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He likes showing off his new boots each week, that's all I'm gonna say
Yes a minor knee complaint apparently.The Broncos fullback that they got from the Warriors is injured.
Well I hope it’s just the kindling.I don't give a flying f**k who the alleged culprit is, I've been out in the bush collecting wood for the bonfire.
It's going to be bigger then cracker night when I let fly with tuppenies at Bob Morgan's cats.
Wasn't he Dave someone can't remember last name"I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day"
Matey I am going in hard, I'm like that big Tassie bloke at the Easter Show.
David FosterWasn't he Dave someone can't remember last name
There are fans all over who have pitch forked Trindall, one of our own. What did you expect?f**k me dead before we start slandering and pitch forking someone…..
Look into the recent mid nth qld coasts MP’s ‘rape’ claims (hint there’s also a damning video…) before you start believing every single allegation as fact.
Providing the Misbehavors engage a "good " lawyer who will back up their lie in court and under oath and threaten any persons who disagree or offer a different perspective with ,slander liable , full force of the law to protect our System and freedoms ... the possibility of truth ,coming out is reduced considerably . At least in a court situation .It Can become a case of Victim being Guilty till proven innocent . or Who has More money to pay best Lawyer. Or whatever social inequalities the Govt is addressing being more important than facts. In my younger days I thought Idea of court was finding Truth and administering Justice.Once the possibility of engaging a lawyer and registering a complaint becomes the task at hand people have a change of opinion about the facts of the matter.
People will always misbehave. Always have always will. They have to be fair game for the legal profession. A trial allows people to speak and testify under burden of perjury. There are more than one side to every story.
Cynical, but I’m sure there’s a lot of truth to that.Court is a place where people use the levers of Justice to prevent the implementation of Justice.