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Yes I know Bottle Forrest Rd , not far from the park there. It’s changed a lot though. A lot of the older homes have been demolished, then subdivided. You know the sort of thing. But it’s still tree lined. I’m near Bega now on 8 acres it can be cold during winter though but I can visit family in Qld to thaw out.
I did 5 years at beautiful Narooma. Some of the best years of my life there. Probably would still be living there if the climate wasn't so cold in winter. 78 to 83
I suffered a serious neck injury in 83 and was told by the Docs to move to a warm climate. Moved north looking for a place to live - found The Park and the rest as they say is history.
I look back and think that I have had a charmed life. Growing up as a snotty nosed brat in the Shire (Gymea) in the late 50s and early 60s was a fantastic time. Two soccer fields over the back fence, just to the north of the Gymea Tech. Shit if parents allowed their kids today what we got up to then they'd be fharcan arrested. Back before the Capt Cook Bridge was built at Taren Point. There was no Gymea High down the end of the street, we watched that being built and bloody Kirrawee High was just some figmant of someones imagination.
We were forever getting flogged for not coming in before dark. It was non stop soccer, league (last try wins) cricket or fighting with the Hotham road grubs.
HEATWAVE STORIES - How is this one. My old man was a long time Garbo in the Shire, back in the days where they even had to shovel the crap out of the back of the garbo trucks. Bodgey boards on the sides to increase the loadsize even. I can remember back when we had stinking hot heatwaves and the old man would hose out the back to the truck if he had it at home, and a heap of the kids from Talara Rd north would pile in the bloody back and off we'd go off to the jungles of Grays Point Road (or was it North West Arm Rd) for a swim.
There wasn't many houses down there back then.
Can you just imagine that today. About 10 to 12 kids of all ages sitting / standing unrestrained in the back of a council truck going down Grays Point Road.
Arhhh the good old days.