Cools, ...... Satts and Sir Thomas (Bishop) actually attended The Park for a Sportsmans Night back in the 90's. I had a good lengthy time chatting with both of them. At the time I was working at the Pub and they were both sharing a room there. Satts was as often stated a perfect gentleman except when I told him to piss off. At the time I was engaged in an intelligent conversation with Sir Thomas and he was autographing my 67 and 73 jersey's. Satts said something like "what are you writing on that shit for." (joking) that is when I told the great man to piss off. He jokingly held out the car keys and told Tommy to look after these while he sorted me out. He was lucky he backed down or I would of flogged him.
(Go the Mullet !!!)
The first time I actually met Satts was when I was a young bloke playing for Sylvania Heights. Must of been 15/16. Our coach was a friend or workmate of John and it was around the time that Souths actually had to direct Satts to have a few weeks off from playing as he was playing with busted ribs.
Anyhow he rocks up to our training night and we were all in awe the great John Sattler had come to watch our training. Next minute he is asking us boys to pack down a scrum and run the ball. Here he was, clutching at his ribs as he is running along with us. Our coach is yelling at Satts just to stay in one spot on the field and we could come back to him. Satts would have none of it. He said something about getting field positions right and it was only his ribs. He'd be right.
One tough B was John Satler