Yes agree its ironic he used his secret powers for something his government generally isnt onboard with. Thats maybe more than just ironic hey!???
But its also ironic (and funny) that those whinging loudest would love that result .... dont know why this is so hard to accept.
Look, for mine it's funny as f**k he screwed over the Nats and essentially made one of their members his cuck, and in doing so made a decision I'd completely agree with, but that doesn't change the fact that the method by which he makes that decision is complete shit.
That's the ends justifies the means shit, so whilst I like the decision, it doesn't make it at the least bit ironic to shit can him over the way he was able to do so, even if i think f**king over the Nats was also a plus.
If you want Irony, try this one on....
Bridget McKenzie Slams Morrison over his secret minister business...
Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie says the former prime minister's power grab showed 'complete disrespect' for her party.
Bridget McKenzie's current squeeze is Simon Benson....
Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie sent the Twittersphere into overdrive on Tuesday after she was photographed in a regional Victorian hardware store alongside an unidentified male.
Who the f**k is Simon Benson, I'm glad you asked...
He's one of two Journo's who Scotty told about his secret minister business over a f**king year ago, who then kept it secret as well, presumably so as they could have something to push the book they were writing at a later date.
The revelation the former PM had five secret portfolios demonstrates his contempt for colleagues and the longstanding conventions that underpin Australia’s democracy