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Official Frank Lampard Goal Tally in 07/08

El Coconuto

I'm telling you now, this will be the season Lampard's stock will clearly dip, where even the most ardent Chelsea fans will rightfully rank Steven Gerrard ahead of him.

Fish Eel is exactly right. Michael Ballack is a more complete player than Frank Lampard and has been morbidly misused. (Note: He hasn't been played out of position, he just hasn't been able to play the same way he plays the midfield.) You just can't play Lampard and Ballack at the same time and expect to them to both flourish. Their games don't complement each other.

Of course, Chelsea have dug themselves deep with Lampard and will never replace him with Ballack because they don't want to alienate their English fan base even though they still have Terry, A. Cole, Bridge, Johnson, J. Cole and so on. Which is a shame. Because Ballack would've complemented far more to Shevchenko's development than Lampard has. With all due respect to Frank, he doesn't provide service to his strikers that any world class player provides. Which is fine, if he's happy to be known as the attacking midfielder who takes penalties with both hands wrapped firmly around his neck. But in a "world class team," he's the odd man out.

Which brings me to...

Prediction: 10-12 goals this season from Frank, and a serious dive in all fantasy competitions...


Im sick of people making excuses for Michael Ballack. He had plenty of opportunities to contribute and by and large was terrible. Sure he has alot of class, and probably alot more talent then Lampard. However give me Lampard in a blue shirt over a stroller like Ballack anyday


Sheva was also a tragic figure last season. People harped on about the lack of service, but his fitness/ pace and ability to find space were average. He scuffed at alot of shots. he was a laughing stock.

Both have alot to prove or they will be out of the picture and on the transfer list in January.

El Coconuto

I don't think Sevchencko has much of an excuse at all. He botched more than his share of opportunities at goal. He's lucky he had Didier by his side.

But Ballack is a completely different story. He should be taking all corners, penalties, and free kicks. Lampard is a TERRIBLE set-piece orchestrater. As aformentioned, it was stupid for Chelsea to think that they could bring in Ballack and expect him to do his thing in a team that is gradually becoming dependent on the long ball in attack. The only way he and Lampard will both work is if you throw Lampard right in behind the strikers and give Ballack license to control the midfield from behind. But that would mean sacrificing our holding midfielder (Makalele or Obi Mikel) or one of the wingers (Cole, Malouda, Essien) each of whom need to be on the field. So it's a complete log jam.

I'd love to see the two work it out. But the game plan won't allow it. And right now, it's like mixing milk and orange juice. Individually, they're great. Put them together, and they taste like shiz. If Ballack does go, that will be Chelsea's way of conceeding that they are prepared to live with a bore-fest style of football...


Someone refresh my memory, who is Frank Lampard? Is he that sh*t player that plays for that sh*t team? Or am I thinking of soeone different?


First Grade
Saint Dragon said:
Someone refresh my memory, who is Frank Lampard? Is he that sh*t player that plays for that sh*t team? Or am I thinking of soeone different?

Pascal Cygan left Arsenal two years ago so I have no idea who you're talking about..


First Grade
ocko said:
a great display from fat frank in the charity/community shield :lol:

So we should start analysing trial matches now.

Did you watch him hit a perfect 50m ball onto SWP's chest? Lampard actually played quite well but then again, I know you didn't watch it - you just know he missed a penalty.


First Grade
Bumble said:
Lampard actually played quite well but then again,

lol no, just no. Even you cant admit when he has a bad game do you really think anyone will take you seriously in regards to Lampard?


First Grade
andrew057 said:
lol no, just no. Even you cant admit when he has a bad game do you really think anyone will take you seriously in regards to Lampard?

Who the f**k are you?


Lampard is a shoot on sight type of player which is why he scores so many goals, I rmember a stat that he took the most shots on goal for england at the last world cup and couldnt score once, also meant the likes of rooney didn't get the service they needed. Gerrard is that much better han lampard its not even funny, he scores, he wins the ball, he sets players up, he's a much more complete player. I also rate Scholes in his prime better than fat frank


First Grade
aqua_duck said:
Lampard is a shoot on sight type of player which is why he scores so many goals, I rmember a stat that he took the most shots on goal for england at the last world cup and couldnt score once, also meant the likes of rooney didn't get the service they needed. Gerrard is that much better han lampard its not even funny, he scores, he wins the ball, he sets players up, he's a much more complete player. I also rate Scholes in his prime better than fat frank

And yet, Lampard had more assists than Gerrard last year, AND a higher pass completion %



Bumble said:
So we should start analysing trial matches now.

Did you watch him hit a perfect 50m ball onto SWP's chest? Lampard actually played quite well but then again, I know you didn't watch it - you just know he missed a penalty.

:lol: as a matter of fact i did watch the game

it's utterly amazing how stirred you get over us stirring the pot re: fat frank :lol: may it continue :D

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
ocko said:
it's utterly amazing how stirred you get over us stirring the pot re: fat frank :lol: may it continue :D

You're using a lot more emoticons than him mate.

If anyone's getting stirred it's you.

El Coconuto

Bumble said:
And yet, Lampard had more assists than Gerrard last year, AND a higher pass completion %


Personally, that's why I admire Gerrard. It's the things he does without the ball that makes him so great in my personal opinion. He can control the game without the rock at his feet. Lampard doesn't.

It should also be noted that Lampard takes all the corners and most of the set piece free kicks. Gerrard does not.

Personally, I've always looked at Paul Scholes and Steven Gerrard as the Tim Duncan's of the EPL. They do more for their teams than statistics will ever show. And people who bank their confidence purely in statistics are vehemently tripping...