So I wanted to make a thread that hopefully points out how much I think Josh Dugan cops a bit too much hate around here, and from the media in general.
Today Dugan had a press conference where he broke down describing his frustration with always being defined by the worst parts of his reputation. While he has obviously done a fair bit of dickhead stuff, I have always thought he copped too much considering it was mostly silly drunk things. He never assaulted someone, or injured someone, just got on the piss a lot, and I think it's unfair he's often thrown in the same category at Blake Ferguson who literally sexually assaulted a woman.
He spoke today about how the good things he does never ever get mentioned. He raised money for a dying child, does community work, and tries to do good for people, yet is still remembered just for getting drunk and posting something dumb on Instagram.
Dugan has been one of my favourite Dragons players of the last 5 years. He gave his all for our club and I hate to see how some turned on him for leaving despite the fact he'd be crazy not to take the Sharks massive offer. Try and remember the Dugan who cried when he realised he'd played his late game in the Red V last year, rather than the guy who got locked out of an RSL for swearing.
His conference is in this article