Yep vacuous bullshitThe more I hear Ardern speak, the more I can't stand her. No concrete reason why, just get that vibe on people sometimes
And that "let's do this" rubbish makes me cringe every time
NZF won't work with Act.James Shaw rambling on as if he was in a power position.... lol
It'll be National/NZF/Act. Its very illogical to have a party that polls 10% lower, as the leading parliament and Winston knows that.
He should do the right thing via democracy.
NZF won't work with Act.
And you need to think of the Labour / Greens as the left block at 42% of the vote Not Labour at 36%
Still special votes to come in also so maybe see Labour and Greens go up a % so possibly gain a seat.
Labour and Green's have/had the MOU and ran on "changing the government" campaign -so pretty clearly seen by left leaning voters as the way to vote for a specific outcome.Not necessarily. When you form a coalition you form agreements with the leading party, not their allies. For the current government, act has a deal with the nats, UNF have a deal with the nats and the Maoris have a deal with the nats, but act/UNF/Maori dont have deals with each other.
The gap between the two parties Winston will be talking to, is 10%.
Plus he hates the green way more than he hates act.
Just flicked over at ht and saw a couple of mins of that little Greens weasel speaking, reinforced how much I can't stand the Greens !!
Why do you think he's a weasel?
Maggie Barry was a TV host.Sad the Maori party are gone, Labour don't give a shit about Maori, and the f**king weather man, seriously!?!?
Maggie Barry was a TV host.
Lockwood Smith was a TV host.
Donald Tru....m oh nevermind
Except Winston wants rid of the Maori seats?Anti maori backlash ?
Winston got the heave up here too..
Labour have 13 Maori MPs in Parliament this term.Lockwood Smith had a PhD - the other two yes, similar...
Was more a comment on Flavell, who is undoubtedly a very good man, who's people owed him more - he should have gone hard at Labour on the water tax. And Labour who don't give a shit about Maori - hence the Maori Party.
Can we all agree Paula Bennett is the worst politician going around?Winnies policies allign much more with Labour than with National, but working with the Greens may be the stumbling block.
Which MPs really grate you (regardless of your party preference)
I have 3 MPs I cannot stand currently
First and worst of all, Paula Bennett
Secondly, David Seymour
And lastly, more of an honourable mention as recently shes been okay Judith Collins.
I don't like Winnie either, so he's worth a mention.