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Official NSW Game Two Team

Some set plays would be good but I think more ad-lib footy is the go in Origin with short prep and combinations etc. I'd have B.Stewart sniffing around Tamou, Bird and Gallen etc more for offloads in the middle of the park.
Thurston and co. don't really rely on set moves as much as playing what is in front of them. The Blues support play in game 1 wasn't that great and if they improve there I think they will be in with a good chance.

Well isn't that a form of a set play? It's a strategy to expose QLD big boppers with B. Stewart's speed, not unlike what QLDers did using Inglis a decoy twice to reel in the inside men and score their two first half tries.

Sure, you obviously play what's in front of you, but the QLDers are set up, organised and ready to run a play once they were in the red zone. there's the call for the type of play to be run and then it develops based on how the the defence ends up responding. going back to the QLD tries from smith at acting half, to boyd at the end of the chain, it was known what was going to happen whether it was going to be a kick or going through the hands. slater wasn't lurking around the halves for a kicking play.

in contrast, NSW seemed to have no clue when it came time to capitilise on the territory of the forwards or line breaks out wide. it resorted to just putting the ball onto the boot. yes, a try is a try whether is comes from a kick or taking on the defensive line, but redzone plays from NSW were 90% kicks. once the ball is in the air or on the ground, it is a contest and the outcome can go either way. rugby league isn't simply crash and barge. It's not rocket science either but there are strategies and tactics, particularly at this level when abilities are very similar. It's not unlike American Football where the defence is kept on it's toes determining whether the play is going to be a run or a pass. NSW need to do similar. Get organised, mix it up and keep the QLD defence guessing because in the end, Tate et al knew what the next red zone play was going to be.

Years of the same combinations helps, but this is something NSW have to develop if they are ever going to get a series over this QLD team. I read that Stuart had a meeting with Pearce, Carney & Farah to analyse the Game 1 match because their lack of organisation was clearly the difference between the two teams in that match. Several times, it appeared Pearce or Carney didn't know what Farah was going to do, whether it be pass, take on the line himself, go for bit of a dart before offloading. All good at the Tigers as he has developed a rapport with Benji over many years, but Pearce and Carney just aren't used to that sort of acting half. Sure, Farah should mix it up a bit and take on the line himself, but he also needs to get the ball out the the halves quickly at other time too, and they have to talk it up and get the play organised.

all this talk of NSW forwards being better than QLD forwards means jack if it can't be converted into points.
bit of a sideways diversion, can anyone tell me where I can find out the Blues training times and if they're down at Coogee Oval? wouldn't mind taking a peek at one of their field sessions this week.

Tiger Hawk

1. Carney is an average (at best) defender.
2. Pearce is an excellent defender.
3. Thurston / Inglis / Boyd is QLD's best attacking side - objective observation and the numbers from game 1 back that up.
4. Carney was brushed off too easily in game 1 by Inglis & Taylor (when on the field) on a few occasions.
5. Carney was brushed off too easily last night by significantly inferior opposition, leading to Burt's try that put them in front off the Ryan Morgan break. Think Carney actually yelled "touch, sir!" at the time.

In short, Carney isn't terrible when it comes to defence but he's too often non-commital and sometimes won't put his body on the line - something we can't afford in a must win game. Pearce being there will shore up that side of the field, and I'm much more confident with Carney defending Cronk & Hodges' side of the field.
1. Carney is an average (at best) defender.
2. Pearce is an excellent defender.
3. Thurston / Inglis / Boyd is QLD's best attacking side - objective observation and the numbers from game 1 back that up.
4. Carney was brushed off too easily in game 1 by Inglis & Taylor (when on the field) on a few occasions.
5. Carney was brushed off too easily last night by significantly inferior opposition, leading to Burt's try that put them in front off the Ryan Morgan break. Think Carney actually yelled "touch, sir!" at the time.

In short, Carney isn't terrible when it comes to defence but he's too often non-commital and sometimes won't put his body on the line - something we can't afford in a must win game. Pearce being there will shore up that side of the field, and I'm much more confident with Carney defending Cronk & Hodges' side of the field.

Interesting. Even though he fell off an Inglis fend where the play eventually ended with Morris tackling him out of play, he wasn't the main reason for the two tries down that side.

And Taylor generally plays on the right for Souths & QLD.

The left-side will already be broken up with Lewis going back to the bench, so I guess it has merit, but I would be loathe to pick it apart even further considering how good that side of the field has been with Hayne, Jennings and Pearce whenever they've combined both in defence and attack. I'm assuming Bird is going to slot inside them there now for the run on side.

The Thaiday/Taylor & Hodges combo with Tate down the QLD right isn't much easier anyway. They very nearly got a try down in that corner with Tate just being pushed out by Hayne.

The main problem with NSW down its right side is that it is completely new from last year when it was the SGI combo of Scott-Soward-Gaz. ALways would be teething problems between G.Stewart-Carney-J.Morris considering it's a new combo. Part of the reason QLD attacked it, even when Jennings was off the field.

Tiger Hawk

I wasn't referring to Carney's poor defence as being the reason for QLD's tries, just that on more than one occasion he was fended off, or dropped off, a tackle on Inglis or Taylor, resulting in extra metres and a quick play the ball. I've posted elsewhere that I apportion 70% of the blame for both QLD's tries to Josh Morris - Uate rushing up and in certainly factors but to solely blame the winger for facing a 2-on-1 and making a decision is ludicrous.

I confess to not watching every Souths game but Taylor plays left predominately, both club & Origin. Souths have moved him to the right the last few games that I've watched but he played left for most of last year and certainly operated on the left in Origin game 1 this year IIRC.

That Tate "almost" try came off a deadset five metre forward pass, other than that and a quick scoot from dummy half that caught the NSW markers napping, that side of the field did next to nothing.

Anyway, it won't happen - it should have been identified prior to game 1 - but nonetheless it's a conern.


G. Stewart/Carney/J Morris/Uate defensive combination is a bit of a worry, but no doubt they will do a lot of video on that, and run alot of plays against them.

People are saying that Carney should fire this game, but I'm having some doubts, I know they said nerves got the better of him and so they did. But just because he got them, doesn't mean he will over come them because it's his second game.
For us too win this game Pearce will have to do a little more and Carney will have to fire (obvious). Game two last year was the game Pearce and Soward performed their best and we saw the results. Our halves are the only thing holding us out from a series win, its pretty obvious. Game 1 we would have run 2-3 more tries in had we had a better; more creative performance from our halves.
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Grant is a great inclusion to the point were he will do the hard yards and make a lot of ground and defend very well.

Great of Paul Sironen to reply to a question on Foxsports NEWS on Grant's selection in the SOO.

His arrogant reply was "Tim Who?" (Then he went on about why Galloway should have been there,blah,blah)

So you can see how divided we (NSW) all are with an attitude like this?

No wonder Qld are belting us year in and year out.
Jarryd Hayne selected,that's all that matters

This. Him and Stewart should swap on attack and defense. Imagine Hayne chiming in with the option of powering over or drawing defenders and throwing a cut out pass. If NSW can set that play up really well it's almost impossible to stop., especially if he throws it to Uate.


Grant is a great inclusion to the point were he will do the hard yards and make a lot of ground and defend very well.

Great of Paul Sironen to reply to a question on Foxsports NEWS on Grant's selection in the SOO.

His arrogant reply was "Tim Who?" (Then he went on about why Galloway should have been there,blah,blah)

So you can see how divided we (NSW) all are with an attitude like this?

No wonder Qld are belting us year in and year out.

Apart from club form there's nothing to suggest Grant will make a lot of ground like you suggest, starting him is a massive error imo.

Tiger Hawk

Grant is a great inclusion to the point were he will do the hard yards and make a lot of ground and defend very well.

Great of Paul Sironen to reply to a question on Foxsports NEWS on Grant's selection in the SOO.

His arrogant reply was "Tim Who?" (Then he went on about why Galloway should have been there,blah,blah)

So you can see how divided we (NSW) all are with an attitude like this?

No wonder Qld are belting us year in and year out.
Or maybe he just didn't know who he was?


This. Him and Stewart should swap on attack and defense. Imagine Hayne chiming in with the option of powering over or drawing defenders and throwing a cut out pass. If NSW can set that play up really well it's almost impossible to stop., especially if he throws it to Uate.

Yeah keep imagining.