy, but the libs haven't been spruiking grassroots democracy for party members.

That's Kev godfather of a news ltd chiefs child, and Vatican schmoozer


Post Whore
Balson was charged with naming Labor MP "Bill D'Arcy as a man facing child-sex charges on the Internet" in July 1999. At the time D'Arcy faced fifty child-sex charges including rape and was sitting in Parliament as the Deputy Speaker supporting Peter Beattie's minority Labor State government. (D'Arcy presided as acting-Speaker during discussion on paedophilia in Parliament in 1999!) Balson is the only person to have ever been charged under an obscure 20 year old Act, unique to Queensland, that prevents the naming of a person facing child sex charges before they are committed to trial. He was acquitted by an Ipswich Magistrate 9 months after being charged and arrested.

Balson was arrested on the direct instructions of Labor MP Matt Foley (Attorney-General) just two days after The Courier-Mail laid an official complaint against Balson with the DPP and obviously with this paper's blessing.


But Abbott knows a priest


Farkkkk I am getting a bit worried about you Sureles...

Are you a mad as f**k radical tyke happy clapper or just a Cory Bernardi type worried about dog farkers... (fair dinkum)

Do you ... (sorry I am choking on my cornflakes here) .... do you really keep posting crap from .... no you couldn't be. You are not Scott Balson are you ..... or is that just your main database.

Fair dinkum viewers.... click on Sureles Link. It's got to be a joke.


I was looking for the bit about the 'it wasn't the muzz-a-lums that hit the towers, it was the C.I.A. Can you direct me to that page in Scotts website.


There is even a letter from Alan Gloria Jones dated April 2000 backing Scott and his endeavours. Onya Gloria, Onya Scott. ......... I'll just check my calendar.

Where's Ray Hadleys Letter. Was he even around in 2000


Post Whore
I thought you'd like it, the guy arrested for outing pedo deputy speaker Darcy seeing as you are fixated on Tony's links to a priest.


Balson was charged with naming Labor MP "Bill D'Arcy as a man facing child-sex charges on the Internet" in July 1999. At the time D'Arcy faced fifty child-sex charges including rape and was sitting in Parliament as the Deputy Speaker supporting Peter Beattie's minority Labor State government. (D'Arcy presided as acting-Speaker during discussion on paedophilia in Parliament in 1999!) Balson is the only person to have ever been charged under an obscure 20 year old Act, unique to Queensland, that prevents the naming of a person facing child sex charges before they are committed to trial. He was acquitted by an Ipswich Magistrate 9 months after being charged and arrested.

Balson was arrested on the direct instructions of Labor MP Matt Foley (Attorney-General) just two days after The Courier-Mail laid an official complaint against Balson with the DPP and obviously with this paper's blessing.


But Abbott knows a priest

Was that the obscure law that Joh introduced into Queensland Law that more than two people walking down a street can be construed as an illegal procession.

Dead set Sureles... I'll give you a little tip ... you should stop playing with your dick.



If we are going back that far ....... I was trying to find the bit about Joh and co forcing reporter after reporter to leave the State through fear of criminal libel charges. Was it Ross Fitsgerald. Google it and see Sureles.


Post Whore
I have more older articles

A FORMER employee of Therese Rein, Kevin Rudd's wife, has described her as "a bastard" whose company regularly sacked workers, underpaid him and forced him to provide his own radiator.

John Barry, 64, a former non-commissioned officer in the army and a Labor voter, told The Sunday Telegraph he was "disgusted'' with the nasty way Ms Rein treated workers.

When he left her job placement company, WorkDirections Australia, in the late 1990s, Mr Barry said he hand-delivered a letter to Ms Rein, outlining his concerns.

She guaranteed she would reply in writing. Nine years later, Mr Barry says, he's still waiting for that reply.

"She's a bastard. She's sacked so many people over the years and done so much damage,'' he said.

Mr Barry's complaints were echoed yesterday by single mother Kristy Smedley, who claimed she was sacked without warning from one of Ms Rein's companies.

"I was told, 'It's not working. We're letting you go. There's inconsistencies in your work','' Ms Smedley said.

"I asked what in particular and she (the manager) said, 'I choose not to discuss this matter any further'.''

Ms Smedley, 23, said Ms Rein did not practise what her husband preached.

"She needs to take a good look at her companies. Her husband's out there preaching all this stuff about workers' rights and her company's the exact opposite.''

Ms Smedley also complained that:

*She had to see 15 job seekers at a time in difficult group appointments to maximise corporate profits;

*The workplace changed from a caring to cut-throat environment after Ms Rein took over last July;

*Four out of 10 workers kept individual logs to record when they were harassed by the manager, and

She was told that she would lose the job if she took any more sick days to look after her son, who had been ill.

"I think they're able to fire me during that probation period but I believe I was entitled to a warning,'' she said.

"You shouldn't treat people like that. We were good working people.''

Mr Barry, who achieved the distinction of being the Army's youngest warrant officer, said he joined

Ms Rein's firm in 1998, after being made redundant at the old Commonwealth Employment Service (CES), which the Howard Government privatised.

His former supervisor at the CES, who had joined WorkDirections, a private job-placement agency that was founded by Ms Rein, offered him a job.

Mr Barry recounted one incident in which he said a regional manager in Brisbane had been sacked.

The human resources manager told his colleagues of the decision "on the steps'' of the WorkDirections office in the Brisbane suburb of Woodridge. The manager said the decision had followed a "discussion'' with Ms Rein.

"We just turned up for work and the HR person was waiting on the steps and we were told he was gone,'' Mr Barry said.

"We were all shivering with fear and cold, thinking we would all get the sack.

"Another worker there told us that she was put off one month before her long-service leave was due.''

The sacked employee later went on to work as a senior political adviser for the Labor State Treasurer, Jim Elder, Mr Barry said.

He said he was offered $26,000 a year as a marketing officer with WorkDirections. His task at the firm was to find and place people in jobs.

He later found out that peers working in the same position were earning $35,000.

He also learned that his colleagues "hated'' him for taking a lower wage because it was used by the company to suppress their earnings.

Mr Barry said that after 11 weeks he had successfully obtained 100 positions for potential job seekers.

On the basis of that performance, he then asked for a pay rise. Despite a recent National Wage Case decision that had boosted the minimum wage, Mr Barry said the company refused his request.

At the time, Mr Barry was working for the company out of a former Housing Commission house at Inala, an outer suburb of Brisbane.

"It was one of those places with concrete walls, and very cold in the winter,'' Mr Barry said. "They (WorkDirections) wouldn't even give me a heater. I had to bring my own - one of those fan radiators.

At the end of my contract they still refused to give me any more money.''

There was no comment from Mr Rudd's office last night.


A fair go for all Australians :lol:


I'd like to ask you a question Sureles, if I may.

All this fantastic information you are laying on the table from great sites like http://www.gwb.com.au/enemy.htm is it in all relevant to the Royal Commission now being carried out in Victoria. About the sexual offences committed in Institutions.

It is certainly bringing out a lot of information about the kiddie fiddlers within the Church and th cover ups.

I see just today the head Cat-o-lick bloke in the Hunter area has come out and spilled his guts about covering up a grub.

Oh well 2013 and the Royal Commission is rolling along nicely..... and it is beautiful day again.

Whats the weather like in 1990?


Post Whore
I'd like to ask you a question Sureles, if I may.

All this fantastic information you are laying on the table from great sites like http://www.gwb.com.au/enemy.htm is it in all relevant to the Royal Commission now being carried out in Victoria. About the sexual offences committed in Institutions.

It is certainly bringing out a lot of information about the kiddie fiddlers within the Church and th cover ups.

I see just today the head Cat-o-lick bloke in the Hunter area has come out and spilled his guts about covering up a grub.

Oh well 2013 and the Royal Commission is rolling along nicely..... and it is beautiful day again.

Whats the weather like in 1990?

Lol that should investigate the labor party as well and Kev's role in document shredding.


Post Whore
Two decades after an inquiry into abuse at the John Oxley Youth Detention Centre was shut down, the state government has paid $120,000 to a former detainee allegedly pack raped in 1988 at the age of 14.
The woman, now 36, yesterday described the payment made three weeks ago as "yucky dirty money" and said she still wanted the case tried in a criminal court.
However, police have said there was insufficient evidence to pursue a criminal case.
The alleged assault was one of the key issues that sparked the 1989 Heiner Inquiry into a failure to investigate sexual assaults at the detention centre.
The inquiry was shut down by the Goss government in 1990, with documents controversially shred

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/que...rape-victim-20100708-10263.html#ixzz2Ym93FZGH


Sureles @ 1713.

So it is not only the Noalition that is getting rattled at the moment.

Gee you know Ive got to say you trumped me with that one. An article from a current former reporter (Glenn Milne) who was sacked for being pissed and getting up on stage at the Walkleys has an article about a 64 year old bloke that was in the army (John Barry, 64, a former non-commissioned officer in the army... "does that make him a bloke that was once a soldier") who was in 2007, was working for an employment agency (that places dudes into jobs)

And he didn't like his boss.

Yeah trumped me again.


Post Whore
Background: On the 19th September Queensland Senator Barnaby Joyce wanted to table a 3,000 page Audit of the Heiner affair by a leading Sydney QC, Mr David Rofe in the Senate. It took two years to compile, and is said to contain some 66 prima facie criminal charges which require urgent attention.

One month earlier an unprecedented Statement of Concern signed by eminent legal officers including 5 Judges, a Law academic and Barrister and a leading Australian QC calling on Mr Beattie to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Heiner Affair had been delivered into his hands. Shortly afterwards, Premier Beattie resigned. It is generally thought that the Audit may implicate federal opposition leader, Labor's Kevin Rudd in the shredding of the Heiner documents.

If the Audit had been tabled the public would have been able to access the legal opinion on why so many powerful Labor political identities, both state and federal, might be charged with prima facie breaches of the Criminal Code. Under Parliamentary law, all it took was one Labor Senator to object to prevent the Audit being tabled and therefore becoming a "public" document protected by parliamentary privilege.

And a Labor Senator did.

This is Rudd's accountable government already showing its true colours.


The alp covering up child abuse.

What was that about the church again ?


Its amazing how many principals of decency & morality that Quigs & hsi extremist buddies will go to, in their hate of right wing politics. Unlike right wing supporters, who think guys like like Torbay SHOULD be rubbed out, Quigs defends the slimey kcuties. First sign of the comple absence of morals & ethics. He then says the red headed lying khhhunt will be prime ministeer & that she had to knife kevin Rudd. 2nd evidence of low lifeness. Then after supporting her for 3 years & denouncing Rudd, he's OK with Rudd knifing her back. 3rd sign of a khhunt you couldnt trust.
Blow blow seminole Wind, blow like you never gonna blow again.
Extremist weirdo!!


Post Whore
The Hon Peter Beattie MLA
Queensland Premier
Executive Building
80 George Street

Dear Premier


We, the undersigned legal practitioners formerly on the Bench, currently at the Bar or in legal practice, seek to re-affirm our sworn duty to uphold the rule of law throughout the Commonwealth of Australia and to indicate our deep concern about its undermining as the unresolved Heiner affair reveals.

We believe that it is the democratic right of every Australian to expect that the criminal law shall be applied consistently, predictably and equally by law-enforcement authorities throughout the Commonwealth of Australia in materially similar circumstances. We believe that any action by Executive Government which may have breached the law ought not be immune from criminal prosecution where and when the evidence satisfies the relevant provision.

To do otherwise, we suggest would undermine the rule of law and confidence in government. It would tend to place Executive Government above the law.

At issue is the order by the Queensland Cabinet of 5 March 1990 to destroy the Heiner Inquiry documents to prevent their use as evidence in an anticipated judicial proceeding, made worse because the Queensland Government knew the evidence concerned abuse of children in a State youth detention centre, including the alleged unresolved pack rape of an indigenous female child by other male inmates.

The affair exposes an unacceptable application of the criminal law by prima facie double standards by Queensland law-enforcement authorities in initiating a successful proceedings against an Australian citizen, namely Mr. Douglas Ensbey, but not against members of the Executive Government and certain civil servants for similar destruction-of-evidence conduct. Compelling evidence suggests that the erroneous interpretation of section 129 of the Criminal Code (Qld) used by those authorities to justify the shredding of the Heiner Inquiry documents may have knowingly advantaged Executive Government and certain civil servants.

This serious inconsistency in the administration of Queensland’s Criminal Code touching on the fundamental principle of respect for the administration of justice by proper preservation of evidence concerns us because this principle is found in all jurisdictions within in the Commonwealth as it sustains the rule of law generally.

The Queensland Court of Appeal’s binding September 2004 interpretation of section 129 in R v Ensbey; ex parte A-G (Qld) [2004] QCA 335 exposed the erroneous interpretation that the (anticipated/imminent) judicial proceeding had to be on foot before section 129 could be triggered.

We are acquainted with the affair* and specifically note, and concur with, (the late) the Right Honourable Sir Harry Gibbs GCMG, AC, KBE, as President of The Samuel Griffith Society, who advised that the reported facts represent, at least, a prima facie offence under section 129 of the Criminal Code (Qld) concerning destruction of evidence.

In respect of the erroneous interpretation of section 129 adopted by Queensland authorities, we also concur with the earlier 2003 opinion of former Queensland Supreme and Appeal Court Justice, the Hon James Thomas AM, that while many laws are indeed arguable, section 129 was never open to that interpretation.

Section 129 of the Criminal Code (Qld) – destruction of evidence – provides that:

“Any person who, knowing that any book, document, or other thing of any kind, is or may be required in evidence in a judicial proceeding, wilfully destroys it or renders it illegible or undecipherable or incapable of identification, with intent thereby to prevent it from being used in evidence, is guilty of a misdemeanour, and is liable to imprisonment with hard labour for three years.” (Underlining added).

It concerns us that such an erroneous view of section 129 was persisted with for well over a decade despite the complainant, supported by eminent lawyers, pointing out the gravity of their error consistently since 1990 when knowing its wording and intent were so unambiguous, with authoritative case law available for citing dating back as far as 1891 in R v Vreones.

Evidence adduced also reveals that the Queensland Government and Office of Crown Law knew, at the time, that the records would be discoverable under the Rules of the Supreme Court of Queensland once the expected writ/plaint was filed or served. With this knowledge, the Queensland Government ordered the destruction of these public records before the expected writ/plaint was filed or served to prevent their use as evidence.

Such scandalizing of these disclosure/discovery Rules by the Executive also concerns us. So fundamentally important is respect for these Rules that the Judiciary’s independent constitutional functionality depends on it.

Under the circumstances, we suggest that any claim of “staleness” or “lack of public interest” which may be mounted now by Queensland authorities not to revisit this matter ought to fail. Neither the facts, the law nor the public interest offer support in that regard. However, should such a claim be mounted, we suggest that it would tend to be self-serving and undermine public confidence in the administration of justice and in government itself knowing that the 2004 Ensbey conviction, taken by the same Queensland Crown, did not occur until some 9 years after the relevant destruction-of-evidence incident.

This affair encompasses all the essential democratic ideals. The right to a fair trial without interference by government and the right to impartial law-enforcement, to say nothing of respecting the rule of law itself rest at its core. Respecting the doctrine of the separation of powers and our constitutional monarchy system of democratic government are involved.

We believe that the issues at stake are too compelling to ignore.

We suggest that if the Heiner affair remains in its current unresolved state, it would give reasonable cause for ordinary citizens, especially Queenslanders, to believe that there is one law for them, and another for Executive Government and civil servants.

We find such a prospect unacceptable.

We urge the Queensland Government to appoint an independent Special Prosecutor as recommended by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs in its August 2004 Report (Volume Two - Recommendation 3) following its investigation into the affair as part of its national inquiry into “Crime in the community: victims, offenders and fear of crime”.

Such an independent transparent process we believe will restore public confidence in the administration of justice throughout the Commonwealth of Australia, more especially in Queensland.

Signed by


The Hon Jack Lee AO QC – Retired Chief Judge at Common Law Supreme Court of New South Wales


Dr Frank McGrath – Retired Chief Judge Compensation Court of New South Wales


Alastair MacAdam, Senior Lecturer, Law Faculty, QUT Brisbane, and Barrister-at-law


The Hon R P Meagher QC - Retired Justice of the Supreme and Appeal Court of New South Wales


The Hon Barry O’Keefe AM QC, Retired Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW, former ICAC Commissioner


Mr Alex Shand QC


The Hon David K Malcolm AC CitWA, former Chief Justice of Western Australia


I know you don't like the site, I can understand why.
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