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OFFICIAL "little things that piss you off" thread

The Colonel

MysteryGirl said:
I know you're lying cuz I've talked to some of you aussies and I KNOW you are sick.

Seppos who think they are better than the rest of the world.


People who drive 4WD's that don't really have to.


LU members that seem to have a memory loss when it comes to the rules of this forum and swearing......first 10 or so posts in this thread I had to edit the 'f' word at least 20 times.....clean it up please people, it's not hard to do! #-o


First Grade
Colonel Eel said:
MysteryGirl said:
I know you're lying cuz I've talked to some of you aussies and I KNOW you are sick.

Seppos who think they are better than the rest of the world.


It's not because I'm a seppo that I think this way! :p


Here's an "american" observation for this thread though....
I don't hate this but I die laughing at aussies talking "gangsta". It's funny enough when white people in America do it.


Le Rouge said:
Shaving- All men must join the revolt from the metrosexual insurgence and just stop shaving. Why are we "more" presentable if we shave our faces?.... It Sucks. I think i look better with a bit of stubble.

All women must join the revolt from the magazine culture and just stop shaving and waxing :lol: ;-)


MysteryGirl said:
I hate when people sniffle
I hate when people talk on their mobile phone and drive at the same time.
I hate previews that last too long before the real movie starts.
I hate waiting in line when you have only 3 items and the person infront of you has half the store....and they don't just let you go in front of them.

Why dont you line up in the 8 items or less isle?

The Colonel

MysteryGirl said:
It's not because I'm a seppo that I think this way! :p


Yeah yeah...... :lol:

Here's an "american" observation for this thread though....
I don't hate this but I die laughing at aussies talking "gangsta". It's funny enough when white people in America do it.

I laugh when the actually go to the trouble of typing it..... :lol:


Forum Idiot said:
im sure everyone has plenty. ill get things underway though.

bad drivers. especially merkins who dont check their blind spots and almost take you out everytime they change lanes and then theres merkins who dont quite see the point of using turn signals.

high beams. no point of ever having them on ever! all they do is make things harder for me! why is it that i can drive down the same road as you without mine on but you have to have yours on? i will kill your family!

:lol: You would have killed 90% of QLD drivers by now if you lived up here....they don't believe in turning signals up here :evil:


First Grade
because they are CLOSED!!!

Why do they close the 8 item or less line?
Why do people do all of their shopping late at night when I need 3 things?
Why don't I buy my 3 things in advance? :oops:

fo shizzle dizzle.


Heres sum of my list

-My parents refusing to take me driving coz i dont know how! Well how the hel! will i eva learn if you dont teach me.

-Lying it annoying me so bad I want to scream

-Good Charlote I h8 this bad so much that if im holding something at the time there song comes on the radio it always gets broken :evil:

-Avril man she is nearly as bad as good charlote what is it with all these lame ass pop stars that wannta be punk.........your not get over youselfs...... punk isn't bout catering for whats in.

-My brother.

The Colonel

My 18 mth old son who has to be woken up during the week so we can go to work but will be awake at the first sign of sunlight on Saturday and Sunday mornings.....

Not that I hate him. :lol:


chileman said:
Forum Idiot said:
bad drivers. especially merkins who dont check their blind spots and almost take you out everytime they change lanes and then theres merkins who dont quite see the point of using turn signals.
:lol: You would have killed 90% of QLD drivers by now if you lived up here....they don't believe in turning signals up here :evil:


Note on the super market hates: why does everyone wait until the last minute to buy their shit before a public holiday?
It's like people are preparing for a freakin' nuclear war or something :roll:
Crusader said:
chileman said:
Forum Idiot said:
bad drivers. especially merkins who dont check their blind spots and almost take you out everytime they change lanes and then theres merkins who dont quite see the point of using turn signals.
:lol: You would have killed 90% of QLD drivers by now if you lived up here....they don't believe in turning signals up here :evil:


Note on the super market hates: why does everyone wait until the last minute to buy their sh*t before a public holiday?
It's like people are preparing for a freakin' nuclear war or something :roll:

Probably the same reason as to why you do ;-)


First Grade
- The trolley boys (men in their mid 20's) down at the supermarket who think they're the coolest dudes on the face of the planet, in their stretch black jeans, desert boots and 12 year old Oakley's... Hello, you're a friggin trolley boy earning 6 bucks an hour!

- When 2 lanes diverge into one and the tool in the lane next to you speeds up to get in front of you, then slows down to 10k's under the limit.

- Driving on the pacific highway, stuck behind some fool who wants to drive 10 under the limit, but when double lanes or an overtaking lane appears, they do 10 over. I hope they get cancer.

- Teenagers who think it's funny to yell out to each other, throw food or run around in cinemas during a movie.

- People at McDonalds who eat, then walk away from their table without putting the rubbish in the bin. It only takes 5 seconds and allows other poeple to sit down!

- Parents who don't discipline their devil children.

- Grubby wannabe gangsta's with their graffiti. It looks crap and ruins public property. I wanna spray paint their eyes.

- People who don't know how to use an atm/eftpos facility, and taking what seems like hours. How have they been getting cash for the last 10 years???

- Being asked "Would you like to upsize that for an extra dollar?" after I've specifically said "Can I have the regular zinger combo please?"

- People who complain about their weight, but do nothing about it. Shut the hell up!

- Asians in t-bar lines. They gather in large groups and talk REALLY LOUD, but instead of pairing up, they all go single, and fall off 2 or 3 times and get straight back into the front of the line. Rude culture.


Probably the same reason as to why you do

Actually CH I am attempting to do my REGULAR shopping :p

Parents who don't discipline their devil children :lol: :lol: :lol:
Andy hates me..

Andy, the reason why i dont put my rubbish in the bin at maccas is so the workpeople have to clean it up. Its fun. You are just a goody 2 shoes.


First Grade
No, I just hate not being able to sit at an un-used table in a packed McDonalds restaurant because it's covered in rubbish.

- Chicken Hunter :lol:

The Colonel

Andy said:
- The trolley boys (men in their mid 20's) down at the supermarket who think they're the coolest dudes on the face of the planet, in their stretch black jeans, desert boots and 12 year old Oakley's... Hello, you're a friggin trolley boy earning 6 bucks an hour!

Depends - my brother was doing that for a while and was clearing $1200.00 a week through a contract....

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