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O/T - Is football REALLY the sleeping giant?

JOB 3:14

It is a shame if it does go back to sleep. Lets face it we all get more enjoyment watching competition on an international level and soccer (football) is THE INTERNATIONAL sport. What a shame it would be if Australia didnt embrace it. To challenge for top spot in a sport that is played at the highest level in over 200 countries!
My, how do league and union internationals pale in comparison!!!
We have all been given a taste of what it would be like. Imagine the euphoria, interest and excitement every time Australia play. Well we all can now, because we have actually experienced it.
If you build it - they will come.

Money talks - if the local administration can get the corporate dollars happening, this will continue to grow at a rapid rate.

My concern for Rugby League is, how many kids are now playing soccer? Whenever I see the stats - the numbers continue to grow for soccer and drop off for Rugby League.

IF the big dollars roll in, look out....


There have been some good points made already in this thread, here's my view which does in part mirror others.

League is my fav sport and the eels my team, but I also have a great deal of time for union and have always liked soccer as well.

I think in terms of soccer in Australia, will always struggle, until we can see regular top line soccer in this country. Lets face it to see the best play, we must watch TV at the same timeslots some of us have been staying up to watch in recent weeks. To watch the english, spanish, german or italian leagues. While this is the case soccer will struggle to get a bigger foothold in Australia.

There is no doubt Australian's don't mind soccer, in fact I would say most like it, but there is only a short window very four years in which the nation takes any great notice. Going through Asia to qualify will help because it will mean playing 6 games with our full squad as opposed to the current 2. Australians every year watch the very elite on a regular basis in league, union and afl, soccer can't compete with that. The success of Australia at the world cup will mean more talent leaves our shores as scouts from Europe scour our teams.

The A league was held up as a massive success and in comparison to some of its predecessors it was. But only in certain areas. The added point is it had no competition from other football codes as it chooses to play in summer. In Sydney the FC averaged 19000 (including the finals), 15000 in brisbane, 14000 in melbourne, 11000 in Adeliade, 9000 was the average in newcastle, perth and the central coast. And I'm not sure if anyone went to the NZ games.

You can only watch the A league if you have pay TV, otherwise you must go to the games or a pub. League and AFL have basically a saturation coverage on all forms of media, yet still get very solid crowds, and both have massive free to air tv ratings weekly, while NRL also gets massive pay tv ratings as well.

I think we are a long way from soccer rising to the top, or even getting close on a national comp level. It will battle away with union for attention, but like union only really gets attention when our national side plays another good national side.

The other obstacle Australian soccer needs to overcome is the possibility that the current side is the best we had in aussie soccer, a really good generation between the age of 25 and 33. Probably 18 our 23 will be 30 or over in 4 years. 10 of the 18 will be 34 or older in 4 years so will probably not play in the next world cup. We need some new stars to emerge and only 3 of the current squad are under 25.

So soccer is a sleeping giant, but it will remain a minor sport in oz for years to come except for those moments when we all love to watch, but they are a few and far between and that is the problem.


One point on your post prodigal son, the south american countries are very different in terms of the player drain. Soccer is and has for a long time been the number one sport, Brazil for example are in not in a position where, soccer is fighting to get a hold of the population's attention, and need all their stars to be at home. Secondly Brazil has so many good players and most of the good ones do play at home until their early 20s, and many return at the end of their careers. Also unlike Australia, Brazil's best play multiple games at home every year, either in the the exhuastive world cup qualifiers or otherwise in copa america. Australia's full side plays in Australia two or three times in 4 years. Its very different.

JOB 3:14

In any case i dont think league has anything to fear from soccer. League needs to worry about the player exodus to England every year. It is a real drain to our experienced playing stocks in this country.


Theres another factor no-ones mentioned yet. Soccer does have the most registered players, but its mostly played by kids and unserious adults. Its image to most Australians is something akin to swimming or basketball - its fun, its easy, its safe but its not 'footy'.

The World Cup got it a huge audience because its always exciting to see the nation compete on such a massive stage. But without the fundamental image change any new converts will be casual and will fade off it before long.

And the fact that Italy knocked us out of the comp with a dive won't help the cause.


Also remember you guys are gonna be much more open to new ideas than most at the moment because your team in your code is going so incredibly badly, the exciting socceroos would have been a welcome change. I bet theres a few essendon supporters thinking soccers great atm too.
I can tell you from a canberra perspective (and i actually play soccer), the socceroos were exciting, but it was just something i was watching between raiders games.

PS You're gonna get flogged this weekend. ;-)


First Grade
greenhat said:
Theres another factor no-ones mentioned yet. Soccer does have the most registered players, but its mostly played by kids and unserious adults. Its image to most Australians is something akin to swimming or basketball - its fun, its easy, its safe but its not 'footy'.

The World Cup got it a huge audience because its always exciting to see the nation compete on such a massive stage. But without the fundamental image change any new converts will be casual and will fade off it before long.

And the fact that Italy knocked us out of the comp with a dive won't help the cause.

Funny thing is soccer is not a easy sport!
League would be classed as 'easier' the skill levels in league dont match those in soccer. Tactically soccer has it over them as well...
The only thing league thrives on is its Physical challenges in which is on the slide now as well


sooperdooper said:
i would like you to please explain your very deep thoughts?

i mean good call from you :)

the physical side of rugby is on the slide...

What you said is bullsh*t, the physical side of league is still there, or maybe your talking about union. First you called it league now your calling it rugby, which game are you talking about.


Gronk said:
I went to a few A-League games to watch Bling FC. I now know why the soccer fans sing the UK - because its boring ! Take away the atmosphere of a World Cup/International and your left with a game that offers few highlights.

Gotta love contrived atmosphere.



First Grade
Daneel said:
What you said is bullsh*t, the physical side of league is still there, or maybe your talking about union. First you called it league now your calling it rugby, which game are you talking about.
Your a tool
please back up your very intelligent call of bull$h*t?
everyone knows that league has changed, the game is not so physical nowdays


let me say this..i have been a seaaon ticket holder at parramatta since 86 and love my league,but i have always had a greater passion for football.i have paid no attention at all to the league during the world cup....the ammount of non football fans that have approached me during the wc and stated how they never knew how skillful and how much tension is involved in a football match is amazing..these same people all league followers who have said they are now football followers only will lead to the game leap frogging in this country...i will always love the eels but when it comes to football nothing gives me heart faiure like it..