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OFFICIAL "little things that piss you off" thread


First Grade
Colonel Eel said:
Andy said:
- The trolley boys (men in their mid 20's) down at the supermarket who think they're the coolest dudes on the face of the planet, in their stretch black jeans, desert boots and 12 year old Oakley's... Hello, you're a friggin trolley boy earning 6 bucks an hour!

Depends - my brother was doing that for a while and was clearing $1200.00 a week through a contract....

Was he the trolley business manager??

Eels Dude

budz said:
That Guy said:
Forum Idiot said:
Eels Dude said:
Not being rascist, but people who talk loudly in asian languages in public, eg. on the bus, really pisses me off.
dont get me started on that.


I wish it was legal to beat the sh*t out of them and not get done for assault.
For you guys is it the fact that they talk loudly or that they are talking in a language you cant understand? Are people so pissed off they cant eavesdrop on other peoples conversations?

For me it's the fact they talk loud. It's like they feel it doesn't matter that they talk loud because nobody is going to understand what they're saying anyway. I say if you're gonna at least talk loud enough for everyone to hear, talk english, and it's your fault if people eavesdrop!


First Grade
MysteryGirl said:
I hate when people talk on their mobile phone and drive at the same time.
I hate waiting in line when you have only 3 items and the person infront of you has half the store....and they don't just let you go in front of them.

Man I'm hated - I had no idea! :lol:


Eels Dude said:
budz said:
That Guy said:
Forum Idiot said:
Eels Dude said:
Not being rascist, but people who talk loudly in asian languages in public, eg. on the bus, really pisses me off.
dont get me started on that.


I wish it was legal to beat the sh*t out of them and not get done for assault.
For you guys is it the fact that they talk loudly or that they are talking in a language you cant understand? Are people so pissed off they cant eavesdrop on other peoples conversations?

For me it's the fact they talk loud. It's like they feel it doesn't matter that they talk loud because nobody is going to understand what they're saying anyway. I say if you're gonna at least talk loud enough for everyone to hear, talk english, and it's your fault if people eavesdrop!
The loud talking itself is very annoying. But then again u find plenty of aussies doing that anyways. And a lot of the time id rather not have to listen to the shit they are talking about.
But if you were in an asian country with an aussie would u continue to talk english when u talk to them or would u try and squeaze out the little bit of the other language that u know? What a lot of people dont understand is that they find it much more comfortable speaking their native language because they dont have to think about what they are about to say.
Andy said:
No, I just hate not being able to sit at an un-used table in a packed McDonalds restaurant because it's covered in rubbish.

- Chicken Hunter :lol:

Oh andy andy andy andy my boy. Your annoyance should be with the maccas staff for failing to provide you with a clean table, not the person who left the rubbish there. :roll: Loser. :lol:

The Colonel

Andy said:
Colonel Eel said:
Andy said:
- The trolley boys (men in their mid 20's) down at the supermarket who think they're the coolest dudes on the face of the planet, in their stretch black jeans, desert boots and 12 year old Oakley's... Hello, you're a friggin trolley boy earning 6 bucks an hour!

Depends - my brother was doing that for a while and was clearing $1200.00 a week through a contract....

Was he the trolley business manager??

Pretty much - though the dead heads he had working for him hardly turned up so he did most of the work. He didn't mind cos he didn't have to pay them as well so he used to get more at the end of the month


First Grade
Yeah, i'm talking about the deadheads that worked for your brother. :lol:

And CH, I just hate you, not because you leave your rubbish on Maccas tables.

Stupid grunt:lol:


Post Whore
budz said:
Raider_69 said:
the way i figure it, you live in this country you learn to speak and use our f***ing language, weather your asian, russian, indian or whatever
Well maybe they either havent been in australia to learn the language or they would rather speak in another language so fools like you dont listen in to what they are talking about.
And on the topic of learning the language if you live in the country, i think half of the people on this forum wouldnt be allowed to stay here because only a minority of people here actually know how to use english properly. I mean even in your great sentence you are using the word weather instead of whether. And to add to that you have used your instead of you're. So either learn english properly or go home to a different country as Johns Magic put it nicely. Maybe you can go to russia and actually learn russian properly!

its pretty simple champ.
You live in australia you learn to speak english, and then use our language, i dont give 2 shits if its bad english, your grammers piss poor pronouciation or what ever is shocking, you use the english language, this is Australia, not Asiastralia, Austdian, or Lebastralia, this is Australia, use or language or get the out i recon, so what if people can over hear you, people can over hear me, i couldnt give a rats arse

in closing, people who sit there speaking to each other in another language piss me off


When I'm reaching for the handbrake only to find that my dad has just finished pulling it for me, bloody frustrating.


People who stand in doorways- big space all around and the ONLY place to stop is in the doorway-FFS!

That little button they put on the inside of a shirt or coat.
It just looks so silly when I do it up.

Staplers that aren't big enough to go through all the pages.

Child proof caps- I haven't taken a pill since I moved out of home and geez I miss my metho.


First Grade
PK said:
MysteryGirl said:
I hate when people talk on their mobile phone and drive at the same time.
I hate waiting in line when you have only 3 items and the person infront of you has half the store....and they don't just let you go in front of them.

Man I'm hated - I had no idea! :lol:

Which one are you PK?

Or are you one of those people that has 32 items in the 8 items or less aisle and then try to justify it by saying, "Well, 4 of them are soup - so they are the same....and 6 are cans of corn....that's close..."



I also hate wankers who live in the city or the suburbs and drive 4 wheel drives! :twisted: It's like "Look at me, I've got a small d**k so I'll make up for it by buying this truck, wasting all this petrol driving it and running over small children just so I can sit above all you peasnats even though I never go off-road!" That guy in that new Land Rover add that comes home and nearly has a heart attack because his 4WD actually had MUD on it is exactly the sort of pr**k I'm talking about!

I also hate people who sit on crowded trains, talk in a loud voice and swear like a trooper! Yesterday I was on the train down to TAFE and there were these guys and this chick who was talking loudly, saying stuff like "Yeah so I said to her 'Get f**ked, you're a f**king dirty sl*t', I hate her, che's the biggest merkin...." It was like every second word was "f**k". This old guy told her to "Grow up" then this woman turned around and said "Keep your mouth shut! The rest of the carriage doesn't want to hear you swearing, little girl with your foul mouth!" Seriously, I was THAT close to turning around to face this potty-mouthed skank and saying "Hey stop f**king swearing you f**king merkin! You think every motherf**ker in this carriage wants to hear you say 'F**k' every second f**king word you say? How about you shut the f**k up!" :evil:
I hardly ever swear, by the way. I just wanted to get the point across to this foul mothed skanky westie mole.


Yeah I'm with ya on the 4WD's, especially when you see people trying to park them :roll:
I must admit it's one thing I have noticed with female drivers because it seems to be a popular choice for the family wagon #-o


Post Whore
how abboriginals get it better than whites like getting into uni and paying for stuff

i agree
that annoys me to no end, aboriginals get all these benifits from the aussie government just because of something that happened many many years a go, also people buying uni spots. i know blokes who have worked their arse off only to miss out cause an aboriginal or someone with money who hasnt gone as well has sneared spots