This merkin from Sydney Uni reckons that not economically viable. I don't agree and reckon that the Sydney Metro is future proofing the network.
Newflash for economists; not everything the government does has to be the cheapest option to qualify as the best option.
The NSW government’s industrial dispute with rail unions over the new intercity trains is tipped to add hundreds of millions of dollars to costs on Australia’s largest infrastructure project that has already blown out by billions.
Furthermore, this guy has a history of favouritism towards the existing heavy rail system. He's salty that his beloved Bankstown line is being converted. Stuck in the old ages.
This quote says it all......
"The NSW government has indicated Metro services will operate up to every
four minutes, but the timetable for the Bankstown line metro is not yet public."
News flash dude. Automated Metro's do not have timetables. Is a train every 4 minutes in peak not enough for you?
I have caught the NW Metro into the city dozens of times, changing at Chatswood (at this stage). Metro trains on Sundays run every ten minutes. Every time I arrive at Chatswood, a Sydney Trains service arrives within minutes. A simple cross platform transfer.
Metro can be easily integrated with the current Sydney system. Thankfully, within 18 months I won't even need to change at Chatswood, as the Metro will give me the choice of three new city stations to alight, depending on my destination.
This guy needs to move on from the 20th century.
Also, if we are building new infrastructure, it's a no brainer to make them metro's and not heavy rail. The construction costs are the same, but the Opex costs are significantly less.
Finally, it is still bullshit what the RBTU are doing.
The new Intercity fleet was fit for purpose. It was the reason the govt chose that particular train. So what if a couple of tunnels in the Blue Mountains had to be widened.
The driver has all the technology in front of him, yet the Union has forced the Govt (the govt should have told them to get f**ked) to cave in, remove all that technology, just so guards can keep their jobs on this fleet.
Disgraceful what the union is doing to this fleet.